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    • 1、人民网教育频道海天王军2012考研英语写作强化教程(讲义篇) 短文写作部分Sample 1The picture shows that a man is trying to increase the shadow of a small tree by painting fake shadows on the floor, which is just concentrating on the trifles and neglecting the essentials. We may well conclude that he doesnt realize that quality is the essence. Painting fake shadows is the same as pursing fame without enhancing ones inner quality.Many examples can be found to prove the point demonstrated by the picture. And the example of Ni Ping, a

      2、 female star in China, is a typical one. Unlike other popular stars who are trying to augment fame by hook or by crook, she is modest in usual time but generous when donating for the earthquake-hit areas, so she earned a great reputation without publicizing herself over the media. In our daily life, most people realize that inner qualities matter more. However, many of them are behaving in an opposite manner.So to sum up, it is a truth beyond dispute that personal inner quality is essential. And

      3、 the first step we should take is to equip ourselves with knowledge needed in our work and daily life. Then, it is necessary for us to endeavor to be more considerate of others. Most important of all, action speaks louder than words, so we should try to fulfill our value by what we do instead of what we say.Sample 2The picture shows both the top students and the so-called bad students are suffering from great stress. On the one hand, the top students parents encourage her to work hard to keep he

      4、r first place in class. On the other hand, the so-called bad student s parents are urging him to make efforts to get a higher rank. We may draw a conclusion that all the students are being stewed under the studying pressure.There are many reasons responsible for the phenomenon. Firstly, parents expectations are a big source. They expect too much of their children and therefore impose too much pressure on them. Secondly, schools give their students a lot of studying practices and examinations so

      5、as to make them perform well in their entrance examinations. Thirdly, the fierce competition from the whole society has invaded into the schools, which adds to the pressure students suffer from.Considering all these reasons, I think two methods should be employed to alleviate the load on students. For one thing, parents should not expect too much of their children and they should give the kids more free time and space, allowing them to get in touch with the outside society. For another, school s

      6、hould pay more attention to the all-round development of students instead of only to the examination performance. Only in this way, can students develop in a healthy way.Sample 3As is realistically indicated in the drawing above, a man is struggling hard to fight against heavy rain and forging ahead in adversity. What is conveyed in the drawing can make all of us think deeply.The implication of the drawing can be interpreted with respect to adversity and positive reaction. To begin with, adversi

      7、ty is an integral part of our life. Every living person has problems. A problem-free life is an illusion. Accept that fact. Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its low point. Life has its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys. No one is up all the time, nor are they down all the time. Problems do end. They are all resolved in time. Whats more, positive reaction to the adversity creates tough people. The tough people who survive the tough times choose to react positively to their predi

      8、cament. Tough times never last, but tough people do. History teaches us that storms always give way to the sun.Take Liu Xiang for example. In 2008 Bejjing Olympic Games, he had to abandon his bid for gold medal due to his physical ailment, which made him plunge into the nadir of his career. However, Liu bravely faced his adversity and did not give up hope. He persisted in his sports life and won a gold medal in Guangzhou Asian Games in 2010. Sample 4As is humorously demonstrated in the drawing a

      9、bove, a man is shouldering a huge axe and intends to cut down the last tree of our planet. The tree can no longer tolerate the mans action and get ready to take its revenge on him. What is conveyed in the drawing reflects a reality and is most thought-provoking.The main purpose of the painter can be interpreted in terms of conserving natural resources and protecting our environment. To begin with, natural resources should be conserved in order to keep sustainable development. It is well known that natural resources are limited. And some of them are not renewable. Thus, it is a must to make wise use of natural resources. In addition, excessive exploitation of natural resources must be prohibited so as to protect our environment. At present, it is a pervasive phenomenon that human beings are excessively exploiting natural resources including forest, oil, coal and gas. As a result, natural disasters such as flood an


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