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体验商务英语 综合教程3unit 2 brands

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  • 文档编号:70829762
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、marketing,What is Marketing : brands & advertising Marketing orientation: identification and satisfaction of customer need. Customer-oriented Brand manager or product manager: promote companys products Product team: around individual products Feedback,How to market:,Marketing mix: Classic four ps,1. product: product range/ top-end/upmarket/mid-range/ down-market/entry-level product/new product launched 2.place: customer group or segment/ how products positioned/rivals 3. price: profit margin/ di

      2、scount/ price war 4. Promotion: outlet/ distribution channel/,Wholesaler/ distributor/ retailer Sales force/ advertising/ direct mail/ packaging These questions relate to consumer marketing. They also need to be adapted to other companies, products and services.,Quotation,The most distinctive skill of professional marketers is their ability to create, maintain, protect and enhance brands,Philip Kotler was selected in 2001 as the #4 major management guru by the Financial Times (behind Jack Welch,

      3、 Bill Gates, and Peter Drucker,) and has been hailed by the Management Centre Europe as “the worlds foremost expert on the strategic practice of marketing.“ In 2008, the Wall Street Journal listed him as the 6th most influential person on business thinking.,A,List some of your favorite brands & answer these questions.,1. Are they international or national brands? 2. What image and qualities does each one have? 3. Why do you chose that particular brands? 4. Do the products have anything in common

      4、? (Are they all high-priced?) 5. How loyal are you to the brands you have chosen?,B,What are the advantages of branded goods for:,- Own instantly recognisable products, - Associate specific qualities with the brand (value for money, safety) - Launch related products under the same brand, - Gain greater customer loyalty,- Make shopping a lot easier - Buy reliable products, - High prestige brands enhance ones status,a) the manufacturer?,b) the consumer?,C,A recent survey named the brands below as

      5、the worlds top ten. Which do you think is number one? Rank the others in order.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Check your answer on page 156. Are you surprised?,1 Google $66.4 billion 2 General Electric $61.9 billion 3 Microsoft $55 billion 4 Coca-Cola $44.1 billion 5 China Mobile $41.2 billion 6 Marlboro $39.2 billion 7 Wal-Mart $36.9 billion 8 Citigroup $33.7 billion 9 IBM $33.6 billion 10 Toyota Motor $33.4 billion,Google ranked “most powerful brand” in 2007,BRAND,luxury,classic,awareness,image,stretch

      6、ing,loyalty,leader,manager,Word partnerships with the word brand,A,Look at the eight word partnerships with the word brand. Match them to their definitions.,1 A brand associated with expensive, high quality products 2 The person responsible for planning and managing a branded product 3 The brand with the largest market share 4 A famous brand with a long history 5 The ideas and beliefs which consumers have about a brand 6 The tendency of a customer to continue buying a particular product 7 Using

      7、a successful brand name to launch a product in a new category 8 The know ledge which consumers have of a brand,luxury brand classic brand brand awareness brand image brand stretching brand loyalty brand leader brand manager,B,Complete these sentences with word partnerships from the list.,1 Levis, which has been established for over 100 years and is world-famous, is a _. 2 The aim of the advertising campaign is to enhance _ so that consumers become more familiar with our coffee products. 3 Volvos

      8、 _ is that of a well-engineered, upmarket, safe car. 4 Suchard is a _ of Swiss chocolate.,brand manager,luxury brand,classic brand,brand awareness,brand image,brand stretching,brand loyalty,brand leader,1 The move by Yamaha (originally a Japanese manufacturer of motorbikes) into branded hi-fi equipment, pianos and sports equipment is a good example of _. 2 To create goodwill and trust with its valued Chinese consumers, Nestle should work hard to re-establish its _ through offering quality produc

      9、ts. 3 Canon USA announced that the Company is the number-one _ in the overall copier market. 4 As a _, John will take full responsibility of setting the direction for the brands position in the market,C,Complete these sentences with the remaining four word partnerships.,brand stretching,brand image,brand leader,brand manager,A,Lynne Fielding, a marketing specialist, is talking about branding. Complete this extract from the interview with the words below.,competitors,money,name,differentiate,synergy,quality,“What is branding and why do we need brands?” A brand can be a _, a term or a symbol. It is used to _a product from _ products. The brands guarantee a certain _ level.

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