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    • 1、Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern heroPeriod Four Reading 2 and language study学习目标1. 熟读课文,了解文章结构,熟悉文章情节。2. 掌握并运用下列单词和短语:escape, come to power, the first time, fear, reward.3. 掌握should have done的用法。重点难点重点单词、短语的掌握及运用。新知预习翻译下列单词或短语1. 逃脱,逃走_ 2. 教育,训练_3. 当权,上台_ 4. 请求,乞求_5. 残忍,残酷_ 6. 报酬;奖赏_7. 建立;设立_ 8. 被判处(徒刑)_9. 总统_ 10. 意见;看法_课堂探究【探究1】课文理解Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions.1. Was Elias happy when he heard the name of Robben Island? Why?2. When did Mandela teach the prison

      2、ers?3. When Elias was out of work, how did his wife and children lead their life?4. When did Elias lose his job?5. Why did Elias feel bad the first time he talked to a group?6. Whats his present job? What does he think of his work now?【探究2】重点词汇1. escape (P38, L2)It was a prison from which no one escaped.(译)_【例释】1) His name escaped me for the moment.2) The boy escaped being punished/punishment.3) The prisoner has escaped from the prison. 【归纳】1) escape vi. vt. & n._ 2) escape from/out of_3) a narr

      3、ow escape_ 4) escape vt. 后面跟_【运用】完成句子1) They tried their best_(从燃烧的大楼中逃出来).2) Theres no way to _(逃避做这项工作).3) The mistake _(我没注意到这个错误).4) The little bird was lucky enough to escape _.A. to catch B. to be caught C. being caught D. catching2. come to power (P38, L13)I did not work again for twenty years until Mr. Mandela and the ANC came to power in 1994.(译)_【例释】1) De Gaulle came to power in 1958.2) The dictator(独裁者) has been in power for seven years. 3) They are hoping to return to power.【归纳】1) co

      4、me to power _= come into power 2) be in power_ 3) lose power _【运用】完成下列句子1) The leader of this party _(上台) after he won the election.2)He _(下台) in 1959.3. the first time (P38, L15)I felt bad the first time I talked to a group. (译)_ 【例释】1) I started the moment/ the minute/ the instant your letter arrived. 2) What was the name of the hotel he had stayed in the last time he was in Beijing?3) He comes to see me every time he comes back.4) He liked the dog the first time he saw it.【归纳】1) the first/sec

      5、ond/last time可作连词词组,引导时间状语从句,通常译为_。2) the moment/the minute/the instant = as soon as_ 3) every / each time_ 4) next time _ 5) any time_6) 有时副词也可以充当连词,引导时间状语从句,它们是:instantly, immediately, directly 等,相当于as soon as。7) for the first/second time“第一次/第二次”只作状语,不能引导状语从句。 【运用】完成下列句子1) We hadnt met for years, but I recognized him _(我一见他).2) _(每次我拜访他) he was very busy.3) It was in London that _(我第一次见到格林先生).4)_ Uncle Tom came, he would bring us some gifts.A. For the first time B. Every time that C. Every ti

      6、me D. The first time that4. fear(P38, L16)All the terror and fear of that time came back to me.(译)_【例释】1) He was shaking with fear. 2) I fear that youll be late if you dont go now.3) He left an hour earlier for fear of missing the train.【归纳】fear n _ vt. _【拓展】I fear so.=Im afraid so. I fear not=Im afraid not. for fear of/ for fear that 担心 in fear 惊恐地 【运用】选择正确答案1) -He wont get well until tomorrow.-_.A. Im afraid B. I fear so C. I hope so D. I dont hope so2) Mrs. Smith locked both the front and the

      7、 back doors before she went to bed _ that someone might steal into the house at night.A. so B. for fear C. in fear D. unless5. reward (P38, L19) They said that the job and the pay from the new South African government were my reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks.(译)_【例释】1) How can I reward you for your help?2) Theyre going to reward him with a lot of money.3) I sent him a book in reward for his help.【归纳】1) reward n._ vt. _2) reward sb. for_3) reward sb. with_4) in reward for _【运用】完成下列句子1) She received a medal _(为答谢) her kindness.2) The teacher rewarded the girl _ a pen _ winning the first prize. A. at; of B. with; for C. for; with D. for; for【探究3】佳句赏析1. He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we should have been asleep. (P38, L4) (译)_这是一个复合句。句中的when引导是_从句;修饰先行词_;句中的should have done 意为_


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