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秋九年级英语全册 unit 6 when was it invented(第4课时)section b(2a-2e)习题课件 (新版)新人教版

  • 卖家[上传人]:tia****nde
  • 文档编号:70816126
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:12.89MB
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    • 1、第四课时(Section B 2a2e),一、根据句意选择方框中所给词填空,并注意形式变化。(52分10分) 1In the past,people usually go shopping with their bamboo_. 2I think that Dr.Bethune is one of Chinas great_. 3Nothing can stop him from _ for the people. 4The _of cars has increased quickly in our city these years. 5We should work hard _ our dream.,baskets,heroes,working,popularity,to achieve,二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(52分10分) 6Mo Yans books _(enjoy) by many people all over the world. 7My brother wants to be a _(prefession)player all the time. 8It _(be

      2、lieve) that China has had Diaoyu Islands for thousands of years. 9The heavy rain stopped us from _ (go) on a vacation in Hainan. 10Eight people, _(include) two children,were hurt in the accident.,are enjoyed,professional,is believed,going,including,三、根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。(52分10分) 11The _(奥运会) is held every four years in different cities. 12The tea trade from China to Western countries helped to spread the _ (普及) of tea to more places. 13As a salesman,he telephoned his _(客户) every day. 14He _(划分) the ki

      3、ds into two groups and tested them. 15Li Lin is a _ (英雄)in my heart.,Olympics,popularity,customers,divided,hero,四、单项选择。(53分15分) ( )16.Jessicas parents always encourage her _ out her opinions. Aspeak Bspeaking Cto speak Dwill speak ( )17.The number of the teachers in our school _ 60 and most of them _ women. Ais;are Bare;is Care;are Dbe;are,C,A,( )18.A year has four seasons and it _ twelve different star signs. Adividing into Bis dividing into Cdivided into Dis divided into ( )19.The Great Green

      4、Wall can stop the wind and sand _ to the rich land in the south of China. Amove Bto move Cfrom moving Dmoved,D,C,( )20.Our English teacher speaks English very well.We all _ him very much. Acall for Bworry about Ctake care of Dlook up to,D,五、根据汉语及英语提示完成下列句子。(54分20分) 21乔(Joe)想去欧洲。(dream of) Joe dreams of going to Europe. 22我们应该阻止吉尔(Jill)离开。(stop.from) We should stop Jill from leaving. 23大部分年轻人仰慕体育明星和歌星。(look up to) Most young people look up to sports stars and singers.,24这个工厂有400个工人。(the number of

      5、) The number of workers in the factory is four hundred. 25我们的英语老师经常鼓励我们看英语电影。(encourage) Our nglish teacher often encourages us to watch English movies.,六、阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。(75分35分) fridge,customer,Canada,daily,smell,nearly,boil Hey,Im Mike Green.I live in Canada but Im not 26._.Im from the USA.I have worked in Canada for 27._ three years.Here,my 28._ job is to sell all kinds of zippers in a big store.Every day lots of 29._ come to my store.I help them buy zippers that they like.In the evening I neednt go to work.After dinner,I usually 30._ drinking water,make tea and enjoy it.,Canadian,nearly,daily,customers,boil,Oh,last night a bad thing happened to me.There was something wrong with my 31._.It couldnt keep the food fresh.I called somebody and asked him to repair it.When I was busy helping him,I 32. something terrible.I forgot the water over the fire.When I rushed into my kitchen,I found my pot(壶)was almost dry.,fridge,smelt,

      《秋九年级英语全册 unit 6 when was it invented(第4课时)section b(2a-2e)习题课件 (新版)新人教版》由会员tia****nde分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《秋九年级英语全册 unit 6 when was it invented(第4课时)section b(2a-2e)习题课件 (新版)新人教版》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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