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外研版必修四module 1《life in the future》(第2课时)ppt课件

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  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
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    • 1、1alternative adj. 替换的;供选择的 1)adj. 替换的;二者择一的;供选择的 The road was blocked, so we went by an alternative road. 这条路被封锁了,因此我们走了另一条路。 alternative energy 可替代能源 an alternative plan 替代方案 2)n. 二者择一;可供选择的办法/事物;选择余地 have no alternative but “除外别无选择;只好”,后接to do sth.。 They offered project alternatives to us. 他们向我们提供了项目方案。,辨析:alternative与choice 1)alternative指在两者之间作出选择; 2)choice指一般意义上的选择。 Thats the only alternative. 没有选择余地。(没有第二个选择) Choice of the goal covers choice of the means. 目标的选择包含着手段的选择。 知识拓展 1)alternative无比

      2、较级形式。 2)alternate v. 轮流;交流;更迭;adj. 轮流的;可代替的;alter vt. 变更,即学即用 (1)When all the oil in the world has been used up, what_energy shall we rely on? Aoptional Bhopeful Cactive Dalternative (2)用alternative的适当形式完成句子 Besides this method, theres_(没有其他方法)to solve the problem. This Spring Festival I want to pay a visit to my home. But if I couldnt get the train ticket, I would take_(另一个计划)visiting the museum.,答案:(1)D (2)no other alternative the alternative plan,2risky adj. 危险的;冒险的 Sailing across the Atlanti

      3、c alone is a risky thing. 独自一人航行穿越大西洋是一件冒险的事。 链接: nyadj. bloodbloody 流血的 mudmuddy 泥泞的 sunsunny 阳光灿烂的 cloudcloudy 多云的 rainrainy 下雨的 snowsnowy 下雪的 windwindy 刮风的;多风的 tastetasty 美味的 iceicy 冰的;冷漠的 greedgreedy 贪婪的 fatfatty 肥胖的 fogfoggy 有雾的,知识拓展 1)同义词:dangerous adj. 危险的 2)risk作动词时,后接名词或动名词,但不能接动词不定式。 3)at ones own risk 自担风险(同意不要求赔偿损失、损害等) at risk(in danger)处于危险之中;冒风险 at the risk of 冒的风险 at all risks/any risk 无论冒什么风险 face/run risks/a risk 冒险 take risks(a risk)to do. 冒险做,risk sth. 以为赌注 risk doing 冒险做 ris

      4、k ones life to do sth. 冒着生命危险做 You have no right to take risks/a risk with other peoples lives. 你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。 You are running a risk in trusting him. 你信赖他要担风险。,即学即用 Huang Wen took many photos in Yugoslavia_.(冒着生命危险) 答案:at the risk of her life,3run n. 跑;奔;短途旅行 There are no stops on the run to the coast. 在去海滨的路途中没有车站。 vi. & vt. 1)跑;奔 He ran across the road. 他跑过了马路。 2)(机器)转动;运转 The engine runs well. 发动机运转良好。,3)延伸;继续 The road runs beside the river. 这条路沿着河边延伸。 4)经营;管理 Its said that they are running

      5、 a restaurant abroad. 据说他们在国外经营一家餐馆。,知识拓展 in the long run 从长远的观点来看;毕竟;终究 in the short run 从短期来看;在短期内 run across 无意间碰到 run after 追逐;追求 run against 撞上;违反 run away 逃跑 run away with (感情等)战胜;不受约束 run over (车辆)碾压;匆匆看一遍;游览 run into sb./sth. 偶遇某人/某物 run through 浏览 run out 逃开;用完,注意: 1)run out意为“用完了”,为不及物动词,主语通常为时间、金钱、食物等。 2)run out of意为“用完了”,为及物动词,表主动意义,主语一般为人。 Her money has been run_out_of and her patience is also running_out. 她的钱已经用完了,她的耐心也要耗尽了。,高考直击 (1)(2008江西)Do you think we should accept that offer?

      6、 Yes, we should, for we_such bad luck up till now, and time_out. Ahave had; is running Bhad; is running Chave; has been run Dhave had; has been run 解析:考查时态。由up till now确定第一空应用完成时态;排除B、C。run out为不及物动词,无被动语态,排除D。 答案:A,(2)(2009全国)They use computers to keep the traffic_smoothly. Abeing run Brun Cto run Drunning 解析:本题题意:他们使用计算机来保持交通畅通无阻。keep表示“保持或继续处于的状态”,后接形容词,现在分词、过去分词、介词短语、名词以及副词等担任宾语补足语,但不能采用不定式(短语)。例如:Sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 对不起,让你久等了。此外,run表示“运转;运行”时,通常用作不及物动词。例如:The machine won

      7、t run smoothly. 这台机器运转不灵。,答案:D,即学即用 (2009临沂模拟)They had to find a pool before the water they had in the bottle_. Aput out Bkept out Cran out Dused up 答案:C,4limit vt. & n. 1)vt. 限制;限定 Lets limit our discussion to this subject. 我们把讨论限制在这个题目上吧。 2)n. 限度;极限;界限;界线;限量 within the city limits 在该城范围内 He tried my patience to its limits. 他把我逼得忍无可忍了。,知识拓展 within limits 适度地;有限度地 without limit 无限地;无限制地 to the limit 达到极点 set a limit to sth. 对规定限度 单词积累 limited adj. 有限的 limitless adj. 无限制的;无界限的;无止境的 limitation n.

      8、限制;控制 My life is limited, but learning is limitless. 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。,即学即用 (1)Is there any_to the time that I can stay here? Yes. You must leave here before he comes back. Anumber Blength Climit Dmatter (2)We must set a limit_the expense of the trip. Aabout Bto Cin Dfor 答案:(1)C (2)B,5command n. & v. 命令;控制;指挥 You must obey the captains commands. 你必须服从船长的命令。 He has 1,200 men under his command. 他掌管着1,200人。,链接:具有“建议、命令、坚持、要求”等意义的词,接从句时,要用虚拟语气,其谓语形式为“(should)v.”。 熟记下列顺口溜: 一坚持:insist 二命令:order, command 三建

      9、议:suggest, propose, advise 四要求:demand, desire, request, require He commanded that we(should)attack at once. 他命令我们立即发起进攻。,知识拓展 at command 掌握;可自由使用 at sb.s command 听某人支配 by sb.s command 受某人支配 command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 have a good command of 精通 in command of “某人统帅”,主语为人 in the command of “某物在某人的统治之下”,主语一般是物,一言辨异 “Who is in_command_of the army?”“The army is in_the_command_of general Brown.” “谁统率陆军?”“陆军由布朗将军统率。”,即学即用 用名词command的适当形式完成句子。 (1)Fire_(我一下令) (2)The army is_(由国王直接统率) (3)The king_(统帅)the army. (4)He has_(精通)German. (5)Captain Cook commanded that all the goods_into the sea. Ashould throw Bbe thrown Cthrew Dshould thrown,答案:(1)when I give the command (2)in the direct comman

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