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牛津译林版必修五unit 3《science versus nature》(grammar)ppt课件

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    • 1、Unit 3 Science versus nature,Grammar and usage,Part 1,Verb-ed form as an adjective or adverb,they have successfully cloned the first human embryo. Thankfully,many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze river and environmental organizations and projects have been set up to deal with that could eventually be used to cure diseases like cancer. In China ,as well as stem cells to be used in medical research.,that not only is the amount of water taken from the river rising,but

      2、 the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing.,endangered animals,untreated gases,If I had the chance ,I would have a cloned baby.,=If I had the chance, I would have a baby who is cloned.,及物动词的过去分词作定语时,它和被修饰的词 是逻辑上的_关系,相当于一个_语态 的_从句,被动,被动,定语,Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.,=Most of the people who were invited to the party were famous scientists.,They took the injured woman to the nearby hospital at once,They took the woman who was injured to th

      3、e nearby hospital at once.,The lost child was found at last. The child lost in the park was found at last.,单独及物动词的过去分词一般置于被修饰名词_, 而过去分词短语则要位于名词之_,前,后,印刷品 _matter 书面报告 a _ report 熟食 _ food 冷冻食品 _ food 果干 _ fruit 改变了的情况 _conditions,printed,written,cooked,frozen,dried,changed,untreated human and industrial sewage,= human and industrial sewage which has not been treated,finished homework,=the homework which has been finished,This is the most interesting story ever heard of.,=This is the most interes

      4、ting story that has ever been heard of.,_ yesterday The meeting _ now _ tomorrow is of great importance. (hold),held,being held,to be held,Prices of daily goods _through a computer can be lower than store prices.(2002春招) are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying,Hello, I am Dolly. I am a _ (clone) sheep. I dont know who is my mother. The _ (dark hair) man who created me is a _ (respect) scientist. Could he be my father? I dont know.,cloned,dark-haired,respected/ respectable,Dollys story,a de

      5、tailed statement a gifted boy flowered curtains 心不在焉的 心胸开阔的 冷血的 心地善良的,absent-minded,cold-blooded,kind-hearted,open-minded,the risen sun,=the sun that has risen,Scientific experiments carried out by the students without a teacher can be dangerous.,_ _,Scientific experiments which are carried out by the students without a teacher can be dangerous,The ground is covered with fallen leaves when autumn wind blows,_,The ground is covered with leaves which are fallen when autumn wind blows,which have fa

      6、llen,Find out the differences,.fallen leaves,falling leaves,the sun,the sun,a country,a country,risen,rising,developed,developing,一个退休的教授 a _ professor 爆炸了的炸弹 an _ bomb 逃犯 _ prisoners 归国的留学生 _ students,retired,exploded,escaped,returned,及物动词的过去分词具有_ 和_意义.,不及物动词的过去分词只表示 _意义,被动,完成,完成,Many people say I am a highly-respected professor. I dont think so. Although I have a well-paid job, I like to live a simple life. I love pizza, so every weekend, Id like to cook pizza myself at home. I call it homemad

      7、e pizza. It is a wonderful experience,isnt it?,_,_,_,Read the story and find out the verb-eds,hand-made shoes a heart-broken woman state-owned companies a man-made satellite,=shoes which are made by hand,=a woman whose heart is broken,= companies which are owned by the Country,=a satellite which is made by man,n.+ved,adv.+ved,a well-educated woman a widely-read novel a much-loved river,=a woman who is educated well,=a novel which is read widely,= a river which is loved very much,Emily is a _ bab

      8、y. A.well-feed B.well-fed C.well-feeding D.well fed,B,Find out the verb-eds and tell the similarities.,Edison became interested in science when he was very young. The little boy was very excited when he heard that he could go to the party.,_,_,Conclusion: A verb-ed can be used as predicative.,interesting exciting encouraging disappointing puzzling satisfying surprising worrying,interested,excited,encouraged,disappointed,puzzled,satisfied,surprised,worried,.,My name is William Shakespeare. When I

      9、 was a small boy, I became_(对戏剧感兴趣). After school, I often went to the theatre where I always felt _(兴奋的)at the sight of the actors on the stage. So I failed many times in the exams. My mother said she was completely_( 对我感到失望). Maybe I should say sorry to her, but ,at that time, I knew nobody could change my mind.,interested in plays,excited,disappointed with me,We were so b_that we couldnt help yawning(打呵欠). 她感到困惑不解,甚至很惊恐。 She felt c_ ,even f_. 他看到他父亲时很吃惊。 He was a_ to see his father. 可能我有点醉了。

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