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牛津译林版必修二unit 2《wish you were here》ppt课件

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  • 文档编号:70674320
  • 上传时间:2019-01-17
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    • 1、Unit Two,An adventure in Africa,-Ella,Fill in the blanks with proper words. Colin, my older brother and I have been quite (1)_ planning our holiday. We cant wait to go to (2)_first. The most exciting thing we are going to do is to travel by (3)_ through the Sahara Desert. I think it will be (4)_ to sit on a camel for 6 days. After the (5)_, well go (6)_ rafting. It is (7)_ so you have to wear special clothes, a (8)_ and a life (9)_. Our next destination is Kenya, where well live with the(10)_ pe

      2、ople in their villages, and eat and drink (11)_ they do,(12)_ cows blood.,busy,Africa,camel,uncomfortable,trip,white-water,dangerous,helmet,jacket,local,whatever,including,During the day ,well try to get (13)_ to some big animals to take some really good(14)_. The animals are dangerous so our guides will have guns with us to scare them (15)_ if they come too close. When we climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, we will make (16)_ that we will get enough rest after(17)_ because mountain climbing ca

      3、n be very(18)_ and many people feel (19)_ as the air gets (20)_.,close,photos,away,sure,sunset,tiring,sick,thinner,Discussing & questioning,Underline some sentences and translate into Chinese.,Wish you were here. Ive been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin. Were going to visit so many exciting places and do lots of extraordinary things. You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into the water. Well live with the local people in th

      4、eir villages, and eat and drink whatever they so, including cow blood!,Underline some sentences and translate into Chinese.,Since well be walking for almost two weeks, Ill need to buy a large backpack in advance to carry my supplies of food and water. Well try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though theyre dangerous, so that we can take some really good photographs. Mountain climbing can be very tiring, and many people feel sick as the atmosphere gets thinner, so Colin and I will

      5、 make sure that we get plenty of rest. I cant wait to hear what Africa is like. I look forward to receiving your postcards!,presentation,on Australias famous beaches explore the amazing Brazilian rainforest 3. in detail 4. go traveling 5. challenge yourself 6. think of 7. so long 8. be busy doing sth 9. go to university 10.through the Sahara,在澳大利亚著名的海滩上 探索令人惊异的巴西雨林 详细地 去旅游 挑战自我 想到, 考虑; 很长时间 忙于做 上大学 穿越撒哈拉沙漠,11. in case 12. take six days 13. in advance 14. my supplies of food and water 15. even th

      6、ough 16. up close 17. make sure that 18. cant wait to do sth. 19. of ones own 20. look forward to,万一 花费六天时间 提前,预先 水和食物的供给 即使 靠近 确保 等不及做某事 某人自己的 期盼某事,When I was a senior school student, looking at so many phrases, I wished that I had had a computer in my brain.,promotion,1. Wish you were here.,Eg: 1. I wish to see you. 2. I wish him to pass the exam. 3. I wish you happy/ a happy new year.,wish to do,wish sb to do,wish sb + adj/ n,I wish it were spring all the year round. I wish I had come earlier

      7、 last night. I wish I could go to the moon one day.,hope to do ; hope that,wish that-clause(虚拟语气),Lets fill in the blanks:,v./ n. 希望,祝愿,渴望,1. I wish I _ as strong as you. (be) 2. John wish she _ the address just now. (remember) 3. We wish he _ again tomorrow. (try) 4. The girl hopes _ her friend s letter. (receive),were,had remembered,would/ could try,to receive/ that she can receive,Wow! so many apples, but they taste so terrible, I wish I could have a nice one! Maybe I should be busy arranging

      8、 for my friends to help me choose these apples.,2. Ive been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin. (L3),be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 be busy with sth 忙于某事,Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend? I have arranged for the window cleaner to come on Thursday. The company will arrange for a taxi to meet you at the airport.,Conclusion: arrange v. 安排 arrange to do; arrange for sb to do,I arranged for me to do so many tasks. I had no time to go to bed.,3. Were going to visit so man

      9、y exciting places and do lots of extraordinary things.(L6),Eg: I feel shamed that I ve made so many mistakes. My trousers wont remain up; Ive lost so much weight. But so few people can hold it. Im afraid so little water wont be enough to drink.,So many + n. (countable) so much + n. U so few + n. C so little + n.U,2) such little girls (小),eg: I was astonished (惊讶) to find that such little children could carry so many books.,If I were such little child, I wouldnt carry this box, just in case something should be broken.,4. You have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into the water.(L23),Eg: 1) Ill stay at home in case he comes for a visit. 2) In case she comes back, let me know

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