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牛津译林版选修八unit 1《the written world》ppt课件ⅲ

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    • 1、Section Task & Project,速效提能演练,重点难点探究,Section ,写作专题突破,重点难点探究,1The two friends kicked and ran until the sun turned the sky pale orange. 这两位朋友踢着、跑着一直到太阳把天空变成灰橙色。,品味经典 The weather has turned much colder. 天气变得冷多了。 The heat turned the milk sour. 炎热的天气使牛奶变酸了。,The leaves were already turning yellow. 叶子已经变黄了。 自我探究 turn 可作及物动词,所用结构是:turnn.adj.;当turn 用在turnadj.结构中时,turn 是连系动词,含义为“变成”。,易混辨析 get,go,turn,come,注意:若是单数名词作turn的表语时,不定冠词a(n)就应省略。 He turned teacher later.后来他成了一位教师。,归纳拓展,牛刀小试 (1)She _16 this month,

      2、and she has to find a job to support her family. Agets Bbecomes Cturns Dreaches,解析:选C。句意:“这个月她满16岁了,不得不找个工作来养家。”在所给四个词中,只有turn 后面接数字可表示“到了岁”,turn 16 到了16岁。,(2)I thought it was going to rain but it has _fine. Aturned out Bcome out Cbrought out Dput up with,解析:选A。句意:“我原以为要下雨,但结果是天放晴了。”turn out 表示“结果是”,其后可接形容词。come out 表示“出来,(花)开,出版”,其后不接形容词;bring out 表示“生产,出版,使显现”,其后也不接形容词;put up with 表示“忍受”,后接名词作其宾语。,(3)I can hardly hear the radio.Would you please_? Aturn it on Bturn it down Cturn it up Dturn it

      3、off,解析:选C。此题考查词组辨析。前一分句表示“我几乎听不到收音机的声音”,下句就应是请求对方把声音开大一点。turn on 打开;turn down 关小;turn up 开大;turn off 关掉。,2Mikes sneakers were old and muddy,and he had little talent for soccer. 迈克的鞋子很旧,满是泥土,而且他在足球方面没什么天赋。,品味经典 He is looking for a way to use his talents. 他盼望有机会能一展所长。 Jenny has a talent for writing. 珍妮有写作天赋。,The company makes good use of its talents in every aspect. 该公司很好地发挥了各种人才的作用。 自我探究 talent n(gift)才能,天赋;人才; talented adj. 天才的;有才能的; talentless 无才能的;平庸的。,归纳拓展,易混辨析 genius,gift,talent,ability,牛刀小试

      4、 单项填空 (1)He proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _was seen at its best when he worked with others.,Atemper Bappearance Ctalent Dcharacter 解析:选D。句意:“他证明自己是一个真正的绅士,而且他的品质之美在和他人一起工作时展现得淋漓尽致。” character 性格,品质,符合句意。temper 脾气;appearance 外表;talent 才能。,(2)He has the _to get the job quickly _. Aability;done Bability;do Cability;to do Dtalent;done,解析:选A。固定短语 have the ability to do sth.意为“有能力做某事”,get sth.done 表示“完成某事”。,用genius,gift,talent或ability填空 (3)Do you have the _ to speak fluent Engl

      5、ish? (4)She has a _ for music. (5)He showed great _ in language. (6)Li Bai was a great_.,ability,gift/talent,talent,genius,3As his sadness turned to anger, he picked up his new soccer ball and kicked it into the air. 当他的悲伤变成了愤怒时,他捡起他的新足球,把它踢向了空中。,品味经典 Now I just find the park very dirty because I have to pick up the rubbish where I am going to sit. 现在我觉得这个公园很脏,因为要坐下来就必须先捡起垃圾。,Trains pick up and drop off passengers at stations. 火车在车站上下乘客。 When I was in university in Nanjing,I often used my radio

      6、to pick up Special English from VOA. 当我在南京上大学时,我经常用收音机收听美国之音的英语特别节目。,自我探究 pick up 意为“拾起,捡起”,还可作“收听;学会”,以及“好转,继续,重新开始”讲。,归纳拓展 类似的v.up构成的短语还有: break up 结束;解体;打散;中断;(学校)放假;驱散;分手,关系破裂 build up 逐步建立;增强体质 hold up 延迟,阻碍;搀扶,支撑;举起,抬起,make up 构成,占比例;编造,捏造;弥补,补偿;和解;化妆 put up 张贴;建造;举起,抬起;提价;提供 take up 占据(时间或空间);开始从事,牛刀小试 (1)A notice was _in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time. Asent up Bgiven up Cset up Dput up,解析:选D。句意:“一个通知被张贴出来,以便告知学生们演讲的新时间。”本题考查动词短语辨析。A项“发射”;B项“放弃”;C项“提出,提议;竖起,升起”;

      7、D项“张贴”。根据句意选择D项。,(2)Sorry,I have to_now.Its time for class. OK,Ill call back later. Ahang up Bbreak up Cgive up Dhold up,解析:选A。句意:“对不起,我不得不挂断电话了。上课时间到了。”“好的,等会儿我再回电话。”A项“挂断(电话);悬挂,挂起”;B项“解散;中断;(学校)放假;关系破裂”;C项“放弃”;D项“延迟,阻碍;搀扶,支撑;举起,抬起”。根据句意选择A项。,(3)Under good treatment,many patients are beginning to_ and will soon recover. Apick up Bpick out Cturn up Dshow up,解析:选A。考查短语辨析。pick up 在此作“恢复”讲,符合语意。pick out 挑选;turn up 出现;show up 揭露,露面。,4When Cindy is sad,she is always described in shades of grey. 当辛迪难

      8、过时,她总是用灰色调来描写,品味经典 There isnt much shade here. 这儿不太阴凉。 She took a rest in the shade of a tree. 她在树阴下休息了一会儿。,自我探究 shade 可作名词,意为“荫,阴凉处”,是不可数名词,当具有特指意义时,通常带定冠词;表示“在树阴下”时,常用介词in。,归纳拓展 (1)若有形容词修饰时可用不定冠词。 (2)表示“阴影”为不可数名词;表示“遮阳伞,灯罩,明暗,深浅(色调的)”等为可数名词。,(3)shade,shadow,严格说来,shade 是指太阳照不到的地方;shadow 主要指人或物体因挡住光线而形成的影子,有时也可指太阳照不到的阴凉处(shade)。 What a pleasant shade these trees give!,这些树下多么阴凉舒服啊! There are a number of different shades of green. 绿色有许多不同的色调。,牛刀小试 (1)What _pleasant shade!Lets take a rest_. A/;in t

      9、he shade Ba;in the shade Cthe;under the shade D/;under the shade,解析:选B。shade 是不可数名词(表示“树荫”时),但是当有形容词修饰它时,通常要在前面加不定冠词;表示“在树阴下”用in the shade ,不用under the shade。,(2)The noon sunlight was too bright,so he had to _his eyes with his left hand to see the car clearly. Aprevent Bshade Ccover Dhide,解析:选B。句意:“因为中午光线太强,因而他要用手把眼睛上方遮蔽着才能看清那辆车。” prevent 防止;cover 覆盖;hide 躲藏;shade 遮蔽。,5Burns was by then a famous poet,but was not any richer and had to earn his income by farming. 彭斯是当时有名的诗人,但他已不再富裕,不得不靠农活维持生计。,品味经典 He earned fame and fortune.他名利双收。 They could earn 3,000 yuan a month as long as they worked hard. 他们只要努力工作一个月可以挣到三千元。,自我探究 earn的基本意思是“获得某种精神或物质上的报酬”,引申为“挣钱”“谋生”解。可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。,归纳拓展,易混辨析 earn,win,gain,obtain,牛刀小试 She made_good living by marrying_mone

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