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人教版高中英语必修三unit 1《festivals around the world》(第1课时)课件

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    • 1、Festivals around the world,Unit 1,第一课时 Warming up & Reading,Unit 1,.单词速记 1_(n. & vt. & vi.)收获;收割 2_(v.)(使)饿死;饿得要死 3_(adj.)宗教上的;信奉宗教的 4_(n.)信任;信心;信仰 5_(vt.)获得;得到 6_(vt.& vi.& n)搜集;集合;聚集 7_(n.)奖;奖品(vt.)授予;判定 8_(vt.)钦佩;赞美;羡慕,harvest,starve,religious,belief,gain,gather,award,admire,9_ (n.)美;美人_(adj.)美丽的,美好的beautify(v.)美化 10_(n.)庆祝;祝贺celebrate(v.)庆祝;祝贺 11independence(n.)独立;自主_(adj.)独立的;自主的 12_(n.)农业;农艺;农学agricultural(adj.)农业的;农艺的 13_(adj.)充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的energy(n.)能量;精力;活力,beauty,beautiful,celebration

      2、,independent,agriculture,energetic,.短语互译 1take place _ 2in memory of _ 3dress up _ 4play a trick on _ 5期望;期待 _ 6日夜,昼夜 _ 7好像 _ 8玩得开心 _,发生,纪念;追念,盛装;打扮;装饰,搞恶作剧,开玩笑,look forward to,day and night,as though,have fun with,.完成句子 1讨论它们是什么时间举行,庆祝什么,那个时候人们在做什么。 Discuss _,_ and what people do at that time.(when,what引导宾语从句) 2有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或者使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。 Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors,who might return _. (either.or.要么要么;或者或者),3在这个重要的节庆日子里,人们会吃制

      3、成颅骨形状的食物,和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。 On this important feast day,people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes_.(with宾语宾语补足语) 答案:1.when they take place; what they celebrate 2.either to help or to do harm 3.with “bones” on them,.课文理解 Step 1 Fast Reading Scan the passage and then choose the best answers according to the passage. 1. Most ancient festivals were held in order to_. Acelebrate the end of cold weather Bcelebrate harvest in autumn Ccelebrate planting in spring Dall of the above,2In which country do

      4、people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November? AJapan. BMexico. CAmerica. DIndia.,3. What is Columbus Day in the USA for? AIn memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. BIn order to satisfy their ancestors. CIn order to offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. DIn order to celebrate the return of Jesus from the dead.,4. The biggest difference between the Chinese Spring Festival and Easter in Christian countries lies in _ functions. Acultural Bpolitical Creligious

      5、Deducational 5Which of the following festivals is to honour the dead? AObon. BMidAutumn Festival. CEaster. DCherry Blossom Festival.,Step 2 Careful Reading 1Read the passage and write down the main idea of it. The text mainly tells us about some of todays festivals. There are three kinds of festival. Some are _, some are _ and some are for_. 2What is one important reason for us to have festivals and celebrations? _ _,Step 3 Summary Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks. Festivals and

      6、 celebrations have been held everywhere since ancient times. There are all kinds of celebrations throughout the world. Todays festivals have many origins, some 1._, some seasonal, and some for 2._.,Different countries have different festivals. Festivals of the dead are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the 3. _. Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. In China, the 4._Festival honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. The most energetic and important festival is 5._, which looks

      7、forward to the end of winter and the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat such things as 6._, fish, and meat and give children 7._in red paper. Some Western countries have very exciting 8._, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in 9._. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our 10._ and forget our work for a little while.,Step 4 Discussion Should we, Chinese students, celebrate Western festivals like Christmas? Why or why not? _ _ 答案:Step 1 15 DBACA Step

      8、2 1.religious; seasonal; special people or events 2We can enjoy life/be proud of our customs/forget our work for a little while.,Step 3 1.religious 2.special people or events 3ancestors 4.Dragon Boat 5.the Spring Festival 6dumplings 7.lucky money 8.carnivals 9.February 10customs Step 4 Yes. We can share our happiness with each other and increase mutual understanding by celebrating western festivals.Meanwhile, we can learn more about western culture.,1.starve (1)v. (使人)挨饿,饿死 Shes starving herself to try to lose weight. 她正在用节食的方法减轻体重。 These animals will starve to death if not given food soon. 这些动物不赶快喂些食物就会饿死。,(2)v. 缺乏的;急需的 Shes lonely, and starving for friendship. 她很寂寞,渴望友谊。 The patients are starved of/starving for medicine. 这些病人急需用药。 归纳拓展 (1)starve to death 饿死 starve for sth. 渴望获得某物;缺乏 starve to do sth. 渴望做某事 (2)

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