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[文学]the trial that rocked the world

  • 卖家[上传人]:tia****nde
  • 文档编号:70786472
  • 上传时间:2019-01-18
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    • 1、Lesson 4 The Trial that rocked the world,Trial; Rock: to cause great shock and surprise Fundemantalism VS Evolutionism,Sort out Legal terms and structure,Para.1 the counsel for my defense (Line 3) Leading counsel for the prosecution Para. 2 I was involved in a trial (L. 10) to testify on my behalf (L. 11) Para. 3-8 Para. 9 when I was indicted on May 7. (L.40) Para. 10 the trial began (L.50) Para. 11 The presiding judge (L.60) Bryanwas assisted in his prosecution by his son and Tennessees attorne

      2、y-general (L.62) Para. 12 The judge asked the local minister to open the session and the trial got under way. (L.70) Para. 13. after the preliminary sparring over legalities, Darrow got up to make his opening statement (L.75) Para. 16 The following day the prosecution began calling witnesses against me. Two of my pupils testified (L.89) Para. 20. After the evidence was completed, Bryan rose to address the jury. Para. 21. Malone popped up to reply. He appealed for intellectual freedom and accused

      3、 Bryan of calling for a duel (L.121) Para. 25. the judge ruled against permitting the scientists to testify for the defense (L.130) Para. 26. when the court adjourned(L.132) Para. 29. the trial was resumed (L.145) Para. 30 calling Bryan as a witness for the defense.151 Para.42 The judge adjourned the court Para. 44. The jury were asked to consider their verdict the jurymen retired the verdict was guilty I was fined,Introduction to the trial,trial,After the trial,Trial,test the legality of sth./

      4、to do the just In a court Judge Panel of jury- jurors Defendant Prosecutor Police or the state prosecute Law/ counsel Witness- to testify on ones behalf The defendant is indicted- to charge formally Defend in the court Testify/ call the witness for the defense/ against Adjourn Jury retired Verdict-guilty or innocent conviction.,Part I,Para.1 the counsel for my defense criminal lawyer(Line 3) Leading counsel for the prosecution Silver-tongued orator, nominee, leader, bring about In the packed cou

      5、rt Sweltering July day in 1925 Para. 2 I was involved in a trial (L. 10) to testify on my behalf (L. 11)- -distinguished professor reporter on hand Para. 3-8 Para. 9 when I was indicted on May 7. (L.40),The story starts: who, where, when and what,flashback- how come the trial,A buzz,Reported the world over,The first time in history,A reassuring arm,Para.3-8 Flashback,The case had erupted round my head not long after (synecdoche) Erupt: burst forth/out A clash had been built up between the fundam

      6、entalists and the modernists. Build up: strengthen; accumulate; increase gradually,synecdoche,Part of something is used to refer to the whole thing 提喻 A specific class of thing is used to refer to a larger, more general class A container is used to refer to its contents 1.Outside,(there is) a sea of faces. 2.Have you any coppers? 3.They share the same roof. 4.He is the Newton of this century.,When I was indicted on May 7, no one, least of all I, anticipated that my case would snowball into one o

      7、f the most famous trials in U.S. history. (metaphor) indict: sb. for a crime: to charge them with it officially e.g. Five men were caught at the scene and indicted. cf: accuse, charge, blame and indict One accuses sb. of cheating. One charges sb. with cheating. One blames sb. for the failure snowball: to increase in scale,P.3-9,adhere to: believe in, follow devotedly literal interpretation: word for word acceptance of what is said in the Bible legality: in keeping with a law, or a requirement of

      8、 law indict: to charge (someone) formally with an offence in law least of all l: I, less than anyone else No one needs to worry , you least of all. Least of all would I lie to you establish: make (something)recognized officially,Part II: Trial How many days,Para. 10 the trial began (L.50) Para. 11 The presiding judge (L.60) Bryanwas assisted in his prosecution by his son and Tennessees attorney-general (L.62) Para. 12 The judge asked the local minister to open the session and the trial got under

      9、 way. (L.70) Para. 13. after the preliminary sparring over legalities, Darrow got up to make his opening statement (L.75) Para. 16 The following day the prosecution began calling witnesses against me. Two of my pupils testified (L.89) Para. 20. After the evidence was completed, Bryan rose to address the jury. Para. 21. Malone popped up to reply. He appealed for intellectual freedom and accused Bryan of calling for a duel (L.121) Para. 25. the judge ruled against permitting the scientists to testify for the defense (L.130) Para. 26. when the court adjourned(L.132) Para. 29. the trial was resumed (L.145) Para. 30 calling Bryan as a witness for the defense.151 Para.42 The judge adjourned the court Para. 44. The jury were asked to consider their verdict the jurymen retired the verdict was guilty I was fined,By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1500 people had taken on a circus atmosphere. The buildings along the main street were

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