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    • 1、寒假总结英文篇一:英语寒假作业总结英语寒假作业总结新学期开始了,开学第一天我把八年级四班英语寒假作业收上来,仔细检查了同学们的英语寒假作业,有8个同学作业完成得很好,准确率很高。有五分之一的同学能够做完,但是有个别题做错了;还有五分之三的同学有空题没完成的情况,惊喜的是有的学生的英语写作不仅思路清晰、内容丰富、而且版式新颖、色彩亮丽、富有童趣英语表达准确。 特别表扬:姚慧 高德举 李菁奕 高志奇 孙先晓 迟慧瑶 封佳凯 李秋锦等通过学生的寒假作业来看,学生的薄弱地方主要有:1:单词拼写不认真 2;写作训练中的语法错误较多 3;后进生的基础知识把握不好,做得不够认真。改进措施: 1;教学中陆续引导学生拼写单词,每天最少20个,日积月累,逐步提高。 2:加强学生朗读背诵能力的培养,狠抓基础,培养学习英语的成就感和快乐感。 3:充分利用优秀学生的帮助带动作用,采用一帮一的形式,拉动后进生进步。教师勤督促检查后进学生。 4:家庭作业组织安排行长组长检查的办法,把好家庭作业检查关。 5;学习魏老师利用规定时间的方法,吸引学生高度集中学单词,背对话。 6 课堂练习,家庭作业,每日必做采取自评,同学

      2、评,家长评,老师评的评价方式,慢慢引导学生养成学习英语的好习惯。篇二:英语假期复习总结英语假期复习总结一、单词与短语1. House of Dumpling: Peter runs on a house of dumpling.2. Take a photo: would you like take a photo with me3. Talk talk about talk with sb; tell tell sb sth; say say that; speak, speak in English4. Show me your book = show your book to me5. In fact, in fact Paul stole the wallet. The fact is that Paul stole the wallet.6. 上课迟到:be late for class = arrive late for class = come late for class7. 在上学期间的晚上:on school nights。8. 躺在床上:be in bed。9.

      3、在十点之前:by ten oclock。10. 少年宫:the Childrens palace.11. 骑自行车:ride a bike = by bike12. What do you think of thrillers13. I like 好听的话。14. Dont fight with 别人t help crying.16. 从来没有乐趣)17. She(有点沉默)18. S说笑话)19. H(戴眼镜的高个子男人)20. 我觉得他没有那么伟大 I don21. Kind of, He is kind of womanish. Which kinds of book do you like22. In front of in front of the house there is a big tree.23. In the front of in the front of the classroom there is a blackboard.24. To help helphelping25. Let、make、have、help、feel、 hear、see sb do s

      4、th。省略to的不定式。Lets talk about the picture.26. Talk to sb 找某人谈话,talk with sb 和某人交谈。Talk about 谈论27. T28. I dontdoesnt29. Notany more = noany more = no more. I dont like soap opera any more.30. Stop to do sth 停下来去做某事;stop doing sth 停下正在做的事。31. Remember to do sth 记得去做某事;remember doing sth记得做过某事。32. Nobody,侧重于人,回答who的提问,none侧重于数字,回答how many的提问。33. 形容词的位置:冠词(定/不定)+数量词+描绘性形容词+大小、长短的形容词+形状+老少、新旧+颜色+国籍的形容词。A new red Chinese coat34. 带有数字的复合词用作定语时,中间要加连字符,其中的名词要用单数。A ten-year-old girl35. WSome anymanylittle

      5、36. HIs isis areare is are are37. Kind of 后接名词表示种类,如a kind of tea; all kinds of books;后接形容词表示有点儿,如he is kind of womanish. She is kind of selfish. Kind 本身还具有和蔼的、可亲的意思,Its kind of you to help me with my homework.38. What about What about 表示怎么样,.又如何的意思,用来表示建议。39. How about Healthy Living I dont like it.40. 花费Spend + 时间/金钱+on sth。 He spend 3 months on English。He spend 3 months in learning English。It takes him 3 months to learn English.41. WWithinonat42. When did you spend your weekend in the sea. Pa

      6、rkmountains zoo beach43. Isambeare44. WIsdodoesare45. YAt forto ofat as46. What is the man doing he is his clothes. Putting onputting wearing inath problem is too difficult for me to work out. The second A second Second48. Iclassroom. Singingsingsis singing49. THas haswith wearshas wears50. MTelling sayingtelling speakingtalking tellingto tell to speak51. TherePotatoes beefs tomatoYWere, look for did, look for did, findYou busy last weekend-yes, I helped my mother clean the house. Were was did54

      7、. Atonofin55. D56. WGoinggoesgoto go57. LRelaxrelaxingrelaxes relaxed58. SSingsings singing to sing59. A girl with curly hair. 卷头发的女孩。With 表示伴随的、随身携带、具有.特征。A man with glasses. A man with a book under his arm.60. Stop to do sth,停下来去做.。stop doing sth停下正在做的事。61. HTo not playnot playnot to playdont playA hot morning, he went to the pool with his uncle. On in atof63. WAnysomeaan64. I dont like talk shows. Me either. Too表示也,用于肯定句,either用于否定句。65. Would you mind cleaning the room Mind doing sth,介意做某事。Wo

      8、uld you mind my leaving介意我离开吗?English is my67. Must表示必须,要表示不必时用neednt 或dont have to, mustnt 表示禁止,绝对不能。如: must we clean the classroom now no, you dont have to.68. Too .to表示太.而不能.,如Im too tired to do anything,太累了我不能干任何事。Too much / many表示太多,如I have too many rules in my house. Much too 表示很,非常,如Its much too easy for me.69. CIn towithand 70. Little a little fewa few 都表示一点儿,前一组修饰不可数名词,后一组修饰可数名词,不带冠词表示否定,意思时很少,几乎没有,带冠词表示肯定,虽然少,但还有一点。如:there was a little water in the bottle表示瓶子里还有一点水。There was little water in the bottle瓶子里几乎没有水了。71. Except 除之外,不包括,如he doesnt like any subjects except English.72. W Too much, much too; too many, much too; too many, many too73. SThisit them74. BAnathex75. CAnathex76. TIs arehave has二、句型转换1.同意转换Wwhere does your pen pal come fromHe is form Japanhe is a Japanese.across from.How was your weekend what likePlease show me your ID card. Please show your ID cardme. 2.反义转换: H behind。Hinside。2.对划线部分提问


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