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七年级英语what did zhan tianyou do课件

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    • 1、New words learning,national hero bridge build engineer government musuem,民族的 英雄 桥梁 建筑,建造 工程师 政府 博物馆,词汇预习,heroes,patriotic railroad tunnel Russian through over,爱国的 铁路 隧道 俄国的 通过,穿过 在 的上面,Activity 3: Listen again and choose the correct answer.,1. A railroad is for trains / buses. 2. A bridge goes over / under a river. 3. A tunnel goes through / over a mountain.,课前预习导学 1、Answer the following questions: (Talk about last Sunday) What did you do last Sunday? 2) When did you get up? 3) Who cooked lunch

      2、for you ? 4) Where did you have supper? 5) Did you go to bed early or late? Why ?,Liu Xiang,Yang Liwei,national heroes,Mans 110m hurdles,Shenzhou 5,What other national heroes do you know?,Lin Zexu,Zhan Tianyou,national heroes,Module 11 National heroes Unit 1 What did Zhan Tianyou do?,1. Who was he? He was Zhan Tianyou. He was the engineer of a railroad. 2. What did he do? He built a famous railroad.(Jingzhang Rairroad),Background knowledge,詹天佑(18611919),江西人。1872年,年仅11岁的他便怀着学习西方技艺的理想到美国就读。于1877年以

      3、优异的成绩中学毕业,考入耶鲁大学土木工程系,专攻铁路工程。四年后,他以突出的成绩在毕业考试中名列第一,并于毕业后回国。 詹天佑从事铁路事业30多年,几乎和当时我国的每一条铁路都有不同程度的关系。,1905年,清政府决定兴建我国第一条铁路京张铁路(北京至张家口)。英俄都想插手,由于中国人民的强烈反对,他们的企图没能得逞。在这关键时刻,詹天佑毫不犹豫地接下了这个艰巨的任务,全权负责京张铁路的修筑。1908年8月,京张铁路建成通车。詹天佑谦虚地说:这是京张铁路1万多员工的力量,不是我个人的功劳,光荣是应该属于大家的。 周恩来同志曾高度评价詹天佑的功绩,说他是“中国人的光荣”。到晚年,詹天佑积劳成疾,不幸于1919年病逝。,Activity 1: Complete the passage with these words.,bridge build engineer foreign Government museum national hero patriotic railroad tunnel,Zhan Tianyou is a (1) _. He was the (2) _of a (3)

      4、 _ in the mountains with many (4) _ and (5) _. The Chinese (6) _ wanted a Chinese engineer to (7) _ it. They didnt want (8) _ engineers. Theres a (9) _ about him in Badaling. Its a very (10) _ story.,national hero,engineer,railroad,bridges,tunnels,government,build,foreign,museum,patriotic,根据首字母提示或中文意思写出下列单词 Go across the b_, and turn left at the first crossing. 2) It took twenty workers to b_ the big hall. 3) Zhan Tianyou was a n_ hero. 4) He was the e_ of a famous railroad. 5) -Can you speak R_

      5、? -Yes, just a little. 6) Last Sunday, we went to the history m_.,ridge,uild,ational,ngineer,ussian,useum,1. What are they talking about? 2. Did Tony see a film about Zhan Tianyou on TV last night?,They are talking about the film about Zhan Tianyou.,No, he didnt.,LISTENING,3. What does Daming think of (认为)the film?,Daming thinks its a very patriotic story and a very good film.,词汇预习,3、Activity2. 听力训练。听对话,完成下列表格。,heroes,the enginner,1905,1909,bridges and tunnels,in 1919,Read loudly,Phrases in Unit

      6、 1,think of last night work on fromto Its very difficult to do go through go over,认为 昨夜 从事于 从 到 (做某事)非常难 穿过 越过,What did Zhan Tianyou do? When did Zhan Tianyou die? Where did the railroad start? What did the Chinese do when he died?,Reading,Activity 4: Answer the questions:,5. Where did it finish? 6. Why didnt the government want foreign engineers? 7. When did Zhan Tianyou work on it?,从事于,He died in 1919.,It started in Beijing.,He built a famous railroad.,1. What did Zhan Tianyou do?,2. When did

      7、Zhan Tianyou die?,3. Where did the railroad start?,It finished in Zhangjiakou.,5. Where did it finish?,4. What did the Chinese do when he died?,Chinese opened a museum about his life in Badiling.,He worked on it from 1905 to 1909.,7. When did Zhan Tianyou work on it?,Because they wanted a Chinese engineer to build it.,6.Why didnt the government want foreign engineers?,3、仔细阅读对话A2, 1)你认为昨晚电视上关于詹天佑的电影怎么样? What _ you _ the film about Zhan Tianyou on television _? 2)他是一个民族英雄。 Hes _.,did,think of,last

      8、 night,a national hero,3)它(铁路)起点在北京,终点在张家口 It _ Beijing and it _ Zhangjiakou. 4)英国和俄国人都想修建它, 但是中国政府不想要外国的工程师。 The British and the Russians _, but the government _ foreign engineers.,started in,finished in,wanted to build it,didnt want,5)因为是在山里,又有很多的桥梁和隧道, 很难修建。 It _ because it was in the mountains and _ many bridges and tunnels.,was very difficult to build,there were,6、语言知识点: 1)it is / was +adj. + to do sth. 意为:做某事很. 。 如: 修建这座桥梁是很困难的。 It was _ to build the bridge. 学习美术很有趣。 It _to learn art. 学好英语很重要。 It _.,讲学稿,very difficult,is very interesting,is very important,to,learn English,well,形式主语,讲学稿,2) want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事。 中国政府想要一个中国的工程师来修建它。 The Chinese government _ a Chinese engineer _. 他想我帮助他。 He _ me _ him.,wanted,to build it.,wanted,to help,wants,3) 一般过去时特殊疑问句: 疑问词+ did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他 你父亲昨晚做了什么? _your father _ last night? 你上星期六去了哪里? _you _ last Saturday? 你们去年夏天去了哪里度假? _ you _ last summer? 你何时来的周中? _you _

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