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牛津译林版高中英语必修三unit 1《the world of our senses》(section ⅲ)课件

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    • 1、Unit 1 The world of our senses Section Task, Project and Selfassessment 课件(牛津版必修3),.阅读理解(根据根据课文内容完成下列各题) 1Which of the following statements is true about sharks? AAmong nearly 400 different types of sharks, only about 30 types attack human beings. BThe most dangerous sharks are the tiger shark and the bull shark. CThe sharks attack is the leading cause of peoples death in the sea. DThe chance of being attacked by sharks is rather small compared to other dangers.,2Which of the following ways can

      2、help you out of the attacks from sharks? ANo swimming in the dark, especially alone at night. BThe less people, the less chances to be attacked by sharks. CWearing colourful clothing. DSwimming when you have a fresh wound.,3_ is the way to save you out of a shark attack. ATo keep still, not to make the shark angry BTo pull aside the sharks jaws to pull yourself out its mouth CTo hit the shark on the head to drive it away DTo hit the shark on the nose,4Why does an officer write a short message qu

      3、ickly on a small piece of paper? ABecause he wants to test his soldiers abilities of writing. BBecause he intends to practice his handwriting. CBecause he wants to get help. DBecause he tries to get a pigeon.,5When did they find the use of the pigeons? AIn the quiet night. BIn war. CAt home. DIn the cage. 答案 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B,.重点单词熟记 1_(adv. & adj.)在头上方(的) 2_(n. & vt. & vi.)轻拍,轻敲 3_ (vt.)使连在一起,把附在上,认为重要 4_(vi. & vt.)小声说;私下说 5_(n.)珠宝 6_(vt.)吸引 7_(adj.)可能的 8_(vt.)使用;雇佣 9_(n.)距离;远处 _(adj.)远的,远离的,

      4、10_(vt.)适合,满足需要_(adj.)适合的 11_(n.)缺陷;伤残_(n.)能力 12_(adj.)抱有希望的_(n.)希望 13_(adj.)镇静的,沉着的,平静的_(vt. loose,.重点短语探究 1_ the distance在远处 2set sail _ 起航驶往 3_ progress取得进步 4work _ a plan制订计划 5mistake. _ 把误认为 6result _导致 7be attracted _ 为所吸引 8roll _ 卷起来 答案 1.in 2.for 3.make 4.out 5.for 6.in 7.to 8.up,.教材佳句仿写 1Hit the shark on the nose with your fist. 信息提取动词 sb on /in/by the身体部位。 例句仿写他拍了我的肩膀。 He patted me _ _ _.,2Dont be frightened by sharks:you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked

      5、 by a shark. 信息提取倍数表达:倍数比较级than比较对象。 例句仿写中国的国土面积大约比英国大39倍。 The area of China is about 39 times _ _ _ of the UK.,3However,it was in war that they found their greatest use. 信息提取强调句型:It is /was.that.。 例句仿写我们是在公园第一次见面的。 It was _ _ _ that we met for the first time.,4They are all going to be killed unless they get help. 信息提取unless 除非 例句仿写我不会去参加她的婚礼除非被邀请。 I wont attend her wedding _ I _ _. 答案 1.on the shoulder 2.larger than that 3.in the park 4.unless; am invited,1order n&v.命令;订购;顺序;秩序 (教材原句)Unfortunat

      6、ely, she put the story in the wrong order. (P12)不幸地是,她将故事的顺序弄乱了。 【句法分析】 这是一个简单句,属“主谓宾”句型。in the wrong order是方式状语,Unfortunately也是状语,修饰整个句子。,【用法归纳】 in order to/in order that为了 keep.in order 使秩序井然 give an order with sb .for.与订购 He gave orders that the job be done in three days. 他指示三天内完成这项工作。 The company received a large order for computers. 这家公司接到一份购买电脑的大订单。,【即境活用】 完成句子 (1)他为了成功努力工作。 He worked hard _ _ _ succeed.He worked hard _ _ _ he could succeed. (2)她房间里的一切都井然有序。 Everything in her room _ _ _ _.

      7、 (3)指挥官命令他的全体士兵立即开火。 The commander _ all his soldiers _ _ _ _. 答案 (1)in order to;in order that (2)is in good order (3)ordered;to fire at once,2distance n. 距离;远处 (教材原句)In the distance I could hear thunder and see lightning coming. (P12) 在远处我就能够听到雷声看到闪电。,【句法分析】 In the distance是地点状语,see后跟一个复合宾语,现在分词coming充当宾补。 According to organizers, the purpose of the Marathon Expo is to make distance running a popular sport in China. 据组织者说,这次马拉松博览会的目的是使长跑在中国成为一项受欢迎的体育活动。 The girl stood there, watching until the

      8、train disappeared in the distance. 女孩站在那儿看着,直到火车在远处消失。,【用法归纳】 distant adj. 远的;疏远的;冷淡的 at a distance of 在远的地方 in the distance 在远处,在远方 at a distance 稍远处 keep sb at a distance 与某人保持距离,不与某人接近 keep ones distance from 与保持一定距离 The picture is good at first sight, but it looks much better at a distance. 这幅画乍一看不错,稍远点看更好。,【即境活用】 完成句子 (1)_ _ _ _ _ _(在10英里远的地方)you cant see much. (2)He saw a few horses _ _ _(在远处)。 答案 (1)At a distance of 10 miles (2)in the distance,3“主语 be 形容词不定式”结构 (教材原句)He was outgoing and very interesting to listen to.(P12)他外向开朗,听他说话很有趣。 【句法分析】 这是一个简单句,属“主系表”句型,outgoing和very interesting一起作表语,不定式to listen to充当状语修饰interesting。,【用法归纳】 这是“主语 be形容词不定式”结构,在这个结构中,不定式常与句中的主语构成动宾关系,该不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。不定式的动词必须是及物动词;如果是不及物动词,则要在不及物动词后加上适当的介词,使之成为及物动词短语。 The boy is difficult to teach.这男孩很难教。 The chair is comfortable to sit on. 这椅子坐着挺舒服。,【即境活用】 (1)In many peoples opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant _. Ato deal wi

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