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牛津译林版选修八unit 3《the world of colours and light》ppt课件ⅰ

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  • 文档编号:70827366
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
  • 文档格式:PPT
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    • 1、Section Welcome to the unit & Reading,速效提能演练,预习多维感知,Section ,重点难点探究,预习多维感知,Step One:Fast Reading Read the email about “Visiting the masters” quickly and choose the best answers. 1_is a type of art where things are represented as geometric shapes.,A,ACubism BImpressionism CPortrait DStill life,2The artists who had many professions mentioned in the passage are_. APicasso and Monet BMonet and Rembrandt CVan Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci DPicasso and Leonardo da Vinci,D,3If you want to see the works of

      2、 Claude Monet,you should go to_. Athe Louvre Museum Bthe Muse dOrsay CAmsterdam Dthe city of Mlaga,B,4_is not the works of art made by van Gogh. AThe Night Watch BThe Potato Eaters CStarry Night DThe Sunflower,A,5According to the text,the following cities all have art museums EXCEPT_. AParis BMlaga CAmsterdam DLondon,D,Step Two:Careful Reading .How well did you understand the details of the email?Read it again and answer the following questions.,1What did Li Ming do in Paris? _ _,He went to the

      3、Louvre Museum and the Muse dOrsay.,2What can be seen in the Louvre Museum? _,Mona Lisa.,3What did da Vinci do besides painting? _ _,He was also an architect,an engineer and a scientist.,4In which museum can you see Monets works? _,Muse dOrsay.,5Where is the Van Gogh Museum? _,It is in Amsterdam.,6In which city will Li Ming see Rembrandts paintings? _,Amsterdam.,.Read the email carefully and complete the table below with the correct information.,representing,Besides,value,architecture,born,affect

      4、ion,floated,devoted,1890,famous,Step Three:Summary There have been many great European painters,but it is subjective to say who was actually the best.One of the earliest was Leonardo da Vinci,,an1._painter,who was born in 1452.As well as being a painter, da Vinci was also a 2._,an architect,and an engineer. He had an appetite for life and enjoyed exploring the workings of objects and animals.,Italian,scientist,He was famous as a scientist,especially for his discoveries in 3._.His great artistic

      5、masterpiece was Mona Lisa,a painting whose value cannot be 4._, and which can be seen in a Paris museum called the5._.,astronomy,calculated,Louvre,The Netherlands is another country with many famous artists,including van Gogh. He painted a lot of 6._scenes,including Starry Night.He was known for a style called Impressionism.Although we admire him today,,nature,he was never7._.With the assistance of his brother,he sold one painting.Spanish artist Pablo Picasso was a 8._painter. He worked outside

      6、the framework of accepted styles and rules of painting.,successful,talented,In fact,he abandoned them and starting from scratch, 9._a style of art known as Cubism,which is a type of 10._painting.,created,abstract,Step Four:Discussion What do you think about the great painters of Europe?Have a discussion with your partner. _,重点难点探究,1Abstract art is about shapes,colours and textures rather than objects. 抽象艺术是关于形状、颜色和材质而不是物体的。,品味经典 We often talk about beautiful things.However,what is beauty is abst

      7、ract to us. 我们经常谈论美好的东西,可是什么是美对我们来说是抽象的。,Language is an essential ingredient of abstract thought. 语言是抽象思维的主要成分之一。,自我探究 abstract adj.抽象的;n.摘要,概要。,归纳拓展 abstractly adv.抽象地,理论上 abstractness n.抽象性 abstract science理论科学 an abstract idea抽象概念,brief abstract简易文摘 abstract sb.s attention from. 从上转移开某人的注意 be abstract to sb.对某人来说是抽象的 in the abstract抽象地,观念上,理 论上,牛刀小试 单句改错 (1)Ideas are abstract for all of us;we cant see them. _,forto,(2)The beauty itself is abstract. _ (3)Her ideas seem a few abstract. _,The be

      8、autyBeauty,fewlittle,2Mlaga is a lovely city and the architecture is beautiful. 马拉加是一个可爱的城市,建筑很 美丽。,品味经典 I really like some classical Chinese architecture. 我真的很喜欢一些中国古典建筑。,自我探究 architecture nU建筑;建筑学。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)她主修建筑学。 She majors in_. (2)这座教堂是由一名英国建筑师设计的。,architecture,The church was designed by an English_.,architect,3By popular consensus,this is the most valuable painting in the worldit is impossible to calculate what price it would fetch if it ever came on the market.举世公认,这幅画是世界上最珍贵的油画作品如果这幅画到市场上出售,不可能估算出它可以达到什么 价格。,品味经典 He is very talented for calculating. 他非常有计算才能。 One can calculate how long it would take for the earth to stop as a result of this resistance.,人们可以算出,作为这种阻力的结果, 地球需要多长时间才会停下来。 自我探究 calculate vi.&vt.计算。,归纳拓展 calculator n.计算器 calculated adj.计算的,有计划的 calculation n.计算,盘算,估计,推测 calculate the consequence of推测的结果,calcul

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