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    • 1、Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,I. Understanding,The text shows us the generation gap between a daughter and her parents through their daily dialogues. Please find out their different attitudes towards the same items.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Sandy: “I like that music, Dad; its my favorite. Listen for a minute; Im sure youll like it.”,Parents: It was weird and horrible stuff with offensive language.,How did the

      2、parents react?,(Rock music blasted forth),Text StudyUnderstanding,Wearing her old, green T-shirt and some jeans.,Sandy:,It was disgusting.,Parents:,Text StudyUnderstanding,Having breakfast while standing by the sink.,Sandy:,It wasnt healthy to eat standing up.,Parents:,Text StudyUnderstanding,Sandy: “Ill brush my teeth when Im done.”,She should brush her teeth as soon as she got up.,Parents:,Text StudyUnderstanding,Sandy: Wearing her makeup (such as eyeliner).,Parents: “Too young to wear that mu

      3、ch makeup.”,All the girls at school did so. Some have tattoos .,How about her parents ideas?,Text StudyUnderstanding,The Parents Thoughts Towards Sandy,Fathers thoughts,Mothers thoughts,_ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _,awful, tuneless, offensive; makes my blood boil; negative,Different music appeals to different generations; I dont think her music is so terrible.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Music:,Fathers thoughts,Mothers thoughts,_,She is changing ; Who knows what will be next?,_,biggest problem,Conclusion: We ne

      4、ed to have a talk with Sandy.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Makeup & Tattoos,Mothers Decision:,Have patience;,Keep the lines of communication with her daughter open;,Be there as an anchor;,Give her freedom to find her identity.,Text StudyUnderstanding,II. Structure Analysis,The Writing Method of the Passage:,Sequenced Orderdescribing a series of actions according to the time when they happened.,In a passage developed in this way, readers will find time markers to connect sequenced actions.,Text StudyS

      5、tructure Analysis,The radio clicked on. Rock music blasted forth. Like a shot, the music woke Sandy. She looked at the clock; it was 6:15 A.M. Sandy sang along with the words as she lay listening to her favorite radio station. (Para. 1),It was 6:15 A.M.,Time marker:,Text StudyStructure Analysis,More time markers in the text:,After her shower Then Just then After Sandy had left for school Soon As Jane Finch drove to work,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Talk with your partner what Sandy did in the ba

      6、throom with the help of the following phrases. Remember to use the time markers!,walk into; turn on; wake up; feel great; be alone; disturb; grab; wash; dry off,Text StudyStructure Analysis,In the bathroom:,III. Reproduction,Make a dialogue with your partner. Suppose one of you is the Father or Mother, the other one is the Daughter or Son. Both of you are trying to persuade the other one to accept his/her own idea toward any one of the followings: clothing, music, ways of life, etc.,A sample beg

      7、inning,Text StudyReproduction,Mom/Dad: Why do your boys today like to wear long hair? Son: Mom/Dad, dont you know it is a fashion? ,Text StudyReproduction,Focus Study,Active Expressions,1. Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff?,I. Active Expressions,爱不一定要说出来。,One doesnt have to speak out loud to show his or her love.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,2. it does have rhythm., Did you see his performance (表演) last night?, Yes, he _ do a good job!, Do you think she is like her father?,

      8、 Yes, she _ look like her father.,did,does,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,3. I cant stand it.,看她化的妆,真受不了!,Look at her makeup! I cant stand it!,= I cant bear it.,Under what kind of situation will you use such an expression?,I cant stand/bear it!,_.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,4. Ive got to go. = I have to go.,In informal American English, people sometimes just use “got” (in spoken English).,我想到办法啦!,Ive got an idea! / I got an idea!,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,5. You know, To

      9、emphasize or to draw attention; When people are not sure what they are saying or what they are going to say next; To explain more clearly.,The condition in that country is terrible, you know.,I thought Id, you know, have a chat with you.,Wear the white dress, you know, the one I like most.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,II. Focus Study,1. . young people and their parents very often seem to fail in their attempts to communicate with each other. (Preview),fail in (doing) sth. cannot do sth.,attempt(s) to do. 试图,力图,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,他的英语考试没有及格。 他第一次尝试就击中目标。,He failed in the English test. He managed to hit the target at the first attempt.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2. Sandy sang al


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