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    • 1、Organization: Overview of Core Frameworks,Local Training Module For First-year Associates Associate Handbook,采智科技 - 专注于终端数据采集领域,提升企业信息化应用价值 采智科技是国内第一家专门致力于提供ERP终端数据采集解决方案的企业,自成立之初,就以弥补企业信息化在终端数据采集方面的结构性缺失、提升企业信息化项目的运行质量为唯一目标。 采智科技以已经实施过ERP系统的企业为目标客户群体,根据客户当前ERP应用状况及特定的应用需求,提供相关咨询服务和数据采集解决方案,帮助客户提高ERP应用成效,从根本上解决系统内数据时效性差和准确性低等问题,帮助企业达成ERP系统最初的建设目标,使ERP真正成为企业的信息中心和管控中心。 我们拥有一支理论水平高超、项目经验丰富、团队建制完善、客户服务意识较强的专家团队。其中约半数的咨询(实施)顾问均有过甲方公司从业背景,这也使得我们在信息化项目的各个环节中,更多的理解和关注客户企业自身的实际业务需求,全面贯彻以需求为导向,而非以产品特性为导向

      2、的项目建设思路,通过数据采集解决方案的实施,真正的提升客户企业信息化应用价值。 了解更多:www.i-,FOREWORD AND OBJECTIVE,This Organization Practice(OP) document provides an overview for use in local training sessions for first-year associates. It is part of a “series on functional areas.” The objective of the series is to introduce McKinsey practitioners to the basics in each of our functional areas of expertise. All the documents in the series are comprehensive in nature and describe the current tools and frameworks in that functional area

      3、 At the end of this document, you can find a section describing a selection of the core documents and handbooks that can give you further details on some of the frameworks descried here. All of these documents are now on PDNet; and hard copies of them can be requested from PDNet Express, which will deliver them in 24 hours The contents of this document have been adapted for local training sessions through “Switching Tracks” OPs first-year module videotape, which communicates the basic concepts i

      4、n a concise and visual way using an actual client The Scandinavian Railroad Company. It is 40 minutes long and should be presented in 3 short segments. Between these segments, the faculty member runs the attached exercises, adds any commentary he/she considers necessary to clarify the concepts, and provides personal experience on selected topics. A copy of the videotape and moderators guide with exercises can be requested from the Firm,This document seeks to answer 4 questions,SECTION 1 Why do a

      5、ssociates need to consider organizational issues in every engagement? SECTION 2 What frameworks do we use to help our clients improve organizational performance? SECTION 3 What role does an associate play in organization work? SECTION 4 Where can an associate find out more?,McKinseys mission is to have lasting and substantial impact on our clients. To succeed, we need to work all three of the critical elements: choose the best strategy, develop world-class operations, align the organization. The

      6、se three elements both reinforce and constrain each other. The best strategy is only relevant if it is operationally and organizationally feasible. The optimal organizational design depends upon the strategic requirement and the operational methods of the client. This document focuses on one vertex of this triangular relationship. It would be wrong, however, to believe that you can achieve the impact we seek by focusing on one vertex. We need to consider all three in every study.,CRITICAL ELEMEN

      7、TS FOR IMPACT,Successful strategy,Efficient operations,Effective organization,We only achieve impact when the organizations we serve are successful in implementing the strategies and operational methods we propose. However, a recent survey of engagements in which clients failed to implement proposed strategies found, in three cases out of four, that the client organization was not change-ready or even capable of implementing the strategy we proposed. To ensure that we have impact, we need to con

      8、sider organizational issues as we devise strategies. We must choose strategies the clients are ready and able to implement or complement our strategy work with investment in building the organizations skills so that the organization can step up to the challenge the superior strategy poses,3 OUT OF 4 STRATEGIES THAT FAIL DO SO BECAUSE OF THE ORGANIZATIONS INABILITY TO EXECUTE,100%=340 responses,Percent,McKinsey recommendations flawed,Client not change-ready or committed,Organization lacked the ca

      9、pabilities to execute strategy,Other,The demand for organizational work is increasing. Trends in the marketplace and the evolving nature of our clients largely explain this increase in demand. The pace of change in the marketplace is accelerating . A strategic choice or an operational innovation evokes a rapid reaction from competitor. Rarely can a durable competitive advantage be found in these choices. Rather it is the development of a unique organizational capability with the inherent flexibility and commitment to sustain world-class performance that provides durable competitive advantage in these times of rapid change. The clients we serve are changing as well. They have increasingly hired in-house strategic capabilities. Most have built strategy shops close to the CEO. Few, however, have the in-house capability and objectivity to do the organizational work required to make change happen.,ORGANIZATIONAL WORK GROWING IN IMPORTANCE,Evolving marketplace Quickenin


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