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外研版英语七下 module 1:unit 1教案01

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    • 1、2011-2012外研版英语七下 Module 1:Unit 1教案01 Module 1 People and placesUnit 1. We are having a great time.课 型主 备审 核授课时间教案序号Listening and Vocabulary I.学习目标:1.短语小卡片: take photos, the Great Wall, have a good time, at home, talk to, be on a school trip, enjoy the school trip, lie in the sun, shop for the present, write postcards 2.重点句子:(1) Hes lying in the sun. (2) Were on a school trip.II.学习重难点:现在进行时的肯定句。III.课前预习早备战:Part4. IV. Parts5-6.IV. 课堂实战演习:一、根据汉语提示,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. During the winter holiday, I want t

      2、o learn to _ (驾驶) a car. 2. Tom sends some _ (明信片) to Mr. Li on Teachers Day.3. Its warm. Lets _ (享受) the sun.4.Sally often _ (购物) with his sister at the weekend.5. Would you like _ (等待) for me, Kate?二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Theres a purse _ (lie) on the ground.2. Look! Lily _ (stand) next to her mother.3.Wheres your father?He _ (take) photos over there.4. Do you _ (real) like the school trip?5. His parents are _ (buy) books for him as his birthday presents.三、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。1. 孩子们在公园里玩得很高兴。The child

      3、ren _ in the park.2. 快点!李明在公共汽车站等你呢。Hurry up! Li Lei _ you at the bus stop.3. 无论如何,这次旅行真是太好了。_, this trip is _ very nice.4. 这些女孩在给她们的妈妈打电话吗?-不,他们在商店买冰激凌呢。-_ these girls _ their mothers? No, they_ in the shop.5. 看!我爷爷正躺在阳光下和奶奶说话呢。Look! My grandfather is _ and _ my grandmother.V.教学反思:Unit 2. They are going to the opera. 课 型主 备审 核授课时间教案序号Vocabulary and reading10年3月 日I.学习目标:1.短语小卡片: put on, wait for, at the moment, walk to the pubs, watch a ballet, get dressed, film stars, Thank you for, 2.重点句子:(1)

      4、Please send a card to Grandma. (2) They are running for trains.II.学习重难点:现在进行时的肯定句。 III.课前预习早备战:Parts 1-3. IV. Parts4-6.IV. 课堂实战演习:一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. My father often has lunch in the r_.2. Please give my g_ to your parents.3. Liz wants to be a b_ dancer.4. Jane is going to w_ in New York.5. Therere different kinds of stories in the Beijing O_.二、从方框内选出并用单词的适当形式填空。put on, dress, get dressed, wear 1. (1) Please _ your coat. Its cold outside.(2) Lily likes _ her red coat.(3) Mike would like _ himsel

      5、f these days. (4) My sister _ quickly every morning.watch, see, look, read 2. (1) _ books in bed is bad for your eyes.(2) They are _ at the blackboard.(3) Would you like _ a film with me?(4) Does she like _ football matches?三、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 谢谢你照看我弟弟。Thank you _ _ after my brother.2.这时,人们正在看芭蕾。At _ _, people are _ _ _. 3. 看!这些年轻人正在路上开车呢。Look! These young people are _ their _ on the road.4. 我妹妹在给她朋友写明信片。My sister _ _ post cards _ her friends.5. 孩子们正在穿衣服。The children are _ _.V.教学反思:Unit 3. Lang

      6、uage in use课 型主 备审 核授课时间教案序号Language practice2010年3月 日I.学习目标:1.单词:world 以及units1-2的单词。 2.句子:units1-2的句子II. 教学重难点:现在进行时的肯定句和一般疑问句。 III 预习之中显身手:完成课本6页Activities2-3IV. 课堂验收练习:一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Dont make any noise. The baby _ (sleep).2. The kind woman often _ (wash) clothes for the children.3. Listen! Jane _ (sing) in the next room. She often _ (sing) after school.4. Thank you for _ (call) me up.5. Its twelve oclock. They _ (have) lunch.二、句式魔方:按要求改写句子,每空一词。1. She does her homework in her room. (改为现在

      7、进行时)She _ _ her homework in her room.2. The woman is driving a green car. (对划线部分提问)_ is the woman _?3. They are playing football on the playground. (对划线部分提问)_ playing football on the playground?4. How are you feeling today? (改为一般现在时)How _ you _ today?5. They are watching TV. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_ they watching TV? No, they _.三、动词填空:用所给单词的适当形式填空。At four oclock in the afternoon, Tony and his friends are in the park. They are (1) _ (do) different things. Tony (2) _ (lie) in the sun. Jim (3) _ (eat) an

      8、ice cream. Li Lei (4) _ (take) photos for some animals. Linda (5) _ (write) some post cards. Lily (6) _ (shop) for small presents. Lucy (7) _ (play) table tennis. Wherere John and Jack? They (8) _ (not watch) a ballet. They (9) _ (dance). They (10) _ (have) a good time.V.教学反思:Units 1-3 检测题课 型主 备审 核授课时间教案序号Review2010年3月 日I.写出现在分词。1. has _ 2. lie _ 3. play _ 4. carry _ 5. does _ 6. watch _ 7. wash _ 8. have _ 9. see _ 10. drive _ 11. be_ 12. run _ 13. listen _ 14. open _ 15. begin _ 16. get _ 17. make _ 18. sit _ 19. shop _ 20. happen _ II.写出下列单词的第三人称单数形式。1. has _ 2. lie _ 3. play _ 4. carry _ 5. does _ 6. watch _ 7. wash _ 8. have _ 9. see _ 10. drive _ 11. be

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