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外研版九年级英语上册 市优质资源评比精品导学案 module 8 sports life unit 3 language in use

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  • 上传时间:2019-01-14
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    • 1、Module 8 Sports life Unit 3 Language in use学习目标:语言知识目标 让学生们能学会运用本单元中学过新单词短语及表达。语言技能目标 学生能学会总结与巩固一般过去时的被动语态。情感目标 让学生能很高兴地听别人的意见和保持健康的生活方式。学习重难点:让学生学会正确运用一般过去时的被动语态。教学过程一被动语态的时态:1.一般现在时的被动语态: am /is/ are +动词的过去分词2.一般过去时的被动语态: was /were +动词的过去分词3.一般将来时的被动语态: will be +动词的过去分词4.现在进行时的被动语态: am /is /are +being +动词的过去分词5.现在完成时的被动语态: have /has +been +动词的过去分词6.情态动词的被动语态: 情态动词 + be +动词的过去分词二一般过去时的被动语态的基本句式(1) 肯定式:主语+ was /were +过去分词It was made in Beijing Renai Education Institute .(2) 否定式:主语+was /were + no

      2、t + 过去分词She was not given a paniting by him .This question was not discussed at the meeting yesterday .(3) 一般疑问句:Was /Were + 主语+过去分词 Was it made of bamboo?(4) 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+was/were + 过去分词 What was is made of ?三特殊情况的被动语态:1.带双宾语的被动语态:动词+ sb(间宾) +sth(直宾)口诀:如遇双宾语,一般变间宾,若把直宾变,to /for 间宾连。1).give/pass /show 与介词to 搭配。give sb sth sb +be given sth 或 sth +be given +to sb . 2).buy/make/cook 与介词for 搭配。buy sb sth sb +be bought + sth 或 sth +be bought +for sb He gave me a book. I _ _ a book by him. A book _ _ _

      3、 me by him .My mother made me a cake . I _ _ a cake by my mother A cake _ _ _ me by my mother .2.带省to 的不定式作宾补的被动语态:动词+ sb + do sth .口诀:感使动词真叫怪,to来to去记心怀,主动语态to离去被动语态to回来。动词:make / let /have /see /hear /feel /watch make sb do sth -sb + be +made +to do sth The boss made the workers work all day The workers _ _ _ work all day by the boss.3. see /hear /notice /keep +sb +doing sth 句型中变被动语态时doing 不变。I heard Tom singing just now Tom _ _ _ by me just now .4.以动词短语作谓语的主动语态变被动语态时,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。We should tak

      4、e care of the old . The old should _ _ _ _ .课堂达标一单选题1. Each year quite a lot of food _ around the world. Its really time for us to do something. A. was wasted B. is wasted C. will be wasted 2. He_ to study harder for the coming exam yesterday. A. encourage B. is encouraged C. was encouraged3. Many children in Britain _ to have their own bank cards last year. A. allowed B. are allowed C. were allowed4. Tom _ three chances in the high jump then. A. give B. am given C. was given D. will be given中考链

      5、接1. Many buildings in Lushan _ in the earthquake on April 20th. It will surely be reconstructed(重建) more beautifully. A. have destroyed B. are destroyed C. were destroyed D. are destroying2. -You bought a new car! An American car? -No. A Chinese car. It _ in Taizhou. A. makes B. made C. was made D. will be made3. -Why did Tom go to bed so late yesterday? -Because his homework _on time. A. didnt finish B. finish C. wasnt finished4. It was reported that nine Chinese people _ in a balloon crash (坠毁

      6、)in Egypt on February 26, 2013. A. are killed B. were killed C. will kill D. have killed5. The mobile phone has influenced peoples life a lot since it _. A. invents B. invented C. is invented D. was invented 6. On June 11th, 2013, Shenzhou-10 carrying three astronauts _ into space from the space center in Jiuquan. A. sent up B. are sent up C. was sent up 7. -“Frog”,Mo Yans latest novel, please! -Sorry, it _ just now. But it will come out again soon. A. sold out B. is sold out C. has sold out D.

      7、was sold out8. -Who designed this game? -It _ by Tom in 1999. A. is designed B. designs C. was designed D. designed9. Annie _ to the party. She had a wonderful time with us. A. invites B. is invited C. was invited D. has invited2 根据句意及首字母补全单词 There was a big earthquake under the India Ocean Area o 1 December 26th 2004 and it c 2 a large tsunami. Tsunamis are great sea waves produced especially by an earthquake. That morning my classmates and I went to the seaside and had breakfast when we h 3 a loud noise like bombs. People in the sea ran w 4 to the bank and s 5 , Water is coming! Someone told us to run to a higher place. We ran as q 6 as we could. Since we did not know what happened, we were very f 7 . We looked back and saw a t8 picture. The water waves were so strong that cars were made to fall upside down and the flood w 9 away everything on the seaside . We were safe but the n 10 of victims was over 140,000. People call the day Black Sunday.

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