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【8A文】Smarter Transportation 高等院校研究生英语系列教材

  • 卖家[上传人]:Jerm****014
  • 文档编号:70833837
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:1.83MB
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    • 1、高等院校研究生英语系列教材,综合教程(上) INTEGRATED COURSE,Unit 8,Smarter Transportation,Content,Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project,Task 1 Work in pairs. Choose your favorite car from the cars given on P220 and tell your partner why you like it best.,Starting outTask 1,Task 2 Role play. Work out a conversation with your partner in which one of you dreams of having a car and lists the benefits, while the other plays the opposing role and complains about the d

      2、amage caused by cars.,Starting outTask 2,Useful words and expressions: Benefits: convenient, comfortable, luxurious, enjoy freedom, higher standard of living, privacy, independence, take better care of the young and the aged, protected from pick pockets, Shortcomings: jam the roads, energy-consuming, high cost, emissions, air pollution, theft from car parks, breakdowns, stressful driving.,Starting outTask 2,Starting out-Task 2,Task 3 Discuss with your group members how to solve the problem of tr

      3、affic congestion in cities? You may give some suggestions on how to improve the roads and traffic regulations and how to make cars smarter to avoid being caught in traffic jams.,GPS (Global Positioning System) guides drivers to the right place without wondering about on the streets. Cars can be made smaller, too. The latest concept cars are foldable in order to save parking space.,Starting out-Task 2,The Hidden Danger of Seat Belts,Reading Focus,Reading Focus,It is well-known that seat belt is o

      4、ne of the safety measures aiming to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce car crashes. Why does the writer say there are “hidden dangers” caused by buckling seat belts? Would you give an example to support this statement?,Background Information,Reading Focus Global Understanding,Its common knowledge that _ _. But, according to John Adams _ _. Adams explains his research in terms of _. For example, seat belts may cause _, and thus pose risks to _. There are many factors that affect risk, inclu

      5、ding _.,Complete the following extract.,seat belts decrease our,.,risk of dying in an accident,the reality is messier and more complicated,than that,risk compensation,people to drive more recklessly,other passengers or pedestrians as well as themselves,financial, physical or emotional rewards,Task 2,Choose the sentence that best expresses the meaning of the sentence from the text.,Key: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10,A,B,A,A,B,B,A,B,B,A,Reading Focus Detailed Information,Critical Thinking,Reading Focus,Step

      6、One In the text, the author said:,Seat belts may actually cause people to drive more recklessly. Seat belts save lives. A young man is 100 times more likely to be involved in a severe car crash than is a middle-aged woman.,Reading FocusCritical Thinking,Step Two Discuss in groups:,Reading FocusCritical Thinking,What safety measures have been included in car designs? Why does John Adams say that driving at 3:00 a.m. on a Sunday one is more than 100 times more likely to die than someone driving at

      7、 10:00 a.m.? Can you explain this situation according to the risk compensation theory?,1. Seat belts still decrease our risk of dying in an accident, but the statistics are not all black and white. (Para. 1) black and white: 1) (of a photograph, film, television programme, or illustration) in black, white, shades of grey, and no other colour e.g. old black-and-white movies 2) (of a situation or debate) involving clearly defined opposing principles or issues e.g. It was all grey areas; no black-a

      8、nd-white certainties.,Reading Focus Language Point,2. What he found was that contrary to conventional wisdom, mandating the use of seat belts in 18 countries resulted in either no change or actually a net increase in road accident deaths. (Para. 2) mandate: require (something) to be done; make mandatory e.g. The government began mandating better car safety.,Reading Focus Language Point,3. If he is wearing a seat belt and his car has front and side air bags and anti-skid brakes to boot, he may in

      9、 turn drive a bit more daringly. (Para. 3) to boot: used at the end of a list of remarks to emphasize them e.g. 1) He is kind, handsome and wealthy to boot. 2) She was a great sportswoman, and beautiful to boot.,Reading Focus Language Point,4. In the case of seat belts, instead of a simple, straightforward reduction in deaths, the end result is actually a more complicated redistribution of risk and fatalities. (Para. 4) redistribute: v. to give something to each member of a group so that it is divided up in a different way from before 再分配,再分发 e.g.: Their primary concern was to redistribute income from rich to poor.,Reading Focus Language Point,5. Consequently, any single measurement assigned to the risk of driving a car is bound to be only the roughest sort of benchmark. (Para. 5) b

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