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牛津译林版英语高二上册module 5《unit 3 science versus nature》ppt课件之一

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  • 文档编号:70705253
  • 上传时间:2019-01-17
  • 文档格式:PPT
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、Period five Project Having a debate,Leading in: appreciate some scenes in some movies,Read the article and give the main idea for each paragraph.,_ have been seriously affected by carelessness.,_ towards the problem.,Natural resources,Different attitudes,Humans are moving towards _ _.,Humans can only really win by_.,an important point in the relationship with nature,protecting nature,Read it again and answer the following questions. 1. What have people done to nature? 2. If we continue in this w

      2、ay, what might happen?,They have done a lot to destroy and damage nature.,The planet we live on will be eventually destroyed.,3. What different attitude towards environmental conservation?,If we focus only on environmental conservation, then people may suffer. Should the economic development be stopped in favor of nature? we are only doing what humans have always done , using nature to meet our needs,The other side:,One side:,Such thinking may spell disaster, unless we start to look around and u

      3、nderstand how a clean environment benefits us all.,4. What is the attitude of poorer nations towards the problem? What about the attitude of developed nations?,Poorer nations pay more attention to economic development but less to the environment while developed nations do things in a different way.,Discuss :,1. Which is more important, economic development or protecting nature?,2. Dou think it contrary (矛盾的) to develop economy while not damaging the environment?,Language points:,We further damag

      4、e earth by constructing new water construct: v. 建造,建设,构造 construction n. 建造,建设 constructive adj. 有建设性的,有帮助的 under construction 正在修建 The story is skillfully constructed. 故事的构思相当巧妙。,development should be stopped in favour of nature? in favour of: 有利于,赞同(接名词、代词和动名词) ask a favour of 拜托某人 do sb. a favour = do a favour for sb. 帮助某人 find favour with a person 受青睐 favour sb. with sth.对某人施恩惠,From the point of view of sb point of view :观点,着眼点 view: n. 观点,看法,见解 辨析:view / opinion / idea view侧重于对比较广泛、重大或者有关公众

      5、问题所采取的态度,比较固定、系统。全面的见解; opinion是对某事或某人持有的看法或舆论 idea是处置某事的计划、判断、理解或对其实现之可能性进行评测,He holds an opinion opposite to our. 他持有与我们相反的意见。 Do you have any idea of what Im trying to explain?你知道我努力要解释的是什么吗? Different social classes hold different political views.不同的社会阶级有不同的政治观点。,Other people argue that argue: v. 争辩,辩论,主张 argue with sb. about /over sth. 因某事同某人争论 argue for / against sth. 为赞成或反对某事而争辩 argue that 主张 argue sb. Into / out of doing sth. 说服某人做/停止做某事,辨析:argue/debate/quarrel/discuss argue指说理、论证,侧重摆事实,

      6、试图说服对方,也可能是激烈的交换意见,以以致争吵; debate指正式的辩论,交锋 quarrel指由于对某事不满而生气,同某人争吵,吵架 discuss讨论,着重指交换意见,不含有说服对方的意思。,using up natural resources at a fast rate rate : n. 比率,速度,地方税,价格 v. 对评价,认为 the rate of finished products 成品率 be sold at a high rate 以高价出售 postal rates 邮费 rates and taxes 地方税和国家税 He works at a high rate.他工作效率很高。,like many developed nations have. developed: adj. 发达的,成熟的 developing adj. 发展中的 development n. 发展,生长,进化 develop v. 发展,培育,制订,成长 develop ones mind 开发心智 develop into 发展成为 develop from sth. 从发展而

      7、来,Most of the time it turns out that humans are turn out: 结果证明 The rumor turns out to be true. 传闻后来证明是真的。 Turn其他词组: turn over 翻转,思考 turn down 调小音量,拒绝 turn against 反对,背叛 turn away 转过脸去,把打发走 turn up 调大音量,露面,Whats the meaning of “spell” in line 13? A.拼写 B.琢磨 C.认出 D.招致,Spell v. Our failure is likely to spell heavy losses. 我们的失败可能招致重大的损失。 spell danger 招致危险,Whats the meaning of “profit” mean?,A.利润 B.益处 C.得益 D.有益于,profit vi.得益;获利,赚钱;,You may profit by the experience of others. 你可以吸取别人的经验教训,I profited g

      8、reatly from your advice. 你的建议让我受益匪浅.,=benefit from,Vt. 对有好处,Taking extra courses profited me.,学习额外的课程对我很有好处.,We are moving towards an important point of understanding in our relationship with nature.,我们正在接近理解人和自然的关系的重要的一刻.,At this point he got up. 这时(说到这里)他从床上跳了起来。,on the point of 正要 He gave up on the point of winning.,Choose: Ive come to the point _ I cant stand her rudeness. A. which B. that C. where D. because,C,point of view 观点; 角度,Whats your point of view?,It was an unsatisfactory meeting f

      9、rom every point of view.,to the point,Your advice was very much to the point.,中肯,Work in pairs and discuss the question in pairs. Do you think the problem of humans winning and nature losing can be settled? If so, can you suggest some solutions?,Discussion:,Lets prepare a debate in the following steps:,planning,preparing,producing,presenting,Having a debate,Discuss which topic your group would like to choose from below. 1. euthanasia (killing a person who has a disease that cant be cured ) 2. cloud seeding (creating rain in times of drought) 3. plastic (surgery for teens),Planning,Split your group members into For and Against. Give each member of your group a different role. Choose from the following and write down the names beside each role. speaker _ researcher _ timekeeper _,For i

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