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    • 1、,Welcome to my class Gong Xiaoqiong,Project Four,English Administrative Office Document of Enterprise,Study Objectives,学会常用英语电话记录的写作格式 ; 能正确运用英语电话记录的写作重点句型; 熟悉写好英语电话记录的主要内容; 熟悉英语电话记录的语言特色; 能基本完成英语电话记录的写作。,. Ice-breaking and Leading in,Lead to the topic by asking questions: 1.How much do you know about English telephone messages? 2.Do you know how to write them? 3. Who often write telephone messages in the work? 典型的岗位分析 通过电话进行业务联系是企业必不可少的事 物,而接听电话并将电话的重要内容记录下来,是 企业文秘、商务助理的一项重要的日常工作., Revision and

      2、 Duty Report,1.Review what we learned last time by checking students homework before the class. 2.The one who is on duty will give a duty report.,. English Telephone Message,1.Brief Introduction 电话记录用于商务交流和日常生活中记录来电内容,以便传递 信息。一般来说,大多数公司都有较固定的电话记录格式,内容 包括留言人、留言对象、留言时间、留言内容、记录人等信息, 而日常生活中的电话记录较随便,通常采用便条的形式。电话记 录的内容必须简明扼要,同时又必须将留言人的意愿清楚、明白 地表达出来。 2.电话记录的主要内容一般包括: 1)标题( Telephone Message 写在首行正中); 2)根据提供的信息准确全面地填写电话记录,如From留言人;To 留言对象; Date 留言日期; Time 留言时间; Telephone Message记录 内容,记录内容后有时要写上记录人姓名。,Tas

      3、k1-Sample reading,Sample 1: Telephone Message To: Mr. Sun From: Mr. Chang Tel No: 66468291-6008 Date: Dec.17th, 2007 (17/12/2007)(12-17-2007) Message: Mr. Chang called from his room in a hotel to tell about his arrival in Beijing. He will come quite late this afternoon, at about 4 p. m., and he wanted to inform the company about that. Call received by: Lin Lan,After-reading questions:,1.When did Mr. Chang call? 2.What will Mr. Chang do late this afternoon? 3.Who took down the telephone message?,

      4、Sample 2: Telephone Message Mr. Temple called-order of 600 sets of color TVs not arrived yet. I checked with Susan. She said it was due to transport problems. Smith Black,Task1-Sample reading,Task1-Sample reading,Sample 3 Telephone Message 9a.m.,Wednesday Dear Mr. Chen Ming, Mr. Li Kuoqing of the CAAC has just rung up saying that he will call on you tomorrow morning. Rose,Task1-Sample reading,Sample4 TELEPHONE MESSAGE Date 12-8-2007 Time 11:30 ( )A.M. ( )P. M. For(To): Mr. Zhang Lihua From : Mr.

      5、 George Richter Of ABC COMPANY Tel. No 368-1130 Telex No. 0086-431-5689675 Telegrams:1146 ( )came to see you ( )urgent ( )telephoned ( )please ring him/her ( )cabled ( )telex back ( )sent telex message ( )will phone later ( )appointment to see you ( )will come again ( )wants to see you ( )will write Message: Your order will be ready, Thursday. Signed: Chen Ming,Tranlation for reference:,电话留言 日期:2007-12-8 时间:11:30 上午( ) 下午( ) 交:张立华先生 留言人:ABC公司的乔治瑞查得先生 电话号码:5831625-24 传真号码:0086-431-5689675 电报:1146

      6、 ( ) 来过,要见您 ( )紧急电话 ( )打过电话 ( )请打电话给他/她 ( )发过电报 ( )回电传 ( )发过电传留言 ( )过会再来电话 ( )约见您 ( )将再来 ( )想拜访您 ( )将写信 留言内容: 您的定单将在星期四准备好。 记录人签字:陈明,Notes:,1.有许多企业都有印好的制式记录表格,其格式如下: Telephone Message (电话记录) To: (电话要找的人), From:(打电话的人),Telephone No: ( 对方的电话号码), Date: (日期), Message: (电话内容) Call received by: ( 接电话的人) 2.如果没有现成的便笺,则可以直接写在白纸上,视情况可以不注明 To, Date, Message等字样.,Common used vocabulary,To/For (交) From (留言人) Of(留言人单位名称) Date(留言日期) Time(留言时) Phone(留言人电话) Area code(区号) Extension(分机号) Telephone number(电话号码) Tele

      7、phoned/called(来过电话) Please call 请打电话(给) Will call again(将再来电话) Returned call(已回电话) Will telephone later(过后会来电 Will return(将回电话) Came to see you(来过,要见您) Wants to see you(想拜访您) Urgent(紧急电话) Important(重要电话) Message(留言内容) Was in (要找的人在) Signed(签字) Remarks(备注),Task2-Practice Writing,Write an English telephone message according to the given information: Situation1: If you are Mary, a secretary . You are working at an office of a company with foreign investiment. It is 10a.m. , Tuesday. A call comes in

      8、 for Kathy, your manager. She is having a meeting now. It is Mr. Smith of CAM Company who wants to discuss the contract with Kathy. He wants Kathy to call him back before 3p.m.today at 426-1103.,Possible writing for reference :,Telephone Message 10a.m., Tuesday Dear manager, Mr. Smith of CAM Company wants to discuss the contract with you. Call him at 426-1103 before 3p.m.today . Mary,Task2-Practice Writing,Situation2: If you are Alice,working at an office of a school. It is 11 a.m., Wednesday. A

      9、 call comes in for Rose. She is teaching a class. It is Mrs. Smith of the Great Wall Company who wants to sign up for summer classes. She wants Rose to call her before 5 p.m. today at 010-35141268.,Possible writing for reference :,Telephone Message 11a.m. , Wednesday Dear Miss Rose, Mrs. Smith of the Great Wall Company has just rung up saying that she wants to sign up for summer classes. Please call her back before 5 p.m. today at 010-35141268. Alice,Task2-Practice Writing,Situation3: 电话记录 迈克先生来电:800台个人电脑的定货未到。我已向爱丽丝核实过,爱丽丝的理由是天气方面出现了问题。 刘萍 2011年12月6日,Possible writing for reference :,Telephone Message Dec.6th, 2011 Mr. Mike called just now-order of 800 sets of Personal Computer have not arrived yet. I che


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