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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作华为人力资源管理(HRM)华为的人力资源挑战文化冲突IntroductionBackground of HuaweiIn 1987,Ren Zhengfei,then 44 years old,founded a telecom equipment-trading firm in Shenzhen,China,with startup capital of CNY 21,000.By the end of 2014,Huawei had 170,000 employees in more than 170 countries and regions,serving more than one-third of the worlds population,and leading the world in international patent applications.Over 30 years,it has grown to become the largest telecom company in the world.As

      2、 well as that,it has operations and representative offices in more than 100 countries and serves over 1 billion users worldwide.Huaweis success boils down to two fundamental elements:the changing technology environment and the creativity of its people,so we can realize that employees play a very important role in Huawei and the human resources management is very crucial to HuaweiHuman resources challenges of HuaweiAccording to Fang Lee Cooke(The International Journal of Human Resource Management

      3、,2012,p.1845),there are several challenge to HRM in host countries and management responses of Huawei.First,because salaries are based on performance levels,inexperienced local new hires may have lower wages.Second,unlike local employment laws,as foreign companies,they need to comply more strictly with these laws than China.Third,how to strike a balance between employee development and cost-effective employee disbursement is sometimes a dilemma because HCN employees need training and development

      4、 opportunities and then leave more famous Western multinationals.Fourth,multiculturalism and diversity management is another issue.Huawei may be one of the few Chinese companies that actively adopt the concept of multiculturalism and diversity management.Fifth,the lack of approval from local employees and their employers and the lack of acceptance of the corporate culture of Chinese enterprises are a double challenge to the issue of retention.The key challengeCultural clash is one of the key hum

      5、an resources aspects that affected Huawei.Huawei as a multinational company,the objective existence of the companys internal cultural differences,is bound to cause cultural conflicts in the enterprise.As the process of global integration accelerates and the flow of human resources in multinational enterprises like Huawei continues to accelerate,this cultural friction will increase day by day and gradually begin to manifest itself in the internal management and external operation of transnational

      6、 corporations,resulting in the loss of market opportunities for transnational corporations and the inefficiency of the organizational structure and make the implementation of the global strategy in trouble.Therefore,this essay will attempt to demonstrate how the Huawei can solve this problem and develop better for its brighter future using human resources management practices.Main discussionsHuaweis problem of human resourcesWhile Huawei successfully achieved its trans-national development,Huawe

      7、i also encountered many challenges in its human resources management.The transnational management practice of Huawei shows that one of the important factors that affect transnational management is that various cultural conflicts arise from the differences in value orientation and behavior among people from different cultural backgrounds.How to realize the absorption and integration of culture has become a problem that Huawei constantly solves in transnational management.How to solve the cultural

      8、 conflict of human resource management in HuaweiWith the continuous expansion and development of overseas affiliates of Huawei,Huawei conducts cross-cultural human resources management mainly through the following tactics:1. Localization strategyLocalization strategy which means the concept of global adaptation is the business trying to integrate into the target market,and strive to become a target market strategy adopted.The essence of“localization”is the process of multinational corporations i

      9、ntegrating production,marketing,management and personnel into the economy of the host country in an all-round way.Generally,they conduct a series of surveys to understand the actual local economy,culture and customs.At Huaweis overseas offices,everyone strives to create an atmosphere in which everyone,regardless of nationality and race,is a Huawei employee.Both Chinese and foreign cultures constantly collide and merge with each other.Under the influence of Huaweis culture,Huawei is gradually presenting its diversified and international characteristics.With the gradual implementation of“localization”business strategy,the ratio of Chinese and foreign employees in overseas institutions of Huawei continuously changes.l Culturally compatible strategyCulturally compatible strategy is also the most important thing which need to understand the differences between different cultural concepts.Therefore,Huaw


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