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    • 1、Passage 11. 【重 点 词】 Stella Bianchi, boys mother【原文定位】第三段【解 析】根据原文中Stella说“I thought she (the boys mother) was coming over to apologize”, 我们可以得出结论,正确答案是A。2. 【重 点 词】 dealing with other peoples children【原文定位】第四段【解 析】原文为“Dealing with other peoples children has become an minefield”,其中“minefield”与D选项中“lots of trouble”对应,所以正确答案是D。3. 【重 点 词】 Professor Naomi White of Monash University【原文定位】第七段【解 析】原文中Naomi White提到 “if youre saying that my child is behaving inappropriately, then thats somehow a criticism

      2、of me”,其中“a criticism of me”指家长心里不好受,所以正确答案是B。4. 【重 点 词】 Andrew Fuller【原文定位】第九段【解 析】原文中Andrew Fuller说“Id go to the child first”, “Usually a quiet reminder that we dont do that here is enough.”其中“Id go to the child first”与A选项中“Talk to them directly”对应,“a quiet reminder”与A选项中“in a mild way”对应,所以正确答案是A。5. 【重 点 词】 the child-centric nature of our society【原文定位】第十六段【解 析】原文中提及到parents “are worried that there will be conflict”, 正好与D选项相对应,所以正确答案是D。6. 【重 点 词】 exhausted from overwork and lack of sleep【原文定位】

      3、第十八段【解 析】B选项中的its difficult to create a code of conduct对应原文中A code of conduct is hard to create, 所以正确答案是B。7. 【重 点 词】 kids got into trouble at school【原文定位】第十九段【解 析】从原文中a kid came home from school and said, I got into trouble, and dad said, You probably deserved it.可以看出家长对孩子的责备,所以正确答案是D。8. 【重 点 词】White, the notions of a more child-centered society【原文定位】第二十二段【解 析】根据段首句White believes out notions of a more child-centered society should be challenged.可以确定答案为challenged。9. 【重 点 词】 treat, as, something【原

      4、文定位】第二十三段【解 析】根据文章中We treat them as objects whose appearance and achievements are something we can be proud of.可以判断出答案为can be proud of。10. 【重 点 词】 Andrew Fuller, behave inappropriately【原文定位】文章最后一段【解 析】由题干中suggest, should not可知,我们应根据针对原文中短语、人称的转换找出Andrew建议我们不要做的事情。根据原文He recommends that we dont stay silent over inappropriate behavior, particularly with regular visitors.可以确定答案是stay silent。Passage 21. 【重 点 词】Susan Anthony, workday【原文定位】第一段第【解 析】根据原文Susan Anthony has an eight-to-five job with two 15

      5、-minute coffee breaks, a one-hour lunch break,可以计算出她的工作时间大约八个半小时,所以D选项是正确的。2. 【重 点 词】how time is regulated, in a foreign country【原文定位】第二段【解 析】 题干中tourists与原文travelers对应, know little about与lack an awareness对应,they can expect to feel somewhat confused, 可以推断选项C是正确的。3. 【重 点 词】achievement, progress, value【原文定位】第二段【解 析】原文中discourage people from wasting time与B选项中cherish time相符,所以正确答案是C。4. 【重 点 词】appeared in a recent newspaper, on-time【原文定位】第三段,第四段【解 析】根据原文or (否则) I would be violating an important rule

      6、of Moms, the schools, or of the worlds, 可以判断出正确答案是C。5. 【重 点 词】regarded as lack of responsibility【原文定位】第五段【解 析】题干中are often regarded as lack of responsibility与原文are often viewed as irresponsible相对应, 所以根据原文判断,正确答案是B。 6. 【重 点 词】hand in assignments on time【原文定位】第六段【解 析】根据原文the professor will lower their grades, 可判断选项D为正确答案。7. 【重 点 词】How much free time do you have?【原文定位】第七段【解 析】原文提及common question were asked as though time were a possession, that is, time is tangible,所以可判断选项C为正确答案。8. 【重 点 词】rather th

      7、an to the past【原文定位】第九段【解 析】题干将原文中的主动语态转变成被动语态,所以通过比较可以确定正确答案是look to the future。9. 【重 点 词】rapid changes, society, every generation【原文定位】第十段【解 析】此题是对原文句子的同义转述,题干中usually与原文not uncommon对应,所以答案应该是experience a “generation gap”。10. 【重 点 词】individuals and their cultures, how time is【原文定位】最后一段【解 析】原文中valuable insights 与题干的a thorough understanding相对应,所以可以判断答案是regulated, divided and perceived。Passage 31. 【重 点 词】Television, attractive advertising medium【原文定位】小标题Television部分第一段行【解 析】题干中的短语in that与原文中becau

      8、se意义相同,而原文中的mass audiences与A选项中 的large audiences意义相同,所以正确答案是A。2. 【重 点 词】the increase in the number of TV channels【原文定位】小标题Television部分第二段第六行【解 析】原文提及an increase in the number of television channels has also resulted in an increase in the sheer number of advertisements,这与选项D的意思相符,所以正确答案是D。3. 【重 点 词】newspaper【原文定位】小标题Newspaper部分内容第六行【解 析】题干中compared with television说明解题要点为电视与报纸相比较的优缺点,而原文提及newspapers provide a way for advertisers to communicate a longer, more detailed message to their audience than

      9、 they can through television, 所以确定选项B为正确答案。4. 【重 点 词】advertising on radio continues to grow【原文定位】小标题Radio部分第一段第五行【解 析】根据原文radio provides a way for advertisers to communicate with audience members at all times of the day,可以看出选项C符合该意思,所以正确答案是C。5. 【重 点 词】Magazine,an efficient way【原文定位】小标题Magazine部分第一段第六行【解 析】根据原文advertisers see magazines as an efficient way of reaching target audience members可以看出正确答案是A。6. 【重 点 词】out-of-home advertising, more effective【原文定位】小标题Out-of-home部分第一段第五行【解 析】原文提及more consumers travel longer distances to and from work, which also makes out-of-home advertising effective, 可以看出选项B为正确答案。7. 【重 点 词】the challenge to Internet advertisers, create ads【原文定位】小标题Internet部分第一段第四行【解 析】原文提及the challenge


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