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[高一英语]高中英语人教版必修2 unit 1cultural relics 课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:tia****nde
  • 文档编号:70011554
  • 上传时间:2019-01-15
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    • 1、,Unit 1 Cultural Relics,Forbidden City,The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔),Paris,Cultural relics,-It is a part of something old that has remained when the rest of it has been destroyed.,What is a cultural relic ?,-It has survived for a long time.,-It tells people about the past.,文化遗产日 the Second Saturday of June,Can you give some examples of the cultural relics both at home and abroad?,2019/1/15,cultural relics,7,Lets travel together!,The famous cultural relics in China,A man who doesnt go to is not a true

      2、man .,The Great Wall,the Potala Palace,Mogao Caves,The famous cultural relics in the world,The London Bridge,The Sydney Opera,The Water City of Venice,The Pyramids in Egypt,Taj Mahal (泰姬陵),Louvre Museum(卢浮宫),卢浮宫始建于13世纪,是当时法国路易王室的城堡,被充当为国库及艺术馆 。,London Tower (伦敦塔),The Leaning Tower of Pisa(比萨斜塔),女神双唇紧闭,戴光芒四射的冠冕,身着罗马式宽松长袍,右手高擎象征自由的火炬,左手紧握一铜板刻着美国独立宣言发表的日期-公元1776年7月4日,脚上散落着已断裂的锁链,右脚跟抬起作行进状,整体为挣脱枷锁、挺身前行的反抗者形象,The Statue of Liberty,Can you imagine what a room made of amber looks like?,Raw,amber,amber,

      3、beautiful,rare/precious,Can you imagine a house made of amber ?,The Amber Room,What is the Amber Room? Why was it called the Amber Room? What was it made for? What happened to it? Why to search for it?,In Search of the Amber Room,Reading,When you see this title, what do you want to know?,Fast Reading,Put the paragraph numbers in the boxes:,How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world?,How was a new Amber Room built?,How did the Amber Room get lost?,How was the Amber Room made?,W

      4、hy did the King of Prussia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Prussia as a gift?,3,5,4,1,2,Intensive Reading,Para 1 Find detailed information about the Amber Room.,Colour,Birthplace,Design,Material,Time to complete it,yellow-brown,Prussia,of the fancy style popular in those days,several tons of amber;,gold and jewels,Ten years,Para.2 Answer questions:,1. When and why did Frederick William I give the Amber Room to Peter the Great?,2. What did Peter the Great give in return?,3. What did the Amber

      5、Room serve as?,In 1716, Frederick William I gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian people.,Peter the Great gave a troop of his best soldiers in return.,It served as a small reception hall for important visitors.,Para.3 Answer the question:,What did Catherine II do to the Amber Room?,Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St. Petersburg and added more details to its design.,In 1941, the two countries Germany and France

      6、were at war. 2. The Russians didnt remove the Amber Room but only the furniture and small art objects. 3. The Nazis secretly stole the Amber Room. 4. 10,000 pieces of the room were put inside 7 wooden boxes and then put on a train for Konisgberg. 5.After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.,T,T,T,F,F,Russia,100,000,Para.4 “T” or “F”,27,the Russians and Germans.,old photos,the old one,the 300th birthday,Para.5 Find out the information about new Amber Room,1) draw a char

      7、t to show the remove of the Amber Room,Prussia,Russia,the winter palace in St Petersburg-,the summer palace in St Petersburg,German city on the Baltic Sea,?,A strange history,Frederick,Frederick William,Peter the Great Czar,Catherine,Nazi,2)What did these people do to the Amber Room?,Suppose you are a German who find the lost Amber Room, what do you think you should do with it? To return it to Russia or keep it in your homeland ? Or?,Task,2019/1/15,cultural relics,39,Homework 1.Go over the passage and find out the useful expressions in it. 2.Write a composition of about 100 words about one of the cultural relics that you have visited or want to visit.,

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