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  • 文档编号:68955191
  • 上传时间:2019-01-11
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    • 1、,Railway children,Edith Nesbit(18581924)was born in Longdon.She was the youngest child in her family.Her father deid when she was 3 years old,unfortunately,her sisiter was found a serious diease ,so her mother decide to move from foggy London to France and then German,In that time,she was only 9 years old.,Introduction of the authour,Edith was deeply influenced by her sisters fiance who was a poet.Through him,she was familiar with some famous poet and slowly had a great interest in literature.Sh

      2、e started try wrting some script and short novel when she was in school.She even writed for living for a long time after her husband died.,Edith had published nearly 100 books.She achieved a great success in childrens literature creation which made her famous overseas.Her creation can be classficated into two parts:one describe real family and adventure story;the other is fairy tale and fantasy story ,which is more famous.,The Story of the Treasure Seekers (1898) The Wouldbegoods (1899) Five Chi

      3、ldren and It (1902) The Phoenix and the Carpet (1904) The Story of the Amulet (1905) The Railway Children (1906) The Enchanted Castle (1907 The House of Arden (1908) Hardings Luck (1909年) Grim Tales (stories) (1893) The Pilot (1893) The Seven Dragons (1899) The New Treasure Seekers (1904) The Three Mothers (1908) These Little Ones (1909) The Magic City (1910) Dormant (1911) Wet Magic (1913) To the Adventurous (stories) (1923),Background,The Railway Children reflects on the highly unconventional

      4、life of its author. The lost father is a favourite Nesbit theme: her own father died when she was four and in her books she was always trying to get him back. Bobbies cry at the end of The Railway Children - “Oh! My Daddy, my Daddy“ - remains one of the most recognisable and touching lines in childrens literature. Poverty was something Edith Nesbit had known first hand, both as a child and as a young married woman with small children. Perhaps as a child, with a widowed mother trying to make ends

      5、 meet and find a suitable climate for Ediths consumptive elder sister Mary, Nesbit had experienced the admonishment issued by Mother to Phyllis in The Railway Children : “Jam or butter, dear - not jam and butter. We cant afford that sort of reckless luxury nowadays.“,It is a warming and moving story,Main characters,Bobbie - the eldest sister Peter - the brother Phyllis - the younger sister Perks - the porter of the railway The mother/father The head of the railway station,The change in the child

      6、rens lives comes very suddenly. One minute they are all a happy family, with everything that they want. The next minute , Father has to go away without saying anythingon business, Mother says. But her face is white, and the children know that its bad news. They have to leave their nice house in London, go and live in a little house in the country. They are poor now, Mother says.,In the fresh country life, they are worried about their father very much, But they dont lose heart of life. And there,

      7、 down the hill from their new house, is the railway, with its shining lines leading all the way back to London; and the black mouth of the runnel, where trains come screaming out of the darkness like great wild animals. They have a wonderful life there. Such as, Peter had stolen the coal from the railway station, but he was been forgiven and educated by the head of the station; They met an old man everyday who was always in a train , and waved to each other.; They was very brave and clever to pu

      8、ll up a train, stopped it from crashing into the stones; They gave Perks many gifts from the neighbors to show the thanks of all of them; They saved a boy whose leg was hurt, and he was just the grandson of the old man, who helped them a lot.,At last, they know that their father is wrong to life in prison for five years, Bobbie try to rescue their father through the old man, in coincidence, the old man is just the man who is distrusting and investigating the case. Their father comes back home so

      9、on after without any charge.,I have thought that this book was written for children at the first beginning,but actually it also a book written for all adults. I find the loneliness deely hide in the heart of Edith.She vividly described how seriously the children miss their dad,just like Edith ever did.But in this book, Edith try to transform the childrens missing to a great power,which encourages them to look for all possible ways to survival.She also try to express an idea that warmth is hidden inside every person through depicting some kind people who generously give the three children help whenever they are in trouble. So even we suffer from poverty someday,we shouldnt lose fate.Railway Children tells us that power is hidden in our body.,


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