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新人教版英语高二下module 7《unit 2 robots》ppt课件之四

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:70673230
  • 上传时间:2019-01-17
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:576.50KB
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    • 1、Listening and reading task,Listening on Page 54,Vacuum cleaner,It can move from room to room cleaning your house. You can programme it so that it cleans when youre away and you can control what its doing from your computer at the office.,Personal robot called “PaPeRo“,It understands 650 phrases, speaks more than 3,000. It can recognize different people. It can check your email. It can help children do research on the Internet for their homework, talk to them about their day at school and play ga

      2、mes.,Tiny helicopter,It will be used to fly into dangerous areas. For example, it can fly into a house thats been destroyed by an earthquake and check if anyones inside.,Walking chair,It helps people who cant walk to go up and down stairs.,LISTENING TEXT,THE WORLD OF ROBOTS Listen to radio presenter, Alan Dobson (AD), talking to science news reporter, Emma Woods (EW), about robots in todays world.,AD: Now its time for our weekly chat with science news reporter, Emma Woods. Hi Emma. EW: Hi Alan.

      3、AD: So, what do you have for us today, Emma?,EW: Well, Alan, I thought wed have a quick look at the world of robots. AD: Thats an interesting topic.,EW: Well, we actually already use robots in many industrial situations, but now theyre also being developed for use around the house. Let me tell you about a very clever carpet cleaner that can move from room to room cleaning your house by itself.,You can programme it, so that it cleans when youre away and you can control it from your computer at th

      4、e office. AD: I wonder whether it does a good job, but I want one anyway! EW: Well, Alan, youd probably also want a PaPeRo.,AD: A what? EW: A PaPeRo. PAPERO. Its an egg-shaped personal robot that you can talk to. AD: Youre kidding. You mean it can understand you?,EW: Thats right. Ive read that it understands 650 phrases and speaks more than 3,000 words. And it can recognize different people. AD: Thats amazing! So, what can it do?,EW: Well, it can check your email. It can help children do researc

      5、h on the Internet for their homework, talk to them about their day at school, play games, and even dance with them.,AD: Unbelievable! Now, lets move on to other types of robots. You also found out about a tiny robot plane, didnt you? EW: Thats right, Alan. This wonderful little robot weighs less than 9 grams and has a camera. In the near future itll,be used to fly into dangerous areas and check if anyone is trapped inside. AD: So it could save a lot of peoples lives. EW: Yes, and, recently, a wa

      6、lking chairs been developed that the makers believe will help people who cant walk to go up and down stairs.,AD: Well, Emma, thanks so much for telling us a little bit about the exciting world of robots. Now what are you going to talk about next week?,Reading task,Three decades of war in Cambodia have left scars in many forms throughout the country. Unfortunately, one of the most lasting legacies of the conflicts continues to claim new victims daily.,Read this piece of news about landmines.,In m

      7、ost cases, even the soldiers who planted the mines did not record where they were placed. Now, Cambodia has one of the highest rates of physical disability of any countries in the world.,At the current rate of progress, it may take as many as 100 years to clear all the mines in Cambodia, and the UN estimates that with current technology, it will take nearly 1,100 years to clear all the mines in the world.,This is the situation in Cambodia.,Here and there are the mine signs.,In spite of so many w

      8、arning signs, there are still many victims.,Robots in the fight against landmines.,Pre-reading,1. What is the main topic of the article? Which part of the text tells you that? 2. Who wrote the article? 3. What do the three pictures show you?,4. Where is research being done on robots that can find landmines? 5. In which two countries might the robots be used?,Careful reading,Answer key for Exercise 2:,Introduction: the damage landmines,26,000 people killed or badly injured each year 100 million b

      9、uried in 60 countries Most victims are innocent people,Suggested answers to Exercise 3:,The problem of landmines,Robots can help find traditional mines,Each year 100,00 removed Each year 2,000,000 buried Difficult and dangerous to remove,Much safer in the hunt for landmines Faster at finding landmines Research at Chiba University,Robots can find plastic mines,World opinion turned against landmines in the 19990s,Experimental robots in production To use radar to locate mines To identify types of mines,Agreement in Ottawa, Canada to stop the manufacture and use of landmines Still a lot of work to be done,

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