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    • 1、英语,第1课时 七年级(上)unit1-4,(人教版),一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子。 1Do you remember the _(号码) of Jims new car? 2Im _(整洁的),but my sister isnt.Her things are always everywhere. 3Where are _(那些) foreign students from? They are from the US.A. 4Thank you for your help. You are _(受欢迎的) 5I have been to such a wonderful city for the _(第一) time. 6There are different kinds of books in these _(图书馆) 7How do you say it in _(英语)?,number,tidy,those,welcome,first,libraries,English,8Boys usually do very _(好) in swimming and runnin

      2、g. 9Marys _(叔叔) and aunt are both doctors. 10My bike is broken.What about _(你的)?,well,uncle,yours,二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 11The boys in our class are taller than _(that) in Marys class. 12May I use your ruler?Ive _(lose) mine. 13Are there any _(photo) in your room? 14Is this jacket _(you)? No,its not _(I)It may be _(she) 15Where is his tape _(play)? Its on the desk.,those,lost,photos,yours,mine,hers,player,三、从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式完成下列各句。 middle school,thanks for,telephone number,last name,askfor,excuse m

      3、e,first name,a set of,come on 16_,are you in Class Four? 17Is your _ 8587639? 18There is _ keys on the floor. 19Smith is my _ 20Whats your_ Kate. 21Alice and I are in the same _We are classmates.,Excuse_me,telephone_number,a_set_of,last_name,first_name?,middle_school,22_,Jim!We are waiting for you. 23_your help,Jim. 24Lets _ grandpa _ something to eat.,Come_on,Thanks_for,ask,for,【题组训练】 .单项选择。 1_ _ is your father?Does he still work as an engineer? Yes,he has been an engineer for thirty years. AWh

      4、o BHow CWhat DWhich 2_ _ is her favorite subject? Its art. AWhy BWhen CWho DWhat,Whats this in English?(From:Starter Unit 2)这个用英语怎么说?,what和in,C,D,3_ _ are you going to buy for your father for Fathers Day? A Tshirt. AWhat BWhen CWhere DHow 4Gina,whats this _ _ English? Aby Bfor Cin,what和in,A,C,.根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 1你哥哥的电话号码是多少? _ your brothers_? 2这个男孩问,“那个用英语怎么说?” “_that _English?” the boy asks. 3他的床是什么颜色的? _ is his bed?,Whats,what和in,telephone number,Whats,in,What color,(1)what是疑问词,意为“什么”,可以用来询问姓名、物品

      5、、颜色、各种号码、身份和职业以及做什么等。 (2)in在这里是介词,意为“用语言”,此外,它还可表示“用某种方式、手段、材料”等。,Some keys are in Classroom 7E.(From Unit 3/Section B)一些钥匙在7E教室里。,some和any,【题组训练】 .单项选择。 1Is there _ beef in the fridge? No,there isnt. There is _ pork. Asome,any Bany,any Csome,some Dany,some 2May I drink _ _ water? Sorry,I dont have _ Aany,some Bsome,any Csome,some Dany,any,D,B,some和any,3Would you like to have _ _ coffee? No,thanks.I dont want _ drinks now. Aany,any Bany,some Csome,some Dsome,any 4There isnt _ _ rice in my bowl.W

      6、ill you please get _ for me? Aany,some Bsome,any Cany,any Dmuch,any 5Is there _ _ drink in the fridge? Yes,there is.There is _ coke. Asome,any Bany,any Csome,some Dany,some,D,A,D,some和any,.根据汉语意思完成句子。 1我有些问题要告诉你,你能给我一些建议吗? I have some problems to tell you,and can you give me_? 2他们明天没有课。 They _ classes tomorrow.,some advice,dont have any,Thank you for your help,Anna.(From:Unit 3/Section A)安娜,谢谢你的帮助。 【题组训练】 .单项选择。 1Thank you for supporting the volunteer project. _ _ AAll right BMy pleasure CNever

      7、mind DIt doesnt matter 2John,thank you for driving me home. _ _See you tomorrow. AThats right BIm afraid not CYoure welcome DIts a good idea,B,C,thank you for,3Thanks for _ _ me with my science. Ahelp Bto help Chelping Dyou help 4_ _ her husband,she has now become a famous film star. ABecause BThanks to CThanks for DWith the help 5_ _ the No.48 bus driver, all the passengers were saved.The driver managed to stop the bus before he died. AAs for BAccording to CThanks to,C,B,thank you for,C,.根据汉语完成

      8、句子,每空一词。 1谢谢你的来信。 _ your letter. 2幸亏医生们帮助,这位老人脱离了危险。 _ the doctors,the old man is out of danger.,Thanks for,Thanks to,thank you for,Thank you for也可以说成Thanks for,意为“为了某物或因为做某事而感谢”。其中for是介词,表示原因,后面接名词或动词ing形式。其答语通常用Thats all right.(没关系);Thats OK.(没关系);Youre welcome.(不客气)等。 【拓展】thanks to是一个非常重要的习语,其中的thanks不能改为thank you;to是介词,后面不能接动词原形。thanks to意为“幸亏;由于”,表示原因,与because of近义。,and/but/so/or 【题组训练】 .单项选择。 1Whats the secret of success,Dad? More time and effort,_ _ youll make it some day. Aor Bthen Cbut Dand 2Get up early,_ _ youll be late for school. Aso Band Cor Dbut 3Work hard,_ _ youll pass the exam. OK.Ill try my best. Aor Band Cbut,D,C,B,4You are wanted on the phone. _ _nobody knows Im here. AAnd BSo COr DBut 5Read this article,_ _ you will understand that not everything can be bought with money. Aor Band Cbut Dso 6Are you going out,Mike? Its the last day to buy tickets to the 2014 FIFA World


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