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外研版英语七下 module 1:unit 3教案【方案一】

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    • 1、2011-2012外研版英语七下 Module 1:Unit 3教案【方案一】 Language in use Unit 3 Module1(Book I Junior I) 一教材内容分析本模块以旅游为话题,运用现在进行时态介绍世界各地的时差, 并且让学生了解在不同的时间,不同的国家人们做些什么事情.是学生感兴趣的话题. 教学中应结合学生实际情况,灵活调整教学内容,合理设置课时。适当进行拓展,以丰富学生知识,拓展学生视野。二学情分析本单元是七下的第三单元.在经过一个学期的学习之后, 学生也积累了一定的词汇量。教师在教学时尽量用游戏,图片或flash动画的多种媒体来引起学生的学习兴趣,引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好的运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。三设计理念以听说训练为主线,通过看、听说、演练等活动,提高学生语言综合运用能力,运用现在进行时正确写一张明信片。介绍不同国家的时差,在不同的时间里不同国家的人们做些什么事情。培养学生热爱自己家园的意识。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立正确的语言学习观。四教学目标1. L

      2、anguage knowledgeKey vocabulary: see you later ,good night, street midday,Sydney.Key structure: Is she enjoying her visit? Yes, she is./ No, she isnt.Are they buying postcards? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.2.Speaking skill: to say sentences with the present continuous tense.3.Writing skill: to write a postcard using the present continuous tense.Teaching difficulties and key points:The usage of the present continuous tenseTeaching aids: multi-media, tape recorderTeaching procedures:Step1: warm

      3、upT: Do you like lovely pigs? Today we have some piggy friends. But we can only see a part of them. Guess: what is he doing? Or what are they doing?Ask like this: what is he doing? Is he running? Is he dancing? Is he singing?Then show some pigs, and ask “what are they doing now?”设计意图:通过图片问答,引发学生探究欲望、从而激起学习动机;同时又复习了前两单元关于现在进行时的知识点Step 2. lead inT: next, lets enjoy talking. Look at these 9 pictures. Ask and answer questions in pairs. For example: A: What is he doing? B: He is singing. A: Is he dan

      4、cing? B:Yes, he is./ No, he isnt.(Practice in pairs and have a competition between boys and girls)设计意图:展示一些图片,引起学生兴趣,通过学生之间的问答活动,既复习旧课又增进友情,小组活动增强学生竞争意识和团队合作意识、交际能力。Step 3. presentation1.Let ss see nine sentences and ask them to discuss, then try to find out the rules of v.ing forms. First, read the sentences for twice.They are playing the guitar.She is teaching English.He is drawing.They are dancing.He is driving.She is having / eating a strawberry.He is swimming.They are sitting.They are lying

      5、.Ss: They all use The Present Continuous Tense, be+doing.T: who can say more about it? Discuss in groups of four.小结: 现在分词的变化规则:1、动词 + ing 2、以不发音的e结尾,去e再加 ing3、以重读闭音节结尾,双写再加 ing 4、特殊变化设计意图:在对话练习后展示不同类型句子,引发学生自主探究现在分词变化规律,增强联系、归纳、推测能力。Step 4. Do some exercises1. 动词加ing 的变化练习1). enjoy buy look jump enjoying buying looking jumping walk build visit eatwalking building visiting eating2). write hike skate havewriting hiking skating having make take drive leave making taking driving leaving3.) shop run

      6、swim setshopping running swimming setting begin cut put getbeginning cutting putting getting4) lie die tie seelying dying tying seeing 2.Give each ss a piece of paper and try to fill in the blanks. Pay attention to the form: be+v.ing.T: As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. I want to invite some ss to come to the blackboard to finish the exercises. Pay attention to the rules of the present continuous tense.The girls _(buy) hot dogs.Daming _(have) an ice cream.Tony _(talk) on his cell phone

      7、.Tony and Tim _(lie) on the grass.Betty and Ann _(look) at postcards.Betty _(carry) a bag.Lingling _(shop购物) in the mall.The women _(sit) there.I _(write) now.(check the answers and encourage them to write more.)3. look at these three pictures, discuss with your partners and then finish the sentences.Some boys football .They basketball Some old people Taijiquan. They yangge.He TV. He a computer 4. use 3-4sentences to describe what are your family doing, discuss then give a report.设计意图:通过练习加强巩固理解现在分词的运用,从单词到句子到篇章,由点及面,增强语言运用能力。Step5: Have a try to complete the dialogue.Show ss a picture of a boy. Tell them like this: This is my friend Tony. Complete the dialogue and guess where he is.T: Hi, Dad!D: Hi, Tony. What _?T: We _ the Forbidden City. Lingling and Betty _ postcards.D: What _?T: He _ photos. There are lots of people here. They _ the sun. Some _ at the buildings and some _ to the guide.D: _ a good time?T: Yes, we _ a great time, Dad! See you later.D: Bye.(check the answers a

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