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    • 1、Book 5 Module 3 (学案)第一课时 重点单词编写人: 审核人:刘同军 时间:学习目标:记忆本单元所有单词,掌握account,lie,panic,fright,warn,determine的用法教学步骤:Step 1: 课前检测 (5分钟)Step 2: 重点单词讲解 (15分钟)1. account n 叙述,描写,报道,账单 1)take. into account 把. 考虑在内The difficulty is that he didnt take the human mind into account.困难就是他没有把人的心理考虑在内。2)on account of 因为,由于 account for 解释,说明2. lie vi. 躺;位于 撒谎vi. & n.汉语原形过去式过去分词现在分词放;置;产卵;下蛋 vt.laylaidlaidlaying躺;位于vi.lielaylainlying说谎vi.lieliedliedlyinglie in 位于Shanghai lies in the east of China. 在于 The trouble lies

      2、 in the engine. 问题在于发动机。tell lies/ a lie 说谎3. panic (panickedpanickedpanicking) vt./vi./n. (使)恐慌 in (a) panic 在恐慌中;惊慌地 get into a panic 陷入恐慌Office workers fled(逃跑)in panic as the fire took place.(发生).4. fright n. 恐惧;害怕 frighten vt. 使害怕frightened adj.害怕的 frightening adj.令人害怕的5. warn v.警告;告诫warn sb of sth警告某人当心 / 提防The leader warned us warned of/ against the serious situation.领导警告我们面临的严峻形势warn sb against (doing ) sth警告某人不要做某事warn sb not to do劝某人不要做We all warned him not to drive in the downtown bef

      3、ore he got a driving permit.= We all warned him against driving in the downtown before he got a driving permit.我们都警告他在拿到驾驶证之前不要开车到闹市。warn sb that 提醒某人.I warn you that you must knock at the door before entering my office next time.我警告你,下一次进我办公室要先敲门。warning n 提醒,警告6. determine v.决定determined adj.已下定决心的;坚定的 be determined to do sth下定决心做某事 determine to do sth下定决心做某事=make up ones mind to do sth下定决心做某事I am determined to find out who is responsible for this. = I determine to find out who is responsible

      4、for this.= I make up my mind to find out who is responsible for this.我决定要查明谁应为此负责。第二课时 Adventure in Literature and the Cinema 编写人: 审核人:刘同军 时间:学习目标:理解课文Adventure in Literature and the Cinema ,掌握下列重点短语及句型教学步骤:Step 1: 课前检测 (5分钟)Step 2:短语基础点过关(5分钟)1. have connection with 与有联系、关联Does lung cancer have connection with smoking? have something to do with be connected with be related to 与.有关2. run away from 逃走、逃脱、逃避3. pour down 大雨倾盆而下4. by the light of 借助的光线5. look like a house 看起来像个房子6. half in and half

      5、out of the water 一半沉在水里,一半露在水面上7. to ones astonishment to the astonishment of sb. 使人惊讶的是much to ones astonishment to ones great astonishment 令人大为惊讶的是8. persuade sb. to do说服某人做某事 persuade sb not to do 说服某人不干某事9. Ive had enough of you. 我受够你了。10. die of fright 吓死了11. 以为背景 be set in12. 想要做某事/有做某事的心情 feel in the mood for / to do something13. 稍等片刻 hang on a minute14. 立刻;马上; 快点儿 get a move on15. 匆忙吃完 grab a bite to eat16. 首先;作为开始 to start with = for a start 17. 过冒险的生活 live / lead an adventurous life18.

      6、 从动身前往 set off from . for.19. 乘船 take a boat = by boat20. play a trick on sb play tricks on sb 捉弄某人,对某人恶作剧21. make up(1) 编造(说法,解释),(2) 组成 (3) 弥补 (4) 化妆(5) 和好Step 4:重点短语及句型 (15分钟)1. It looks as if itll go under soon. 看来汽艇好像很快就要沉下去了。He sounds as if hes going to die of fright. 听上去他好像要被吓死了。as if = as though“仿佛, 好像”,可在look, feel, smell, taste, sound等系动词后引导表语从句。It seems as if it is going to rain.2. So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat, keeping as quiet as mice. 于是我们划了过去,像老鼠一样悄无声息地爬山汽艇。1)

      7、 keeping as quiet as mice作伴随状语,表示与句子主语是主动关系2) She sat there, reading a book. They came into the classroom, singing and dancing. 3. I could see a man lying on the floor. 我看到一个人躺在地上。see watch notice observe look at(看), listen to hear(听), feel(感觉) + 宾语+宾补1)see watch notice observe look at, listen to hear, feel+ sb. +doing(强调动作正在进行) do (说明的是一个动作的过程) 2)see watch notice observe look at, listen to hear, feel+sthsb done (被动) Mr. Brian has just heard Zheng Jie playing the piano in a concert. 布莱恩先生刚刚听了郑杰在

      8、音乐会上的钢琴演奏。 Im very glad to see the children taken good care of.看到这些孩子们得到很好的照顾,我很高兴。 (宾语和宾语补足语之间是被动关系,则用过去分词作宾语补足语)(1) 作感官动词的宾语补足语的动词不定式须将to省去。但是变成被动语态时,必须带上to The police observed a man enter the bank.警察注意到一个男人进了银行。(被动句)A man was observed to enter the bank by the police. 一个男人被警察注意到进了银行。4. There were two men standing over him.旁边两个人盯着他。There be + 主语 + to do / doing / done(作定语)动词不定式表示将要发生的事情;现在分词表示正在进行的动作;过去分词表示被动或完成的1) There were a lot of peple in the street watching (watch) the big fire.2) There are many good programs broadcast(ed) (broadcast) on CCTV.3) There is a lot of work to do (do) tonight, so I wont go home.5. It was a gun (that) he had in his hand.他手里拿的是一把枪。强调句型:It is / was + 被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+that / who(人)+ 句子的其他成分判断方法:去掉“It is / wasthat / who”后,句子仍通顺完整(有时需调整句子的语序),则为强调句型。It was in the park that Tom met your sister yesterday.(强调地点状语)2)强调句型的一般疑问句:Is / Was it that / who? Was it in the park that Tom met your sister yesterday?3)强调句型的特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+is / was it that Whe


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