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    • 1、创意营销方案 Creative Marketing Opportunities,World Travel Fair 2011,Do Not Miss This Unique Opportunity 超值回报,从选择开始,第八届上海世界旅游资源博览会将于2011年5月12日-15日在上海展览中心隆重举行。上海世界旅游资源博览会(WTF),作为中国长三角地区公民旅游市场年度采购盛会,每年为业内旅行社及公司买家和众多旅游爱好者展示来自世界各地的丰富旅游资源, 经过七年的发展,已成功打造为国内最具影响力的旅游产品及线路的交易采购平台之一。 2011年,WTF主办方在维持历届丰富展出内容的基础上, 将首推特色主题游标签化运作,重点推介各种主题旅游目的地及产品线路,并结合多种新型的展商增值服务回馈式,为参展商提供更完整的结合品牌建设传播、媒体宣传曝光、业内买家会晤、公众直接销售等功能在内的整体解决方案。,World Travel Fair 2011 will be held in Shanghai Exhibition Center on May 12-15, 2011 at Shanghai E

      2、xhibition Center. With a track record stretching back 7 years, World Travel Fair, the leading tourism sourcing fair in Chinese Yangtze River Delta, has successfully built up a communicating bridge for business men to extend social circle, establish co-operation partnership, and expand new markets. Based on our glorious history and understanding of current tourism industry, WTF organizer committee is going to emphasis more on various travel themes, such as honeymoon vacation, eco arranging trade

      3、meeting, we promise exhibitors a most cost-effective way to connect with customers and build trust.,A. 印刷品宣传 Prints,展览会会刊 Show Directory,作为展会最权威的出版物,上海世界旅游资源博览会会刊全面收录参展企业的详细贸易信息。专业观众不但可以利用这本极具价值的会刊在展览会上找到自己的目标展商,而且还可以在展览会后将其作为一本专业采购指南随时参考。投放会刊广告不但可以配合您进行展台宣传,更可吸引更多的专业买家和潜在客户,是一项低成本、高时效的宣传方式! The show directory, which will be issued to exhibitors, professional buyers, embassies, trade associations and industrial visitors, is the only official publication distributed onsite. It provides buyers wit

      4、h a quick and comprehensive reference guide for sourcing in the tourism industry. The show directory plays a tremendous role as an important sourcing guide and brings you huge number of business opportunities both at the show and after the show. Therefore, choosing advertisements in the show directory is a low-cost investment but gives you lasting effectiveness.,A. 印刷品宣传 Prints,SD-1封面拉页广告 Inside Front Page Spread 醒目的位置使得客户主动浏览性高,充分彰显企业的雄厚实力,适合企业整体形象推广。 This eye-catching location fully shows your

      5、 corporate image. It is definitely an exclusive high-exposure opportunity to bring your big business deals. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W): 210*286mm 单价 Price: RMB35,000 数量 Quantity: 独家 Exclusive,SD-2 封二广告 Inside Front Page 此广告形式效果一流,可以迅速提高企业的知名度和美誉度,带来无穷的商机,在广告的重复阅读上也会得到充分 的发挥。 This form of advertising captures the attention of everyone who opens the show directory. It will not only reinforce your companys image within the industry but also build up your brand awareness and reputation. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W): 21

      6、0*143mm 单价 Price: RMB23,000 数量 Quantity: 独家 Exclusive,SD-3 扉页广告 Head Page 位置显著,浏览量极高,适合企业推广品牌和提升行业 影响力。 The head page is a significant place for you to enhance your brand awareness. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W): 210*143mm 单价 Price: RMB18,000 数量 Quantity: 独家 Exclusive,A. 印刷品宣传 Prints,SD-4 封三广告 Inside Back Cover 具有极高的关注率,比较适合发布新的旅游产品和线 路,色彩冲击力强,带给您超值的广告市场效果。 The inside back cover is highly attention=attractive. It is most appropriate for the promotion of new products and services. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W): 210*143m

      7、m 单价 Price: RMB18,000 数量 Quantity: 独家 Exclusive,SD-5 封底广告 Back Cover 同为浏览量极高的广告形式,视觉冲击力大,观众浏览性 高,帮助贵公司提高企业影响力。 The back cover will never let your company get lost in the directory. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W):210*143mm 单价 Price: RMB25,000 数量 Quantity: 独家 Exclusive,SD-6 封底拉页广告 Back Cover Spread 广告形式美观大方,视觉冲击力高,高品质的封底拉页,效果仅次于封面拉页,是贵公司广告投放的极佳选择。 Elegant, grand and beautiful, a high-quality spread with strong visual impact, an excellent choice for advertising. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W): 210*286mm 单价 Price: RMB31,000

      8、数量 Quantity: 独家 Exclusive,A. 印刷品宣传 Prints,SD-7 内页整版广告 Full Page 客户点投率最高的广告形式,适合企业宣传新产品及新 服务,将带给您意想不到的超值广告回报! As the most popular and common form of advertising, this is a great way for the release of latest products. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W): 210*143mm 单价 Price: RMB10,000 数量 Quantity: 多家 First book first served,SD-8 跨页广告 Double Page 位于内页的跨页广告,色彩鲜活亮丽,突显贵公司的影z力。 The inside double page advertisement can highlight your companys image and reinforce your brand influence. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W):210*286mm 单价 Price:

      9、 RMB23,000 数量 Quantity: 多家 First book first served,SD-9 书签广告 Book Mark 书签因其独特的形式,极易受到关注,是企业宣传突破传 统平面会刊广告的绝佳选择。 The bookmark is always popular with readers, so it is an ideal way to advertise your message. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W): 180*80mm 单价 Price: RMB20,000 数量 Quantity: 独家 Exclusive,A. 印刷品宣传 Prints,WTF旅游护照 (WTF PASSPORT),PS-1 WTF旅游护照内页广告 WTF Passport Inside Full Page WTF旅游护照现场赠送给购票入场的旅友,提供预定旅游产品折扣信息。此广告适合推介最新、最热门的旅游产品和线路,引发消费欲望,宣传效果极佳! WTF passport distributes to public visitors onsite with discount tourist products, welcomed by travel fans. Advertise on passport is a best way to arose consumption desire. 尺寸(高*宽)Size (H*W): 145*105mm 单价 Price: RMB8,000 数量 Quantity: 多家 First book first served,展会入场券 Entrance Tickets,商务邀请函及展会门票作为入场凭证,发往历届展会观众、终端买家以及行业人士,并会跟随各种展前宣 传刊物以及各大国内外行业杂志进行夹寄。 Business invitations and entrance tickets will be sent to all the visitors in our high-quality database, and will be inserted into all kinds of world-famous related magazines to maximiz


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