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    • 1、James Zhen, April. 5th.,HPC China ELCP Update,ELCP & Operation Improvement,The structure and process of the ELCP process is set up and communicated The next focus is to drive the execution of these process, with measurable target,Responsible & execution,HPC China Business Management Model,ELCP PHASE,1.0 INITIATION,2.0 PLANNING & PROPOSAL,3.0 SELECTION,4.0 IMPLEMENTATION,5.0 WARRANTY,6.0 SUPPORT,- HP confidential -,Management process,Project delivery Management,Funnel Management,Accountable manag

      2、er,Bid manager,Project manager,SSO manager,Practice manager,Support & control,F&A, Contract, Credit, PMO, GM, WFP, RM, KM,P.S. Bid manager R&R, Project manager R&R in HPC,Control Document & activities,ELCP PHASE,1.0 INITIATION,2.0 PLANNING & PROPOSAL,3.0 SELECTION,4.0 IMPLEMENTATION,5.0 WARRANTY,6.0 SUPPORT,Owner BM BM&PPTL BM&PPTL PM PM PM,Submit BAT-A1,BAT/RAT Sign off,Sign Contract,Acceptance & Warranty Letter,Contract close letter,HPC China ELCP Implementation Card update,Order entry approva

      3、l check list: I. BAT/RAT or FOI (if $500K). III. Contract approved by: 1) Contract 2) Credit 3) BAM 4) HPC Country GM 5) Workforce Partner Mgr. (for subcontract),BM: Bid Manager PPTL: Proposal Team Leader PM: Project Manager,- HP confidential -,Proposal submission Approval by SSO mgr,A1 Approval & EID,PM assigned BM & PM transition,PM sign-off check list,ELCP Pre-sale improvement,Monthly Funnel review with the right template (manual, transition to OSO later) F&A team update A1 approval, EID to f

      4、unnels Proposal submission Approval by SSO mgr. & filing from April/02 Monthly proposal submission &deal review report Monitor SSO utilization on each opportunities Quotation need for sub-contract in price approval,Delivery Management Frame-Work - responsibilities,Practice mgr takes the management responsibility of the project after the deal is closed. Practice mgr assign and support the PM for all the project related issue, no matter the PM is from the Practice, other Practice, PMO or oversea.

      5、Practice mgr monthly review all the projects with PMs. Maintain review log & submit project overview in summary. PMO support Practice mgr review the projects with revenue 300K USD and designed issue projects,Delivery Management Frame-Work - management process,Once CMS is cut for the month, Project Admin will collect the labor cost, 3P cost, ic bills and travels associated with project delivery. No later than WD2 of each month, Project Admin will forward the updated cost tracking(per project) to

      6、PM and PM will review with Practice Manager. After reviewing with Practice Manager, PM send back the updated cost tracking to Project Admin with latest CTC (cost-to-complete) no later than end of WD3. PM ensure to obtain agreement from the practice manager for changing the CTC. Project Admin will base on the latest CTC provided by Project Manager for P&L forecast (revenue, EGM% and NP) and to update open project list. Such forecast will submit to AP by WD5 of each month, it will be used for fore

      7、cast accuracy calculation on AP BFT. If Project Admin did not receive updated CTC from Project Manager in due time, its assumed that no change is required. Forecast shall be done base on the data of WD2. By WD10 of each month, a practice review meeting will be chaired by the Operations Manager, to go through project status, identify issues, define action items, and review the overall project financial picture. Practice manager monthly projects review report Base on the result of practice review

      8、meeting, F&A will update the P&L forecast and keep track the progress till month-end closing.,Improvement on delivery,PM assignment letter 100% for new project of Q2 FY02 Implement Project & PM sign-off check list by 100% from Q2 FY02 Customer SAT survey 100% implementation for revenue 200K projects PM make sure sub-contract ready before request sub start to deliver, otherwise escalate Monthly highlight report on issue&inactive projects with resolution to follow up,Improvement on delivery,PMO pr

      9、oject monthly review and highlight report PMO big project monitor, project audit Monthly Practice review for Revenue, make sure 5% less on revenue up/down as country base,Resource management & Utilization,Promote utilization tool for resources forecast Monitor the low utilization staff and push improvement and deployment Implement the track of the skill miss matched and hard to re-deploy staff for recycle Monthly resources management report,Deal Review Report - monthly Resources Management report - monthly Issue Project report monthly - from Practice & PMO Practice review on revenue and project health - monthly report New Project and PM assignment letter report Close Project and PM sign-off report Customer SAT report Qtly,Operation Monthly reports,仠懿簏鷠朤稖氙諡蠻狯皕伤帠津遪之萘驔箋迟渦籭炦媌豗甉隟烩崋詎蹼駿杰蛑婎溮皙羋掋贜瘹祇佋幻滉琚琌栺阡譊蔘豂羇虑跐餚鮫猸椳鳗鲘恰鑖坾笼粱蠤娍鱦噡基嬢燲櫖竈绒惘馞我睫謩阇喼勘凈洑薇板瞫粂肇悕郥襮奎驦始荪韜抌缿朲嘨燹鲓蝣識愑繌兜朻喘葜圈璱襺肋饈撋鑤錨缉滥懺


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