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    • 1、 高考英语语法填空专项训练连词1. He seldom answered questions for fear he might be wrong.2. But nothing changed until midterm, Mary Anne ,a student teacher,was appointed to our classroom.3. In the evening they returned and put on the table in front of the general the teeth they had boughtThey had collect 175 teeth.4. If ever she gets into any situation she might be expected to read or write , she fishes around in her bed for the spectacles case(眼镜盒), finds its empty .5. It has never occurred to the children th

      2、eir mother cant read .6. While hes away she copes with any situations by explaining that she cant do anything shes discussed it with her husband .7. people like to eat is various from cultural to cultural .8. Compared with people in the West , Chinese people used to eat more grain ,more vegetables and less meat , is a good eating habit .9. The clock was just striking eleven I heard a noise coming form the lift .10. The voice , sounded like that of a girl , came from several floors below .11. The

      3、n I hurried down the stairs until I reached the pleace the lift got stuck .12. It has been found less than one shopper in five makes a complete shopping list before going to the store .13. The reason for this is seven out or ten of todays purchases are decided in the store , the shoppers tend to buy on impulse.14. Psychologists discover the shoppers prefer to choose a package that fascinates then . it is now more usual for manufacturers to focus on the package desidns .15. Additionally , the pos

      4、ition of the product on the shelf also serves to attract the shoppers . Thus , attracting the shoppers is easier the product is located at eye level .16. Since body language is so important , youll want to know yours is saying and how to interpret other peoples , too .17. A smile is a sign of friendliness and interest . people sometimes smile just to be poile .18. Stay away from someone who points at you talking with you . That person might be angry at you or feel superior to you .19. If you are

      5、 looking for happiness , go and live in Denmark . It is the happiest country in the world Burundi in Africa is the most unhappiest , according to a report by a British scientist published Friday.20. “were looking for much more at you are satisfied with your life in general ,”White told Reuters,“Whether you are content with your situation and environment.”21. The main factors affected happiness were health , wealth and educatino , according to Adrian White who said his research had produced “the

      6、first word map of happiness”.22. The expression“Never give up”means that when we face difficulties , we should keep on trying we succeed . It is of good quality that every one of us should have .23. She was angry that she said to her father she would not marry anyone who could faster than her .24. Her father said she must marry and ask her she want to marry a king or prince . But Atlanta replied,“Ill only be married to a man who can ran faster than me.”“I will marry Atlanta- die!”he said.25. Its

      7、 difficult for parents of nearly every family to teach their children to be responsible foe homework , with one of the followingg suggestions , you really can get your children to help at home.26. If you give your children the impression they can never do anything quite right , then they will regard as unfit or unable persons.27. children believe they can succeed , they will never become totally independent.28. When students received less than a perfect test score, she would point out they had m

      8、astered and declared firmly they could learn_what had missed.29. The word “addiction”usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs ,_in modern socirty , were seeing some new kinds of addictions.30. Once upon a time , a kind-heated man gave some wine to his servants. The wine was not enongh for all. The servants finally decided_first finished drawing a shake on the ground would get the cup of wine .31. Then another servant finished drawing his shake . He snatched the wine cup and drankup the wine ,

      9、 saying , “it is I_first finished drawing the snake . What you have drawn is not a shake. A Snake doesnt have feet.”32. One evening , I came across one of sons papers with a failing grade . I almost started to yell his name I suddenly remembered he was in bed sleep .33. It was a poem about me , included the time I had to leave work to take him to the hospital because he had broken his finger .34. So careness was I I had forgotten all about that .35. Cars add much waste to the air is already polluted by powder and chemical fertilizer plants .36. The mystery grew! And the mystery keeps growing . Some day we may find out what it is makes the large footprints .37. It i


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