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高中英语教学资料-grandad 公开

  • 卖家[上传人]:tia****nde
  • 文档编号:70786505
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:3.85MB
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    • 1、Unit3 A healthy life,- Advice From Grandad -,One apple a day keeps the doctors away.,How can we keep healthy/fit?,Healthy Fit,Dancing,Playing basketball,Healthy Fit,Unhealthy Unfit,He is addicted to drinking alcohol.,They are accustomed/used to this kind of life style.,eating too much,obesity,Unhealthy Unfit,Unhealthy Unfit,They are addicted to smoking cigarettes.,out of curiosity,Harmful effects of smoking,Due to smoking, the leaves of lung would turn . The teeth and fingers would become . Smok

      2、ing may cause .,black,yellow,air pollution,Smoking affects the health of non-smokers , especially the women and .,pregnant,adolescents,Quit smoking!,Reading Advice From Grandad,Two parts: part1: a letter to help James to give up smoking. Part2: _ which gives advice on how to quit smoking.,An internet page,Match each paragraph with its main idea,A Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5,B Grandad talks about James problem of smoking. The harmful effects of smoking. Grandad tel

      3、ls about the life he is living and the importance of healthy life. Grandads hope for James and his advice on stopping smoking. The three different ways of becoming addicted.,He is leading a/an _ life.,healthy,But actually, during _, there was a time when he was _ smoking. And he found that how easy it was to began smoking and how _ it was to _.,adolescence,addicted to,tough,quit,James problem,Grandads recent life,Para. 1,Para. 2,active,long,2. be _ addicted to the _,physically,nicotine,habit,men

      4、tally,3 ways to become addicted,automatically,He was not healthy both physically and mentally.,Para. 3,3. be _ addicted to the,1. be _ addicted to _,A truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.,What is a truly healthy person?,be healthy both physically and mentally,do terrible damage to your heart and lungs be more difficult to become pregnant have an abnormal baby affect the health of non-smokers smell terrible have the ends of the fingers turn yellow Be taken off the

      5、 school football teamunfit,be forced to leave,Para. 4,Para. 4,The harmful effects,Para. 4,_ _ _ _ _ _,Prepare yourself,Be determined,Break the habit,Relax,Get help if you need it,Keep trying,What suggestions does it give to strengthen James resolve to quit smoking?,Part2: An Internet Page,Further reading What kind of person do you think James grandfather is? He is fit and healthy and leads an active life. He takes an interest in his grandsons well-being. He is knowledgeable. He reads the interne

      6、t. He appears to love his grandson.,Comprehending 1.In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking? A. Using scientific theory B. His failure in love C. His sports activity D. His own experience,2.What can we know from the passage? Quitting smoking is very easy. James managed to give up smoking finally. It is difficult to give up smoking, and it needs great determination. James grandad lives a healthy and active life because he didnt become addicted to cigarettes dur

      7、ing adolescence.,3.The phrase “withdrawal symptoms” in para3 probably means _. 分离症状 撤退现象 断瘾症状 戒毒反应,4.Which is NOT the effect of smoking? A. Causing terrible damage to heart and lungs. B. Affecting the health of non-smokers. C. Having the clothes turn yellow. D. Not enjoying sport.,5. The reason why Grandad stopped smoking were the following EXCEPT that_. his girlfriend didnt like his bad smell he had to leave the football team he noticed that he became breathless his parents asked him to stop sm

      8、oking,6. According to the letter, James grandad _. is lonely didnt give up smoking used to be a member of the school football team gave James some good advice that he thought of,1. what harmful effects does smoking have? in our daily life,7.What kind of person do you think James grandfather is? He is fit and healthy He leads an active life He is caring and loves his grandson He is strict with his grandson E. He reads the Internet and is knowledgeable F. He also smokes and becomes addicted to cig

      9、arettes.,Lucky time,competition,choose a picture for your group,round 1,1,2,3,In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking? (2 points) A. Using scientific theory B. His failure in love C. His sports activity D. His own experience,What can we know from the passage? (3) Quitting smoking is very easy. James managed to give up smoking finally. It is difficult to give up smoking, and it needs great determination. James grandad lives a healthy and active life because he didnt become addicted to cigarettes during adolescence.,The phrase “withdrawal symptoms” in para3 probably means _. (3 points) 分离症状 撤退现象 断瘾症状 戒毒反应,round 2,1,2,3,Which is NOT the effect of smoking? (2 points) A. Causing

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