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    • 1、Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.- Shakespeare如何解决新TOEFL中的插入句子题在新TOEFL中出现了一种题型是以往老TOEFL中没有考过的一种题型就是插入句子题 给出一句话让我们来判断这句话应加入一个段落四个方块的哪个部分,用鼠标双击所选的黑色方块即可.这种题目本身不难做,因为需要加入的句子有明确的提示,如This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages.要求将这句话插入一段话中.我们只需要找到关健词question就可以直接去找哪句话可能是作者提出的问题,将这句话加在那句话之后即可.Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the foss

      2、il record. how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged? Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate or transitional between land mammals and cetaceans. very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what to be the oldest fossil whale. 你会发现只有how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged?这句话是一个问题,所以应放在这句的后面.正确答案就是:

      3、 Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. how was a gap between a walking mammal and a swimming whale bridged? This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages. Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate or transitional between land mammals and cetaceans. very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins of cetaceans. In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what to be th

      4、e oldest fossil whale.针对这种题型我们到底要如何解决:1、 分析要插入的句子的主干,重点看的是这句话的开头和结尾,因为这句子是承前启后,在这个前提下我们要抓住这句话的核心和主干。2、 读四个方块的开头和结尾寻找相关信息,采取关健词同义复现原则3、 双击被选中的方块接下来我来给大家讲解一下如何操作 one method of popping corn involved skewering an ear of corn on a stick and roasting it until the kernel popped off the ear.(一种爆玉米花的方法是将一穗玉米串在棍子上烘烤真到玉米粒爆开从穗上落下)。Corn was also popped by the first cutting the kernel off the cob, throwing them into a fire, and gathering them as they popped out of the fire.(玉米也可以通过收玉米时就从玉米棒子上切下来,扔到炉火中,当他们爆开后从

      5、炉火中飞出收集在一起)。 In a final method for popping corn , sand and unpopped kernels of corn were mixed together in a cooking pot and heated until the corn popped to the surface of the sand in the pot(最后一种方法爆玉米花就是把沙子和未爆玉米粒 混在一起放在蒸煮罐加热直到玉米都爆开到沙子的表面. Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the first paragraph of the passage. Native American have been popping corn for at least 5000 years, using a variety of different methods. Click on a square to add the sentence

      6、to the passage. 要插入的句子首先要看一下基本的结构,主谓宾带了一个现在分词,现在分词在句尾两种功能 1)伴随动作状态,2)伴随功能结果。而本句话前半部分说了北美印地安人爆玉米花已有5000的历史,分词应该是表示的状态,表达是爆玉米花时使用不同的方法。本句话的关键词是different methods.而从上文我们可以看得出三话讲了三个方法。所以要插入的句子是一个总论。所以应加在第一方块前。从这个例子,我们可以看出一句话的结尾所表述的含义是多么的重要,刚才我讲解的这个题目只利用句子的结尾关键词复现法,下面给大家举一个开头关键词复现的例子例2 This traditional Native American dish was quite a novelty to newcomers to the Americas. (这种土著美州食物对于新到美洲的人来说是全新的。) Columbus and his sailors found natives in the West Indies wearing popcorn necklaces, and explorer Hernand

      7、o Cortes described the use of popcorn amulets in the religious ceremonies of the Aztecs.( 哥伦布和他的船员在西印度群岛发现当地原住民带着苞米花做的项链,而探险家Hernando Cortes 描述了阿芝台克人在宗教仪式上采用苞米花护身符。) According to legendary descriptions of the celebratory meal, Quadequina, the brother of chief Massasoit, contributed several deerskin bags of popcorn to the celebration.(根据传说的对于描述庆典宴会,Quadequina, 是Massasoit酋长的弟弟给庆典带了好几鹿皮口袋的苞米花) Look at eh four squares that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the second paragraph of

      8、 the passage A century after these early explorers, the pilgrims at Plymouth may have been introduced to popcorn at the first Thanksgiving dinner.Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.本句子只要看到了 a century after these early explorers, these根据代词指代原则 上文一定提过而且不止一个人,所以本句话应该在整段话倒数一句的前面如何解决新TOEFL阅读中的细节题一、问法多采取下列模式1. According to the passage,?” 2. It is stated in paragraph X3. It is indicated in paragraph X4. It is mentioned in paragraph X二、文章如何处理-请记住下列口诀通读原文不可取,带着问题看原文四种句子仔细读比较句,强调句段首段尾转折句

      9、重准确,轻速度平时做题不猜题下次连载我将把这种阅读方法进行系统讲解,本次重点讲细节题三、不用通读全文,只要看到细节部分,不要看全文推理 常可回原文定位找到-找相近,找相似回原文定位关健词定位法:a、题目本身带有大写或斜体b、题目本身带有年代或与年代有关c、回原文定位要使用纯名词d、出题顺序多半和行文顺序相同e. 选项本身提示的共同信息,四个选项拥有相同的部分,就本题在问的部分四、举例说明例如:Crescent-shaped lake Baikal,in Siberia,is only the ninth largest lake in area at 385 miles(620km)in length and 46miles (74km) in width, yet it is easily the largest body of fresh water in the world.(新月般的贝加尔湖位于西伯利亚,是第九大的湖,长385英里,宽46英里,然而它是世界上最大的淡水湖).It holds one fifth of the worlds total freshwater, which is more than the total of all the water in five Great lakes;(它拥有世界上五分之一的淡水,比五大湖全部的水还多很多); it holds so much fresh water in spite of its less-than-impressive area because it is by far the worlds deepest lake.(尽管面积不大但淡水很多因为它是世界上迄今为止最深的湖)The average depth of the lake is 1312


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