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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、Best Practice Financial Processes: Accounts Payable,天马行空官方博客:http:/ ;QQ:1318241189;QQ群:175569632,Accounts Payable Objectives,Organisation,People,Processes,Controls,Measures,Information Systems,To maximise processing efficiency To ensure invoices are processed to agreed terms To ensure payments made only when due and payable To ensure liabilities are fully recorded and distributed correctly To achieve effective balance between extending credit and maintaining good relations with suppliers To take

      2、 full advantage of opportunities to recover VAT,Centralised processing Outsourcing potential,Maintaining supplier details Process vouchers Process payments Period end processing and reporting,Authorisation rules System access controls User procedures Validation and matching rules,Speed of processing supplier amendments Invoices processed Invoice processing time Number of payments Period end closure time,Interface between Accounts Payable and other related processes Shared employee and supplier d

      3、etails System validation and approval checks,Supplier relations Creditor control,Accounts Payable - Best Practice Objectives,Accounts Payable - Measures/Cost drivers,Number of invoices received per month Number of suppliers Number of different terms and conditions Complexity of authorisation process Proportion of invoices automatically matched with POs Number of supplier queries Proportion of invoices received electronically Proportion of payments made electronically,Median,16 days,90 percentile

      4、,49 days,90 percentile,Median,10 percentile,Number of purchase invoices per FTE per annum,15,000,7,000,3,000 or less,Cost per purchase invoice processed,10 percentile,Median,90 percentile,2,6,17,10 percentile,6 days,Invoice processing time in days,Cost drivers,Source: statistics taken from Benchmarking database 21 January 1997,Accounts Payable - Trends,From,To,Separate AP module Payment by cheque Manual matching Performed by finance department,Integrated systems Electronic payment On-line matchi

      5、ng Shared Service Centres or outsourced services,Accounts Payable - Critical Success Factors,These are a summary of the key business requirements, which must be met to achieve the objectives.,Single supplier database Staff trained in AP process and have clear roles and responsibilities Payment terms defined and agreed with supplier Effective communication and feedback mechanisms in place to handle queries Establish and maintain good supplier relations Process in place for monitoring the status o

      6、f invoices and payment schedules AP calendar in place and communicated to staff Authorisation levels and payment terms held on the system Automated workflow to route documents to relevant personnel when problems need to be resolved Forward payment schedule to cashflow management Flexible matching criteria,Accounts Payable - Appendix 1 : IDEF Process Flow,The diagram below provides a key to the process diagrams used in this document.,Process / activity,Controls,(i.e.,Procedures Standards Requirem

      7、ents for rework),Output,(i.e.,Information Material),Resources,(i.e.,People Functions IT systems Machines),Input,(i.e.,Information Material),Accounts Payable - Level 0 Context Diagram,Accounts Payable - Level 1 Overview,Accounts Payable - Notes Maintain Supplier Details,Best Practice Features Shared supplier database with Purchasing. Purchasing responsible for approving suppliers (having made the required checks), agreeing terms and conditions and maintaining general and purchasing related suppli

      8、er details on the database, including payment terms. Accounts Payable responsible for maintaining all payment related supplier data, such as bank details, payment method, payee name and address, payment contacts. Shared employee database with Human Resources. Employee details are maintained by Human Resources, but sufficient details must be held and maintained by Accounts Payable, to allow payment of expenses. Employee details required include payment method, bank details, remittance address, pa

      9、yee name and employee cost centre. Accounts Payable should not have access to other confidential employee data. One payment address for each vendor. Where a vendor provides goods or services from a number of locations, the consolidation of the payment process not only reduces the number of payments necessary but also removes the potential need to reconcile a number of individual accounts. Centralise the vendor set-up capability in order to minimise the risk of unauthorised or duplicate vendors being set up more than once. From an audit point of view, the control over vendor set up is also viewed as a critical activity which needs to be tightly controlled. Changes to supplier details are processed expeditiously. If, the vendor is also a customer, details are consistent in both databases.,Accounts Payable - Notes Maintain Supplier Details,Internal


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