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    • 1、徐州三原自动化皮带秤中英文调试大纲The outline of debugging一. The install preparation before test调试前准备1. 在输送机框架上安装好皮带秤Install the belt scale on the static test frame.2. 调整称重传感器拉杆,使框架平面处于相同水平位置Adjust the load cells pulling pole, to ensure the scale frame and test frame are in the same level.3. 打开电源对传感器进行预热30分钟Turn on the instrument power, the load cells are on power for about 30 minutes.预热30分钟4. 测量传感器输出值,如果不同,则调整拉杆,使其输出相同Test the load cells output, if they are different, the pulling pole should be adjusted. To ens

      2、ure they output is the same.二. Adjust the contents调试内容 1. ZERO accumulative total零点累计值: 皮带空荷运行整数圈后,零点指示器的累计示值应不大于这段时间内,在最大流量下所应累计负荷的百分比:0.05%Empty in leather belt movement integral an empress, the zero orders the total amount of the indicator shows value should not very in this time inside, a percentage for should total amount carrying under the biggest discharge:0.05%Measure time测量时间minZERO accumulative total零点累计示值kgError允差kgConclusion结论2. STATIC STATE RESOLUTION在皮带秤上放置链码,皮带运转整数圈,记录累计示值,照此共做5次,

      3、五次检测结果中的最大值与最小值之差,与五次称量累计示值平均值之比,应符合0.25%的要求。 belt weighers ascend place Chain code, leather belt revolve integral turn, record total amount showed value, shone on this totally did 5 times, five times examine result of the biggest value is worth and bad with least, with measure five times the total amount shows the value average worth ratio, at the request of match 0.25%.Test No. 1 2 3 5 6Total累计值(kg)极差Errormax(kg)允差Errorallowable结论Conclusion三、EXPLAIN说明调试结束后,皮带秤可投入正常运行,若运行过程中,对所过物料的重量有所怀疑,则可用高于精

      4、度0.25%的其它秤(比如斗秤、汽车衡等)对皮带秤所称的物料进行核准,若超差,则可用链码重新对皮带秤进行标定。 Adjust to try the be over empress, belt weighers can throw in the normal movement, if circulate the process inside, having the doubt to a weight for over material, then canning use higher than accuracy 0.125% other the weighers ( for example the weighers of bicker , car weighers etc.) proceeds the sanction to the belt weighers a material for calling, if super bad, then can use the Chain code to proceed to the belt weighers.徐州三原自动化技术有限公司常年低价提供原厂备件MT2101,SYDL2105,SY3011,XR2105,SY2105,2001,ET2000等称重控制器。60-12X,PLR-12R测速传感器,STC,SHBXR,HBB,HBM等称重传感器。电子皮带秤,定量给料机,失重秤现货供应,无法提供详细型号可根据现场推荐型号,对于现场无法更换的客户可以无偿提供技术支持或者现场技术服务。


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