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外研版九年级英语上册 市优质资源评比精品导学案 module6unit2导学案(1)

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    • 1、外研版 九年级英语上册导学案Module 6 ProblemsUnit 2 If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest. 孔镇中学 贾延华一、 学习目标:知识目标:能够听懂并正确地朗读下列汇词:come round, reason, try out, angry, no longer, be angry with sb. repair, truth, least, at least, honest, apoligise语法:能掌握if 引导的条件状语从句的用法。能力目标:能够读懂描述生活问题和给建议的书信并提取相关信息, 能够写出困扰自己的问题并寻求建议。情感目标:能够交流生活中遇到的问题并提出建议。二、重点难点1、能够理解描述生活问题和给建议的书信2、能够正确运用if引导的状语从句写出困扰自己的问题并寻求建议。三、学习步骤【预习自测】:单词拼写1. reason(n. ) _ 2. angry(adj. ) _3. 修理; 修补(v. ) _4. 诚实的; 老实的(adj. ) _5. true(a

      2、dj. ) _(n. )事实; 真相6. little(adj. ) _(最高级) 7. engine(n. ) _(n. )工程师 . 短语互译1. come round _ 2. try out _3. 不再 _ 4. 至少; 起码_5. 零花钱_ 【课堂活动】Step1 Fast-reading1. How many mistakes has Steve made? A. One. B. Two. C. Three.2. What was wrong with Steves fathers computer? A. It worked too slowly. B. Some important documents were missing. C. It was too expensive. Step 2.Careful reading. Read the letter and answer the questions. (1)Ask the students to read the letter, then answer the following questions. 1. W

      3、hat does Steves father use the computer for?2.Can Steve play games on his fathers computer? Why?3.What did they do when David came round with a new computer game?4. What did Steves father find when he used the computer last night?5 .Why does Steve feel terribl(2)Read the reply and finish Activity 3.Step 3 Post-reading( Retell)(1) complete the passage with the words in the box. Activity 4(2) Try to retell the passage with the information in Activity3.【要点探究】(一). angry adj. 愤怒的; 生气的 【语境领悟】 *If you

      4、tell him the truth now, he will be angry with you. 如果你现在告诉他实情, 他会生你的气。*The teacher was rather angry at/about what you said. 老师对你说的话很生气。*I was angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake. 我因犯了这么一个愚蠢的错误而生自己的气。【自主归纳】 angry是形容词, 意为“愤怒的, 生气的”, 常用搭配有: (1)be angry with sb. 生某人的气 (2)be angry at/about sth.对某事感到气愤(3)be angry for sth. /doing sth. 因为而气愤【温馨提示】 angry的副词形式为angrily【学以致用】 (2013吉林中考)I felt sorry that I dropped the juice on Tinas bed. But she wasnt _ at all. A. excited B. happy C. angry你要是把

      5、杯子打碎了, 我会生你的气的。I shall be _ _you if you break the cup. (二). sure adj. 确信的, 有把握的 【语境领悟】 *I am not sure whether a computer engineer can get the documents back. 我不确定电脑工程师是否能把文件找回来。*He is sure to come after a while. 过一会儿他一定来。*Im sure of our success. 对于我们成功, 我胜券在握。【自主归纳】sure的常用搭配结构 用法 be sure+从句 意为“确定”, 主语是人, 表示主句主语对从句中涉及的事物所作出的判断, 可接由whether, where, when, who或that等引导的从句 be sure of sth. /doing sth. 意为“确信, 对有把握”, 表示对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断, 主语是人 be sure to do sth. 意为“一定做某事, 肯定做某事” 【学以致用】 不确定他是否会来。 Im _ _ _he wi

      6、ll come. (2013福州中考)她确信她能通过这场考试。(be sure, that) _ (三). enough adv. 充足地, 足够地 【语境领悟】 *It is bad enough that you used your dads computer to play games when he told you not to. 你爸爸告诉过你不要在他电脑上玩游戏, 你还是用他的电脑玩, 这已经够糟糕的了。*Experts dont think teenagers get enough exercise. 专家们认为青少年没有得到足够的锻炼。【自主归纳】enough的用法两特征enough作形容词用时, 置于名词前、后均可 作副词用时, 置于所修饰的形容词、副词之后 【学以致用】 (2013梅州中考)The dining hall is _to hold 300 people. A. enough big B. enough small C. small enough D. big enough4. no longer不再 【语境领悟】 *He could no longe

      7、r find the documents anywhere! 他再也找不到那些文件了! *Steve didnt smoke any more. 史蒂夫不再吸烟了。【自主归纳】 (1)no longer表示“不再”, 着重表示 _(时间/长度)上不再继续, 相当于not. . . any longer。(2)no more也意为“不再”, 着重表示程度和数量上的不再, 相当于not. . . any more。【学以致用】 他不再是个学生了。He is _a student _ _. He is _ _a student. (四). one pron. 一个 【语境领悟】 *They were very important ones. 它们是非常重要的(文件)。*I dont like the black dress. I prefer the blue one. 我不喜欢这条黑裙子, 我喜欢那条蓝色的。【自主归纳】 one可以代替前面刚提到过的同一类人或物, 其复数形式为 _. (these/ones)【归纳拓展】one作代词用法小结妙辨异同】it/one/that的用法和区别一般说

      8、来, it指代同名同物; one与that则指代同名异物, 而且, one表泛指, that表特指。例如: I have lost my umbrella; Im looking for it. (该句中it就是指前面的my umbrella)I have lost my umbrella; I think I must buy one. (one在该句中表泛指, 因为my umbrella已经丢了)The umbrella you bought is cheaper than that I bought. (替代词that在该句中特指“the umbrella I bought”, 以区别“the umbrella you bought”)【学以致用】 (2013鞍山中考)What kind of house would you like? Id like _with a garden in front of_. A. it; oneB. one; oneC. one; itD. it; it (五). The reason is that he thinks it will go wrong if I play games on it. 原因是他认为我要是在上面玩游戏的话, 电脑会出毛病。 【句型剖析】 这是一个由that引导的表语从句。表语从句放在系动词之后, 充当复合句中的表语。此句的构成是: 主语+系动词+引导词+从句, e. g. This is why he did it. 这就是他做了那件事的原因。【学以致用】 The reason why he failed is _he was too careless. A. because B. That C. for D. because of【达标检测】. 选短语并用其适当形式填空at least, tell the truth, go wrong,

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