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牛津译林版英语高一下册module 4《unit 1 advertising》ppt课件之二

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  • 上传时间:2019-01-17
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、dvertising,A,Unit 1,Reading 2,Language items,Revision (Fill in the blanks),Advertisements,which often use p_ language and e_ images, play an important p_ of our lives. There are two main t_ of advertisements.One is called c_ advertisements, which are meant to p_ a product or s _.But they dont tell c_ the c_ truth. Another one is called PSAs, which use a_ and o_ images and c_ language,are often placed for f_.They d_ with many social i_, which often affect public w_.,ersuasive,xciting,art,ypes,omm

      2、ercial,romote,ustomers,omplete,ttractive,riginal,reative,ree,eal,ssues,elfare,ervice,Language focus,be used to do research on play tricks on Share with encourage sb. to do sth. believe in lie for free protect from intend to be aware of connect with fall for,1 We are so used to them (line 1) be used to do / doing sth. -get accustomed to used to -happened in the past e.g.I am not quite used to living here/city life. I used to live in Nanjing. Ex: The new machine _production. However I_it. is used

      3、to increase; am not used to controlling is used to increasing; dont used to control used to increase; dont used to control used to increasing; am not used to control,A,2 I did some research on(line 2) to share with you.(line 3),research: 1)n. do/conduct research on: 我正在做关于广告的研究。 2) V. to study 商人研究市场很重要。,I am conducting research on advertisements.,Its important for a businessman to research the market.,share with: use sth. together with e.g. Id like to share my book with you. Practice She _ my t

      4、roubles as well as my joys. A. shares with B. shares (in),B,3 encourage peoplebelieve in an idea(line 6),encourage sb. to do sth. Dont encourage bad habits in a child. 老师鼓励她看英文电影。 believe in: to have firm faith in Many people dont believe in God. Practice: believe/believe in I dont _ ghosts. I _ that stories of ghosts were made up by human beings.,The teacher encouraged her to watch English films.,believe in,believe,4 for free,and are intended to(line 11),for free:free of charge/without payment

      5、You can take the ticket for free. 每个孩子都会得到一本免费的书。 intend to: design/mean to do sth. I intended to do it, but Im afraid I forgot. What he said at the meeting _ make us to support his idea. A. intended to B. intends to C.was intended to D. is intended to,Every child will get a book for free.,C,5 China has strong laws to protect people from(line 14),protectfromkeep sb/sth safe from We should protect the earth from pollution. 人们通常戴太阳镜以妨眼睛被太阳灼伤。 More similar phrases:,People usually wear sunglasses to

      6、 protect their eyes from being burned by the sunlight.,6 from advertisements that lie or (line 14),lie: lied(pt,pp),lying(pres p) vt.说谎 to sb. about sth. She was lying!She lied to me about her age! lie:lay(pt) lain(pp) lying(pres p) vi.平躺 He has lain in bed since this morning. lay:laid(pt,pp)laying(pres p) vt. 放置 He laid his hand on my shoulder.,Practice He _ the book on the desk and told me that he had _in bed for the whole morning. But I knew that he was _ to me.,laid,lain,lying,7must be aware

      7、 of the methods(line 16),be aware of: realizing sth. that exists Are you aware of the importance of learning a foreign language? 你知道是什么时候了么? be aware that: having knowledge of sth./sb. She became aware that something was burning. 我很清楚吸烟有害健康。,Are you aware of the time?,Im well aware that smoking is bad for our health.,8 connect them to the food(line 25),connect: bring together/join The two cities are connected by a railway. She is connected with a famous family. You should not connect the two dif

      8、ferent things to each other. 我这就给你接通王先生的电话。 connection: n. in connection with 他们与这个案件有关联。,Ill connect you with Mr. Wang immediately.,They are in connection with the case.,9 We must not fall for this kind (line 26),fall for sth.: to be tricked You should be clever enough not to fail for his tricks. 他说他是学生,我信以为真。 fall for sb: be attracted to sb. They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later. More phrases about fall,He said that he was a student and I fell for it.,fall down: The pla

      9、n fell down because it proved to be too expensive.,fail,fall into sth: You can not fall into the bad habit smoking a lot.,develop sth.,fall off: The production has fallen off since last month.,decrease,fall to doing sth: They fell to thinking about what had happened to them.,begin to do sth.,10 ads play tricks on (line 28),play tricks on: play a joke on Children, as well as adults, usually play tricks on each other on Halloween. 老师要求我们不要再捉弄对方了。,The teacher asked us not to play tricks on each other any more.,trick: V. trick sb. into doing sth. She tricked him into giving her all his money.,Consolidation:,1 You should _ your books_ your desk-mate. 2 I _ getting up early in the morning. 3 He _ finish the project ahead of time, but he failed. 4 I will never _ the words of door-to

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