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    • 1、Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations,广告、促销及公共关系,16 - 1,Objectives目标,Understand the roles of advertising, sales promotion, and public relations in the promotion mix. Know the major decisions involved in developing an advertising program.,确定广告、促销和公共关系在整个营销组合中的作用 描述为使一个广告活动获得发展的首要决策,16 - 2,Objectives目标,Learn how sales promotion campaigns are developed and implemented. Learn how companies use public relations to communicate with their publics.,解释促销活动是如何得到发展并完成的。 解释公司怎样利用公共关系与公众沟通。,16 -

      2、 3,Case Study案例研究,A few years ago, only 13% of U.S. recognized AFLAC Old ads: “warm and fuzzy” similar to other insurance ads Goal: break through advertising clutter,AFLAC,几年前,只有13%的美国人知道 AFLAC 原广告词: “warm and fuzzy” 和其它保险广告相似。 目标: 消除广告混乱,16 - 4,Case Study案例研究,1999: AFLAC developed the “duck” campaign to enhance brand awareness Incredibly successful: name recognition is now 91%; sales growth of 30% each year campaign has run,AFLAC,1999: AFLAC 启动 “duck” 计划,加强品牌知名度 令人难以置信的成功: 当前品牌知名度为 91%; 销售自计划实施

      3、起每年增涨 30%,16 - 5,Definition定义,Advertising Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.,广告 由特定的资助者出资,以非人员的方式对创意、产品或服务进行推广。,16 - 6,Advertising广告,Signage in ancient times offers evidence of early advertising. Modern ad spending tops $231 billion in U.S. annually, $500 billion worldwide. Business firms, not-for-profit, social agencies, and professionals all advertise.,古代的标志物表明早期广告的存在。 现代广告每年在美国境在花费2310亿美元,全球花费5000亿美元。 公司、非盈利组织、社会团体和自由

      4、职业者都进行广告。,16 - 7,Setting objectives 确定广告目标,可根据主要目的对广告目标进行分类: 告知 推出新产品 劝说 在竞争日趋激烈时愈来愈重要 比较性广告 提醒 在产品成熟阶段很重要,Advertising objectives can be classified by primary purpose: Inform Introducing new products Persuade Becomes more important as competition increases Comparative advertising Remind Most important for mature products,16 - 8,Setting the budget编制广告预算,第15章已经讨论过广告预算的方法。 在编制广告预算时应考虑到某些特定因素: 产品生命周期的阶段 市场份额 竞争水平 广告市场混乱程度 品牌差异化程序,Methods of budget setting were listed in chapter 15 Several factors sh

      5、ould be considered when setting the ad budget: Stage in the PLC Market share Level of competition Ad clutter Degree of brand differentiation,16 - 9,Developing the advertising strategy 设计广告策略,创意挑战 媒体分工细化 媒体费用暴涨 广告愈加混乱 广告创意 创意策略 创意概念 广告吸引点 创决执行 众多执行方式 格调、式样、用语、标题、格式,Creative challenges Media fragmentation Soaring media costs Advertising clutter Creating ad messages Message strategy Creative concept Advertising appeal Message execution Many execution styles Tone, format, illustration, headline, cop

      6、y,16 - 10,Creative Execution Styles 创意执行方式,Slice of Life Lifestyle Fantasy Mood or Image Musical Personality Symbol Technical Expertise Scientific Evidence,生活片段 生活方式 幻境 情调或形象 音乐 人物象征 专业技术 科学证据,Testimonial Evidence or Endorsement 证明或票据,16 - 11,Developing the advertising strategy 设计广告策略,选择广告媒体 确定广告涉及的范围、出现频率和效果 选择主要媒体类型: 目标消费者的媒体习惯, 产品性质, 信息类型, 成本 选择特定的媒体载体 决定媒体时段,Select advertising media Decide on level of reach, frequency and impact Choose among the major media types by considering: Consumer med

      7、ia habits, nature of the product, types of messages, and costs Select specific media vehicles Decide on media timing,16 - 12,Major Media Types主要媒体类型,Newspapers Television Direct Mail Radio Magazines Outdoor Internet,报纸 电视 直接邮购 广播 杂志 户外广告 互联网,16 - 13,Evaluating advertising campaigns 广告评估,衡量沟通效果 效果测试 消费者回访 产品认知 产品了解 产品偏好 衡量广告销售效果 过去与当前销售比较 实验,Measuring communications effects Copy testing Consumer recall Product awareness Product knowledge Product preference Measuring sales effect Past vs. current

      8、sales comparison Experimentation,16 - 14,Small vs. large companies Nature of advertising agencies Advantages of advertising agencies Departments Compensation Changes in agency services,AdvertisingOrganizing the Advertising Function广告组织,小公司VS大公司 广告代理机构的性质 广告代理机构的优势 机构 报酬 代理服务的变化,16 - 15,Advertising to International Markets 国际广告决策,Standardizing worldwide advertising Advantages include lower advertising costs, greater global advertising coordination, and consistent global image Drawbacks include ig

      9、noring differences in culture, demographics, and economic conditions. Most marketers think globally but act locally,广告标准化 优点包括低成本,高协调和更一致的全球公司或产品形象。 缺点包括忽视文化、地理和经济情况的差异。 多数营销者都全球性考虑但地区性活动。,16 - 16,Definition 定义,Sales Promotion Sales Promotions are short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.,促销 促销指短期的激励活动,目的是鼓励购买,或宣传一件产品、提供一种服务。,16 - 17,Sales Promotion 促销,Can be targeted at final buyers, retailers and wholesalers, business customers, and members of the sales force. The use of sales promotions has been growing rapidly.,目标可以是最终顾客、零售商和批发商、产业顾客以及销售队伍的成员。 促销增长很快。,16 - 18,Sales Promotion 促销,Objectives - Consumer Promotions: Increase short-term sales Generate product trial Objectives - Trade Promotions: Obtaining distribution and shelf space Encouraging retailers to advertise the brand Objectives - Sales Force Promotions: Signing up new accounts,顾客促销 增加短期售额 增加产品份额 产业促销 获取分销渠道与货架空间 鼓励零售商宣传该品牌 销售队伍 签下新客户,16 - 19,Consumer Promotion Tools 消费推广手段,S


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