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    • 1、管理新思维与素质培养 (一),课程简介,管理的革命是一套独具特色的电视教程。 著名管理大师和企业精英共同剖析传统管理。 在管理的革命中我们会接触到管理领域中卓越的专家和新见地的倡导者。他们将国际公认的研究成果用情景式的系列教学方式揭示了管理新思维己从根本上改变着商业社会。管理革命势在必行。 管理的革命中的每一课把现实和对未来的展望结合起来,启发我们对如何在快速变化的商业社会中生存和获得成功进行思考。,管理的革命,本课程分八个单元。共二十六课:是加利福尼亚大学、南加利福尼亚大学,哈佛商学院、波士顿大学教授与一些美国企业主,雇员,管理咨询专家就一些管理领域的专题进行剖析、讨论的电视教程。提出了全新的、革命性的观点,在西方企业界和学术界掀起了一场管理革命的风暴。,Taking the Lead,Through the series of 26 half-hours of the video program, you will meet a lot of knowledgeable and energetic men and women. These managers, consultants

      2、, academics, scientists, engineers, doctors and lawyers, historians. The people you are about to meet are genuinely distinguished leaders in their respective fields. Some are legends, some will be.,真实的企业案例、情景式解剖教学,管理的革命由美国哈佛商学院、加利福尼亚大学、南加利福尼亚大学、波士顿大学著名教授和美国苹果电脑、福特汽车公司、美国有线新闻网(CNN)、西北航空公司等著名企业管理者共同参与制作的一套具有针对性、实用性的电视培训教材。 在本课程中,教授和企业管理者一起举起“手术刀”剖析了传统管理的弊病,提出了全新的管理理念和革命性的观点。大量企业界人士的参与使教程呈现出前所未有的实用特点。 我们可以通过“访问”苹果电脑、美国有线新闻网(CNN)、四季旅馆、福特汽车公司、埃斯普里特(Espirit)时装公司和西北航空这样的企业,来透视管理工作的复杂过程。,从幕后观察在各种具有说服力的真

      3、实场景中工作的管理人员。这些场景包括危机管理、招聘面试、电话会议、现场培训、战略企划等等。 对身为管理领域主导者的企业主管们所奉行的原则、信条和政策进行广泛的引人入胜的讨论。 研究和分析那些锐意改革、大胆尝试新的管理实践的企业。这些新实践包括全面质量管理、员工道德文化意识培训、授权给员工、沟通艺术等等。,第一讲 管理入门,第一课 管理的运作:管理的世界 Management at Work : The Managerial World,学习目标, 认识到管理是每个组织都不可缺少的,是日常生活的一项职能。 认识和理解管理的定义,并说明为什么管理是不可缺少的。 对管理的职能和管理者的主要任务和职责作一般性描述。 比较和对比基层、中层和高层管理者所需要的技能。,管理的定义,泰罗:管理就是“确切地知道你要别人去干什么,并使他用最好的方法去干” 西蒙:“管理就是决策” 法约尔:“管理是所有的人类组织都有的一种活动,这种活动由五项要素组成:计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制” 孔茨和奥唐纳:管理涉及“在经营组织中创造和保证某种内部环境,在这个内部环境中,以群体形式组织在一起的个人能有效地工作去达到群体的

      4、目标”,What Is Management?,Management is “the art of getting things done through people”. Management is the process of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling the efforts of organizational members and the use of other organizational resources in order to achieve stated organizational goals.,What Is Management?,Management the process of coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people elements of definition Process - re

      5、presents ongoing functions or primary activities engaged in by managers Coordinating - distinguishes a managerial position from a non-managerial one, Prentice Hall, 2002,What is Management? (cont.),Efficiency VS Effectiveness Efficiency - getting the most output from the least amount of inputs “doing things right” concerned with means Effectiveness - completing activities so that organizational goals are attained “doing the right things” concerned with ends, Prentice Hall, 2002,Who Are Managers?

      6、,Manager someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals managers use all the resources of the organizationits finance, equipments and information as well as its peoplein attaining their goals., Prentice Hall, 2002,Who are Leaders?,Leader someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority all managers should ideally be leaders not all leaders have the ability to be an efficient manager Leadership pro

      7、cess of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals,Who Are Managers? (cont.),Managerial Titles First-line managers - manage the work of non-managerial individuals who are directly involved with the production or creation of the organizations products Middle managers - all managers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization manage the first-line managers Top managers - responsible for making organization-wide decisions and establishing the plans and goals that aff

      8、ect the entire organization, Prentice Hall, 2002,Organizational Levels,Management Skills Technical - knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized field Human - ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group Conceptual - ability to think and to conceptualize about abstract and complex situations see the organization as a whole understand the relationships among subunits visualize how the organization fits into its broader environment, Prentice Hall, 2002,1-20,EXH

      9、IBIT 1.5: SKILLS NEEDED AT DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT LEVELS,1-21,管理系统的构成,管理目标。管理目标是管理功能的集中体现。 管理主体。管理主体即管理者,是管理系统中最核心、最关键的要素。 管理对象。作为管理行为的受作用一方,对管理成效以及组织目标的实现,具有重要的影响作用。 管理媒介。主要指管理机制与方法。 管理环境。管理环境是指实施管理过程中的各种内外部条件和因素的总和。,WORK,RESOURCES,PRODUCTS,INPUTS,OUTPUTS,ORGANIZATIONS AS OPEN SYSTEMS,The Organization,The Environment,FEEDBACK,How Systems Work,Inputs People Capital Information Technology,Work Processes Turn inputs into outputs,Outputs Finished goods or services,CUSTOMERS Use goods/services,Outcomes,Satisfaction Disappointment,Organizational network of subsystems,Inputs,Outputs,Purchasing & inventory systems,Information & technology systems,Marketing, sales and distribution systems,Accounting & financial systems,Operations and service management systems,Suppliers,Customers,Organizations as Networks of Subsystems,Total Quality Management (TQM) - philosophy of management based on continual improvement and responding to customer n


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