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《新编实用英语二》unit4 talking

  • 卖家[上传人]:tia****nde
  • 文档编号:70008911
  • 上传时间:2019-01-15
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    • 1、,Unit 4 Making Reservations,back,Section I,back,Talking Face to Face,Teaching Objectives:,To understand hotel ads To get to know some knowledge of hotel ask students to find out the patterns and expressions used for making reservations and checking in or out at a hotel To be able to use some useful expressions about making reservations and checking in or out at a hotel,back,Part I Leading in,Pre-class Work Warming up for the new class,back,1. Pre-class Work,1)Preview advertisements made by hotel

      2、 2)Find out the words and expressions to talk about Hotel Ads,back,next,Sample 1,1.reservation .rezvein n. 预定 arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance *.Id like to make a reservation. 我想订票。 2.reserve riz:v vt. 保留,预订,延期 something reserved in advance (as a hotel accommodation or a seat on a plane etc.) * Please reserve a seat for me. 请为我预定一个座位,*,3.advertise v. dvtaiz vi. 登广告 v. 为.做广告 make publicity for; try to sell (a product) We decided to advertise our new product. 我们决定为我们

      3、的新产品做广告。 4.advertisement n. dvrtaizmnt a public promotion of some product or service *There are too many TV advertisements in between the program. 这个电视节目中的广告太多了 。,4.available veilbl a. 可用的,有效的 obtainable or accessible and ready for use or service *This was the only available room. 只剩下那个房间可用了。 *Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗? 5.renovate v. renveit 更新,革新,刷新 make brighter and prettier 6.renovation n. .renvein n. 革新,刷新,修理 the act of improving by renewing and restoring *The hotel will reopen n

      4、ext week after its1 million renovation. 该饭店在花费一百万英镑将其整修后将于下星期重新开放。,Sample 2,back,1.inn in n. 客栈,小旅店 a hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers *It was raining; they had to stay in the inn the whole day. 下雨了,他们不得不在旅馆里待了一整天。 *They put up at an inn for the night. 他们在一家小客栈里过夜. 2.rate n. reit n.价格v amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis advertising rates 广告费 insurance rates 保险费 postal rates 邮寄费 3.unattended adj. ntendid lacking accompaniment or a guard 无随员的,无侍从的,无伴的 unattended lu

      5、ggage 无人看管的行李 an unattended fire. 没有注意的火灾,4.jewelry n. du:lri n. 珠宝,珠宝类 5.proprietor n. prprait n. 所有者,经营者 (law) someone who owns (is legal possessor of) a business Ive written a complaint to the proprietor of the hotel. 我向旅馆老板写信投 6.inattention n. .intenn 不注意,粗心,疏忽 lack of attention 7.employee n. .emplii:, implii n. 雇员 a worker who is hired to perform a job This employee was dismissed for laziness. 这名雇员因为懒惰而被解雇。,2. Warming up for the new class,When you travel, most often you have to make reserva

      6、tions at a hotel, therefore you must know how to book a hotel room and how to check in or check out at a hotel. They are quite useful and important pieces of information and this unit will tell you how.,back,Making reservations background,Reservations are conducted at the front desk by the bell-man. The bell-man answer the travelers enquiry and arrange the room to the travelers. The bell-man is also responsible for confirm change and cancellation. There are all kinds of ways to make reservations

      7、. Travelers reserve the room by writing to the hotel and calling. Travelers are able to book personally. The bellman check the rooms have been full up or not at first, and record the related information.,I Would Like to Book a Double Room,R: Holiday Hotel, Reservations. May I help you? G: Yes. I would like to book a double room for my family. R: All right. For which dates, please? G: Next weekend. That is for May 18th and 19th. R: Let me check if we have a room available then. Oh, yes, we do. G:

      8、 Good. I would like to have a non-smoking room.,Sample 1,I Would Like to Book a Double Room,R: There are many non-smoking room available in our hotel. May I have your name, please? G: Charles Wilson.By the way,do you have any golf course nearby? R: Sorry,but we have a swimming pool,and we provide some other services. G: Thats fine.Shall I send you a deposit? R: No,you dont have to,you may pay on arrival.,Sample 1,Task One,Here is a group of short dialogues. Follow the examples to make more conve

      9、rsations with your partner.,A: Good evening. Peace Hotel. Reservation. May I help you? B: Yes. Im calling from Toronto. I would like to book 6 double rooms for three nights in your hotel for September 1st, 2nd and 3rd. A: Could you give me your name and telephone number, please? B: Its John Smith. The telephone number is 854-1734. A: All right. Please reconfirm your reservation before you arrive. B: All right. Ill do that. Task: You are leaving for New York tomorrow. Make a reservation at a hotel there by telephone.,Task Three,A: May I help you, sir? B: Yes. I would like to stay in this hotel. A: Welcome. What kind of room do you prefer? B: A single room with a balcony. A: Yes, we have one. B: Whats the rate? A: Sixty dollars a night, including breakfast. B: All right. Task: You come to a hotel and ask for a single room with a good view.,

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