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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、A-1,Airpak Overview,Simply-Powerful Airflow Design! 强大的通风设计软件,A-2,Airpak Ventilation Modeling Software 通风设计软件,Simplifies the design and analysis of ventilation systems 简化通风系统的设计和分析 Accurate, quick, and easy-to-use design tool that empowers designers and professionals, without extensive backgrounds in computer applications, to utilize the powers of advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools 精确,快速,易学,设计师不需要有很深的计算机应用背景,就能够使用这一CFD工具 Optimize your designs or pinpoint problems based on accurate

      2、 predictions of airflow patterns, thermal conditions, comfort conditions, and/or contamination control effectiveness 优化设计,查明问题,Obtain the most accurate solution in the shortest amount of time and in the easiest manner possible 在最短的时间内,用最简单的方式,获得最精确的结果,A-3,Targeted Airflow Applications 应用,Commercial/residential ventilation 住宅通风 Fume hood design 排烟罩设计 Telecommunication rooms 电讯室设计 Clean rooms 净化间设计 Contamination control 污染控制 Industrial air conditioning 工业空调 Industrial ventilation 工业通风 Industrial h

      3、ygiene 工业卫生 Occupational health and safety职业健康和保险 External building flows 建筑外部绕流 Transportation ventilation 运输通风,Mine ventilation 矿井通风 Fire and smoke management 烟火管理 Educational facilities 教育设施 Medical facilities 医疗设施 Animal and plant environments动植物生存环境 Kitchen ventilation 厨房通风 Restaurants and bars 餐厅和酒吧 Power plant ventilation 电站通风 Enclosed vehicular facilities 封闭车辆设施 Stadiums, arenas, and places of assembly 体育场,竞技场,总装厂房,A-4,Airpak Meets Demands of HVAC Industry 面向HVAC行业,Ease of Use 使用简便 mouse

      4、-driven graphical user-interface object-oriented model building automated meshing well-chosen default parameters powerful post-processing Focused on HVAC applications 面向HVAC应用 building blocks include fans, vents, people, hoods, filters post-processing of thermal comfort and contamination parameters Accurate and Fast 准确,快速 body-fitted mesh captures real geometry for simulations based on well-proven, efficient, and robust unstructured solver parallel computing cuts turnaround time,Airpak streamlin

      5、es the process of modeling airflow,Airpak,A-5,Airpak Graphical User Interface,A-6,Airpak Building Blocks,Object-based model building with pre-defined objects 用预先定义好的物体建模 blocks of various shapes and sizes human forms fans hoods walls/partitions openings sources resistances Library functions available to create and store groups of objects 用库函数可以产生和 存储物体组,prisms,ellipsoids,polygons,cylinders,Seated & standing people,hoods,A-7,Airpak Modeling Features,Steady or transient analysis 稳态,瞬态分析 Laminar or

      6、 turbulent flow 层流,湍流 Transport of multiple species 多种组分 Forced, natural, or mixed convection heat transfer 强迫,自然,混合对流换热 Surface-to-surface radiation 辐射 Conduction in solids 固体传导 Sources for velocity, energy, & species 速度,能量,组分源,A-8,Airpak Automated Meshing Capabilities 自动化网格能力,Fully-automatic unstructured meshing handles easy as well as complex geometries 完全自动非结构化网格生成 True-geometry representation (no stair-stepped approximations) 真实几何,Hexahedra, tetrahedra, pentahedra, and mixed element mesh ty

      7、pes,A-9,Airpak Unstructured Meshing 非结构化网格,Use fewer cells than what a structured mesh requires for complex problems,Unstructured tetrahedral mesh of a collegiate ice rink,快餐吧,进气孔,冰,记分牌,灯光,看台,AHU,A-10,Airpak Reporting and Display Options 后处理,Contour levels 等值面 Velocity vectors 速度向量 Particle traces 粒子追踪 Animations 动画 Point reporting 点报告 Variation plots 变量图 Summary reports 总结报告 Display of IAQ & thermal comfort post-processing parameters: IAQ和舒适度后处理参数: relative humidity 相对湿度 PMV & PPD mean radiant

      8、temperature 平均辐射温度 mean age of air 平均空气滞留时间,A-11,Thermal Comfort Post-Processing 舒适度后处理,ISO 7730 used to calculate Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD) throughout the modeled room,Explore what-if cases by overriding computed values for RH, MRT, air temperature, or air velocity,Select metabolic rate and clothing values from tables Report min, max, average, and standard deviation,A-12,Parametric Models 参数化建模,Parametric capabilities allow you to work more efficientl

      9、y with automated computations of numerous cases 参数化建模能够提高您的工作效率 Can specify parameters for geometry, properties and/or boundary conditions 参数可以是几何,特性,边界条件 User chooses trials from available matrix 用户根据不同的参数选择计算工况,A-13,Spreadsheet Model Adjustments,Easy modification of all model parameters and boundary conditions using spreadsheet 用电子表格可以很容易修改模型参数和边界条件 Import/export capability with tab-separated format 可以进行输入/输出,A-14,Animations Bring the Flow to Life,Display animated particle traces Display animation of transient processes for any post-processing object Use a separate screen capture utility to save Airpak animations or any other display activity in AVI format (pc only) Compose individual frames for animated GIF format (unix or pc web browsers),AVI animation of particle traces from supply diffuser in a partitioned office,A-15,Examples,A-16,Cooling Ventilation: Negatively Buoyant Jet,Predicting cold air distribution at low ventilation rates, designers visualize jet deflect


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