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牛津译林版必修三unit 1《the world of our senses》(word power)ppt课件

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  • 文档编号:70674078
  • 上传时间:2019-01-17
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    • 1、Unit 1 Module 3,Word power,Which word do you think is used twice in the two sentences?,1.Once out the street,she walked quickly towards her usual stop.,2. Here we are,King Street. He stopped,Brainstorming:,stop,Can you define(解释,说明) the two meanings and describe two parts of speech?,a place at which someone or something stops,Sentence 1,Sentence 2,noun,verb,to put an end to what one is doing,Read the story fog and find more words that can be used both as a noun and a verb. Explain the meanings o

      2、f these words when they are used as different part of speech.,“Polly leaves work early.” _ _,“Polly works very hard.” _,n. something that one is doing, especially as a job,v. do an activity which uses effort (工作),work,“She sensed she was being followed.” _,people have five senses. _ _,vt. to become aware of,n. sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch 感官,感觉,sense,“polly felt a rough hand brush her face .” _,“He was painting the wall with a brush” _,vt. to touch lightly in passing拂过,n. an instrument

      3、 for painting 刷子,brush,“Maybe I can help you.which road do you want?” he asked. _,“it gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me ” _,vt to give assistance or aid to帮助,n. the act of helping or assistance,help,Parts of speech,常见转换形式 adj. adv. noun V. n. V adj adv,Turn to page 6, look at another example,Like “rest” in the dialogue ,many words in English can have more than one part of speech. In some cases, different parts of speech (usually a noun and a verb) have the same spellin

      4、g but different menings.,Look at the table below,give the right meaning of the words, and judge which part of speech they belong to.,Part of speech,meaning,examples,1.Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop .(Line 7) 2.I was young once (line 42),anwers,when,Sentence 1,Sentence 2,conj.,adverb.,at sometime in the past,1.When Polly left home, that morning ,the city was covered in a grey mist .(Line 2) 2.Turn left here .(line 43),Went/gone away from a place or a person,

      5、Sentence 1,Sentence 2,verb,adverb.,On the side of your body which is towards the west when you are facing north,1.She wondered if the buses would still be running .(line 5) 2.She stand still and cant do anything.,Continuing,Sentence 1,Sentence 2,adverb,adj.,not moving,1. causes 2. cause 3. answer 4. answer 5. houses 6. house 7. increases 8. increase,Part B anwers,Describing the weather,What words do you often use to describe different kinds of weather ?,cloudy, sunny, drizzy, fine, cold, cool, w

      6、arm, hot, dry, wet, rainy, snowy and foggy,Part A,rain thunderstorm flood tornado snowstorm,下雨,雷暴,洪水,龙卷风,暴风雪,thunder/lightning n.雷/闪电,tornado n.龙卷风,showers n.阵雨,snow n.下雪,rain n.下雨,Part B,storm n.暴风雨,overcast n./a.阴天,foggy a.有雾的,cloudy a.多云,drizzly a. 下毛毛雨的,fine/ sunny a.晴天,Sunny/fine,cloudy,overcast,fog/mist,storm,thunder/lightning,snow,Rain(drizzly),Do you know them?,shower,Sentences used in a weather report:,It will be cloudy/overcast/drizzly,The morning/afternoon will be , with heavy showers

      7、 around lunchtime.,A thin mist/cloudy weather will develop.,A thin mist will turn to fog.,Practice:,Morning,Afternoon,The morning will be fine, with showers in the afternoon.,A mist/fog will develop in the morning and the afternoon will be sunny.,It will be overcast in the morning and there will be snow in the afternoon.,How to describe the temperature:,C(Celsius ) (0 C-100 C),F(Fahrenheit) (32 F =0 C, 212 F =100 C),20 degrees centigrade/Celsius(20 C ) minus 5 degrees centigrade/Celsius(-5 C ) 5

      8、 degrees centigrade/Celsius below freezing,40 degrees Fahrenheit (40 F ),32 C, 0 C, -5 C,Example:,Morning Afternoon Evening 16 C 12 C -1 C,In the morning the temperature will be 16 C. It will drop to 12 C in the afternoon. And in the evening it will be freezing and drop to -1 C.,Suppose youre a weather reporter, try to give the weather forecast for tomorrow.,Morning Afternoon Evening Changzhou 5 C-6 C Beijing -5 C 1 C -6 C Guangzhou 19 C -29 C,Read the second speech bubble and complete it according to the three pictures below.,Here is the weather forecast for tomorrow. It will be_, _and _ in the morning, with a fair chance of _ weather developing before midday. It will become_ in the afternoon. The sky will be _with heavy _. In the evening, the temperature will drop a lot and it will become very _. There will be _ and _, with a_ likely after midnight.,warm,fine,sunny,cloudy,cooler,overcast,rain,cold,thunder,lightning,storm,Celsius/centigrade (),Fahr

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