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    • 1、Unit 6 Food and lifestyle,Revision,Study aims,1.复习本单元的重点单词, 短语和语言点。 2.完成相关练习。,Self-learning:翻译下列单词。,保持 西瓜 巧克力 牛肉 健康 健康的 食糖,糖 牙齿 改变,变化 打算,计划,千克,公斤 盒子 瓶子 总计的,全部的 (程度上)更强,更多 点(菜) 有的味道 整个的,keep watermelon chocolate beef health healthy/fit sugar tooth change plan,kilo carton bottle total more order taste whole,Checking: Fill in the blanks.,1. I want to buy two _(千克) of pears. 2. If you dont know what to _( 点菜), please ask the waiter. 3. Tomorrow we ll be in the park for the _(整个的) day. 4. The weather

      2、 often _ (change) in England. 5. Orange juice _(taste) good. I want to drink more. 6. My sister says she will eat _(little) meat than before. 7. Look! The baby has four _(tooth).,kilos,order,whole,changes,tastes,less,teeth,散步 保持健康 对有害/利 改变某人的生活方式 多于/少于 一片面包 计划做某事 需要做某事 想要做某事 在和之间 使远离 整个下午,have/take a walk,be bad / good for,plan to do sth,more than/ less than,change ones lifestyle,a piece of bread,keep away(from),Self-learning:你能给出它们的英文吗?,the whole afternoon,keep fit/ healthy,need to do sth,want/

      3、would like to do sth,between.and.,1. 一天一个苹果可以远离医生。 2. 每周我跳舞两次,两小时 。 3. 我们还能买三瓶果汁。 4. 健康的食物对我很重要。 5.你想要点儿蔬菜吗?,An apple a day _ the doctor _.,I dance_ two hours _a week.,We can _ buy three _of _.,Healthy food _ _ _ _.,Checking:Fill in the blanks.,keeps,away,for,twice,also,bottles,juice,is important for me,_ _ _some vegetables?,Would you like,Exploration:Language points,1.让某人做某事 let sb do sth eg.让我看一看菜单。 Let me have a look at the menu. 让我们去游泳吧。 Lets go simming. 2. 对有好处, 对有坏处 be good for be bad for

      4、eg.牛奶对你的健康有好处。 Milk _ your health. 区分: be good at “擅长,在方面做得好”。 eg.She is good at swimming.,is good for,3.太多 too much+ 不可数名词 too many+ 可数名词复数 如 too much rain too many apples much too (太) +形容词或副词 e.g. 今天太冷了。 It is much too cold today. 4. 怎么样?好吗? What about.?/ How about.? about是介词,后跟名词,代词或动名词 eg. What about swimming?,too much / too many,5.需要做某事 need to do sth. 需要某物/某人 need sb/ sth eg.你需要在六点五十去上学。 Your sister needs to go to school at six fifty. 6.计划/打算做某事 eg. 我妈妈计划这个周日带我去上海。 My mother plans to take

      5、me to Shanghai this Sunday. 注意:plan 也可作名词,表示“计划,打算“ eg.Lets make a study plan.,plan to do sth.,7.对很重要 be important for eg.健康的食物对我来说很重要。 Healthy food is important for me. 固定句型: 对某人来说做某事很重要 Its important for sb to do sth. eg.做早操对我们来说很重要。 Its important for us to do morning exercises. 8.在和之间 between A and B between As eg. between you and me between meals,9.I seldom eat cakes or sweets. (1)“或者”,表选择,用于_或_句。 eg.Maybe he is her father _ uncle. Which one would you like, the red one _ the green one? (2)“和

      6、“,表并列,用于_(肯定句用and) Daniel loves hamburgers _cola. Kitty doesnt like cakes _sweets. 10.尝起来 taste taste+形容词 eg. 这些肉尝起来很好吃。 The meat tastes nice. 类似的词:look ,sound,smell,feel,or,or,and,肯定,疑问,否定句,or,11.不可数名词数量的表达: 数词+量词+of+不可数名词 eg. 一包盐 a packet of salt 五公斤肉 five kilos of meat eg.这里有五瓶果汁。 There _ five _ of juice. 12.早饭/午饭/晚饭吃 have sth. for breakfast/ lunch/dinner eg.I sometimes have fish for lunch.,are bottles,1.Look! There is _ice on the lake. A.too much B.much too C.a lot D.too many 2.He eats _ foo

      7、d and becomes _ heavy. A. too many, too much B. too much, much too C. much too, too much D. too many, many too 3.Every morning, I read English _ half an hour. A.to B.in C.for D.at 4.Jane likes fish _ chicken, but she doesnt like carrots _cakes. A.and; or B.or;and C.and;and D.or;or 5. _Miss Li need _more fruit andvegetables? A.Are; eat B.Is; eating C.Do; to eat D.Does; to eat,Checking:单选,13.可数名词复数的变化规律:,(1)在一般情况下加s. e.g. dogs, cats (2)以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词加es. e.g. buses, boxes, watches, brushes (3)

      8、以-o结尾的名词表示有生命的加es, 表示无生命的加s e.g. heroes , radios (4)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,把y改成i再加es. e.g. libraries (5)以f/ fe结尾的名词变f或fe为v,再加es. e.g. wives, knives,Summary,What did we learn in this class?,Finish off the exercises!,一、根据中文写短语 对有害 _ 计划做某事 _ 保持健康 _ 五瓶果汁 _ 使远离 _ 整个下午 _,be bad for,plan to do sth,five bottles of juice,keep fit/healthy,keep away(from),the whole afternoon,二、用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.The doctor says we need three_(glass) of water every day. 2.Kitty wants to keep_(health). 3.I plan_(make) some cakes for lunch. 4.Hed like _(eat) some rice for dinner. 5.Its important for us _(keep) fit.,glasses,healthy,to make,to eat,to keep,Recite words and useful expressions.,Assignment,Thank you!,


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