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牛津译林版必修一unit2《growing pains》(project-language points)ppt课件

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  • 上传时间:2019-01-17
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    • 1、高 一 英 语,Module 1 Unit 2 Project (2) Language Points,1. Sometimes he acts as though he doesnt love us at all.,1) It looks as though it is going to rain. 2) It sounds as if you had a good time. 3) She loves sisters baby so much as if she were its mother.,as though = as if 好像,似乎, 用在look, smell, taste, sound等后面,议论可能、真实的事情。 The milk tastes as though it _ sour. 如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反,或者纯粹是一种假设,通常用虚拟语气用虚拟语气。 He looked as if he _ the answer.,is,had known,He talks as though he _ everything in the world. A. kno

      2、ws B. knew,B,1) That girl acts as if _.,Finish the following sentences according to the situations:,2) When a pencil is partly put into a glass of water, it looks as though _. 3) Li Lianjie acts as if _. 4) Li Lianjie acts as if _.,she were a boy,it were broken,he is drunk,he were drunk,1) 这支钢笔好像是我的。 It seems _ this pen _ mine.,Translate the following sentences into English.,2) 他看起来似乎并不在意考试的成绩。 He looks _ _ he _ the result of the exam.,as if,is,as if,didnt care,2. Recently he has been refusing t

      3、o do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time watching DVDs and . He insisted on seeing the doctor. He insisted that he should see the doctor.,insist on: 坚持认为,执意继续做 insist on doing/ones doing insist that (should),1. He insisted on/upon his staying in Sichuan. He insisted that he (should) stay in Sichuan. 2. He insisted that he go with the soldiers. He insisted on/upon his going with the soldiers.,3. I am allowing him his freedom. I am worried that if I keep allowing him to do what h

      4、e,allow sb. sth (答应) 给某人某物 allow sb. to do sth. 允许,让做 allow doing sth. 允许做,The boss _ of vacation. 老板给他一星期的假期。 _ Mr. Thomas to you. 请允许我把托马斯先生介绍给你。 Doctor Jones doesnt _ in his office. 琼斯先生不许在他的办公室里吸烟。,allowed him one week,Allow me to introduce,allow smoking,4. Whenever I want to do something or suggest an idea,.,suggest + n. / v-ing suggest+ that / It is suggested that 用虚拟语气, 谓语动词用should + 动词原形, should可省略。,He suggested an early start to us. He suggested us starting early.,He suggested that we (

      5、should) start early. It is suggested that we (should) start early.,5. and the two of us fight like crazy.,fight: to quarrel or argue like crazy: 发疯似地; 拼命地(通常在句中作状语),结果我们俩激烈争吵,闹得不可开交.,Forrest Gum likes running around like crazy. His father is working like crazy.,6. He has even forbidden me from meeting my friends online at the Internet caf!,forbid-forbade-forbidden: to have the effect of preventing 1) forbid doing sth. The government _ and _ wild animals. (禁止猎杀),forbids hunting,killing,2) forbid

      6、sb to do sth. /sb. from doing sth. His parents forbid him to enter / _ the Internet caf. 3) forbid sth. to be done The librarian forbade these books _ out of the reading-room. (take),from entering,to be taken,7. Also, every time I watch a DVD he sends me to bed. Each time I see him, I feel very happy. All of them stopped talking the moment the teacher came in. You grow taller every time I see you.,every time, each time, next time, the moment 等词都可引导时间状语从句,I will show you the photos _ you come her

      7、e. _ I saw you, I knew you were angry. Romeo fell in love with Juliet _ he saw her. He was smoking _ I met him.,every time each time next time the moment,next time,The moment,the moment,every time,8. without doing sth.,a. How can I help my son without harming our relationship? b. He entered the teachers office without saying “May I come in?”. c. “To take a French leave” means leaving a place without saying good-bye.,d. Can you translate the article without using a dictionary?,9. shout at / shout

      8、 to,a. He threw the chalk _ me. He threw the chalk _ me. b. The father shouted _ his son. The father shouted _ his son. c. The hunter shot _ the deer. d. The man pointed his gun _ the woman. e. The teacher pointed _ the city and told the children that it was Shanghai.,to,at,to,at,at,at,to,Please make the right choice: 1. They _ help being given to the worst hit areas in Sichuan. A. insisted upon B. suggested that 2. I _ up early so that we wont be late for school. A. suggest getting B. suggest to get,A,A,3. Her father forbids her _ out alone at night. A. from going B. to go 4. _ he came to Harbin, he would call on me. A. Some time B. Each time,A/B,B,5. His son even refuses _ his homework. A. doing B. to do 6. He spends too much time _ DVDs. A. watching B. to watch,A,B,Assignment Please do the translation , to be handed in on Friday morning.,

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