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    • 1、New Twists for Teaching Professional Wardrobe,Presented by Sharon Fisher-Larson Sponsored by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Publishing,Our Mission Today,Interviewing Basics Dressing for the Interview Psychology of Color Rule of 14 Fashion Classics Overcoming the “I Dont Have Anything to Wear” Syndrome,Interviewing Basics: How to Stand Out in a Competitive Job Market,Getting Ready for the Interview,Research the company before you go Rehearse interviewing techniques and possible questions Select appropriate

      2、clothes ahead of time Make sure your appearance is neat and clean Take a pen and notepad or portfolio Have two copies of your resume and/or complete information Have references, your social security number, etc. ready for the application,Know What Counts When Interviewing,Be on time or a little bit early. Present a good appearance and body language. Project a positive attitude: confidence, maturity, enthusiasm and interest in the position. Good communication skills: use complete sentences; speak

      3、 clearly, with good enunciation. Listen attentively, too. Answer questions truthfully, highlighting the skills and strengths you would bring to the job. Ask appropriate questions,Following Up After an Interview,Your actions after the interview can significantly impact the employers perception of you. Send a thank you letter Accept or reject the offer properly Learn to handle rejection and learn from it,Career Checklist: On the Day of the Interview,Arrive on time, well rested from a good nights s

      4、leep. Think through the answers that you have prepared for key questions. Plan to go to the interview aloneyou can call your friends or family after to tell them how it went. .and you know to dress appropriately and with a clean and neat appearance.,Career Checklist: On the Day of the Interview,Act confident and enthusiasticit will be obvious to the interviewer if you are comfortable. Maintain a positive and friendly attitude. Sell yourself! Let the interviewer know why he or she should hire you

      5、. At the end, express interest in the position and thank them for the interview.,Adapted from Succeeding in the World of Work, 7th Edition, published by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill,Class Projects and Activities,Tell students that they have three days to prepare for an interview with a local company. Have students prepare a time schedule of what they need to do to prepare for the interview. Have students cut pictures from various magazines depicting proper and improper ways to dress for an interview and

      6、explain why each one is appropriate or inappropriate. Ask students to look for a job ad that gives a telephone number to call and find out additional information. Then have students write a 50-word paragraph describing how their specific skills would benefit the company.,From Succeeding in the World of Work, 7th Edition, published by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill,Classroom Activity Ideas,Give students several different interview situations (interviewing for a position in a bank or a construction position)

      7、 and have them discuss appropriate dress for each situation. Have students find a book in the school or public library about how to dress for success and make a list of at least five pointers.,From Succeeding in the World of Work, 7th Edition, published by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill,Classroom Activity Ideas,Body Language: Projecting a positive and confident appearance Ask students to suggest actions that might be inappropriate during an interview Possible answers might be: Chewing gum, playing with you

      8、r hair, biting your nails, staring out the window, slouching, fidgeting, smoking, mumbling, avoiding eye contact, etc.,From Succeeding in the World of Work, 7th Edition, published by Glencoe/McGraw-Hill,Dressing for the Interview,Youve found a job youre interested in and an employer has asked you to come in for an interview.,What can you do to increase your chance of getting the job?,Three Things to Remember About Job Interviews,The interviewer doesnt know you. They will quickly decide if they w

      9、ant to consider you for the job. “First impressions are lasting impressions.”,Interviewing Success and Appearance,An employers first impression of you is based on your appearance. Your grooming and the clothes you wear to an interview can mean the difference between being hired or not hired, regardless of your skills. Your appearance gives an interviewer clues about how you feel about getting a job and what your future performance on the job might be.,What to Wear to an Interview,Dress as you would for the job, but slightly better. Be conservative-follow the Rule of 14. Let the focus be on you and your skills, not on what youre wearing.,What to Wear, Continued,Remember the interviewer is not typically a member of your peer group, so what your friends may consider appropriate attire may not necessarily be acceptable to an employer. Ask a parent or teacher for help if you have questions about appropriate dress.,Dressing for Interview Success,DOS Make sure hair is clean an


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