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    • 1、2013考研英语写作A节冲刺一、考查内容1考研英语(一) (1)已考查类型 2005 拒绝信(职位)2006 请求信(希望工程) 2007 建议信(图书馆) 2008 道歉+建议(归还CD) 2009 建议信(白色污染) 2010 告示(国际会议志愿者) 2011 推荐信(电影) 2012 欢迎、建议(国际交换生来校) (2)未考查类型感谢信投诉信祝贺信申请信邀请信2考研英语(二) (1)已考查类型2010 感谢+邀请信 2011 祝贺+建议信 2012 投诉+建议信 (2)未考查类型申请信辞职信 请求信(寻求帮助)道歉信 推荐信 邀请信告示 花了9600元参加北京一个签约包过的研究生考试辅导班,去年该辅导班提供的押题资料押题命中率超高。需要该辅导班陆续发布的押题资料可以加我QQ735031320免费索要,来者不拒,逐一陆续发送给大家, 希望同学们都能顺利通过考试。二、未考查类型范文1. 投诉信Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to lodge the complaint about the poor quality of . that I purchased

      2、from Sun Appliance Company. Frankly speaking, Sun Appliance has always been my favorite. The machine operated well at first, but ten days later, there was a fault that bothered me, that is, the fan made so much noise that I could not sleep well at night. Worse still, . Its poor quality ruined almost all my previous impression toward your products. I strongly suggest that a repairman or a service engineer should be sent to my home without delay. I wonder if you could pinpoint the exact cause of t

      3、he malfunction as soon as possible. If you cant, I am afraid that I will request for full amount of refund or a new. I would appreciate all your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your reply. Yours Sincerely, Li Ming2. 感谢信Dear Sir/Madam,Im writing to extend my heartfelt thanks to all the nurses and doctors in your hospital. Last month, while I was on a business trip in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, I suffered from a bad cold and

      4、a fever, so I was sent to Ward Rom 201, Chaoyang Medical Center. During my stay at hospital, nurses on duty patiently took my temperature, regularly examined my body, and often fed meals to me. In addition, doctors prescribed me the most effective drugs and gave the best medical advice. Thanks to the constant care from the hospital staff, I recovered quickly. Now that I have returned home, the excellent service of your hospital still impresses me. I believe that as patient, I have received the m

      5、ost professional treatment and the most considerate care. Please allow me to convey my sincere greetings toward the doctors and nurses that contribute all their efforts, patience and energy to their patients. Nothing can express my gratitude except my best wishes to them. If you have anything that needs my help, please dont hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 3申请信Dear Sir/Madam,Im writing for a precious opportunity to work in a bank that enjoys years of reputation. I read todays Bei

      6、jing Youth this morning, pleased to discover that your bank is looking for a cashier (an accountant). I wonder if you could be free to have a pleasant talk with me, for all the requirements specified in your advertisement tend to fit my present situation. For one thing, as September closes in, I am going to graduate from college with a Bachelor Degree. For another thing, after four-year study at college, I received extensive training in Accounting, Analytical thinking and Business planning. All

      7、of them are considered definite weight for a qualified bank clerk. Still, Speaking Japanese fluently, I dont think I have any problem while working with other colleagues. Under these circumstances, I firmly believe that I can contribute to prosperity of your company because I am a self-motivated person. On the other hand, a foreign bank with an international background will enrich my working experience and broaden my mind, thus paving a way for my prospective career.I would appreciate your assis

      8、tance in this matter. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your reply.Sincerely Yours。Zhang Li4邀请信Dear Professor Herb Jason,I am Li Nan, dean of the History Department, Peking University. I am writing to invite you to participate in an international convention that is to be held in Beijing on September 12, 2005. Since your visit in Beijing last year, all the teachers that attended your lecture have been deeply impressed with your thorough knowledge and p

      9、rofound understanding of the subject. We would be pleased if you could come, as our guest of honor, to the International Conference on Chinese History, If possible, would you please deliver a speech on whatever subject that interests you. Enclosed in this letter is a time schedule for the event. You would, of course, receive our standard honorarium to cover traveling and other expenses. When you arrive in Beijing, I will certainly meet you at the airport.Please let me know your date of arrival if you can come and tell us when you can make the trip. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. Look


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