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八年级上册 过关测试卷

  • 卖家[上传人]:bin****86
  • 文档编号:62101956
  • 上传时间:2018-12-17
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:1.80MB
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    • 1、从不放松对“三个代表”等党和国家政治方针的学习,每天收看听闻,关心国家大事,积极参加党组织的各种活动,在工作一年后,荣誉地为由一名中国共产党预备党员成为正式党员,实现了我多年的愿望 八年级上册过关测试卷 (时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 一、(2018原创)完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) It was the first day of school.I had a new classmate,a little old lady with a warm smile. She said,“Hi,young man! Im Rose.Im 87 years old.Can I give you a hug?” I said _1_,“Of course!” “Why are you in college at such a(an) _2_?” I asked. She joked,“Im here to meet a _3_husband,get married,have children,and then travel around the world.” “No,seri

      2、ously.” I said. “I always _4_ of having a college education.Now Im getting one!” She told me. After a year,Rose became popular.She easily made friends wherever she went.She loved to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from _5_. At the end of the term we _6_ Rose to make a speech at our party.Ill never forget what she taught _7_ “We should not stop playing because we are old;we grow _8_ because we stop playing.Here are the _9_ of staying young.You have to laugh and find humor every _10_Youve g

      3、ot to have a dream.When you _11_ your dreams,you will die!” she said. “There is a big _12_ between growing old and growing up.Everybody can grow old.That doesnt take any ability,”she added.“But in order to _13_,you have to find the chance in change.Have no regrets.We usually have regrets not for what we have done,_14_ for what we havent done.” Finally we graduated from the college with Rose.One week _15_ graduation(毕业),she died peacefully(平静地) in her sleep.She set us an example that its never to

      4、o late to be all you can possibly be. ( B )1.A.slowly Bhappily Cheavily Dbadly ( C )2.A.month Bjob Cage Dseason ( A )3.A.rich Bbad Cpoor Dshort ( D )4.A.needed Bheard Cwanted Ddreamed ( D )5.A.another Bthe other C. other Dothers ( C )6.A.let Bmade Cinvited Dsuggested ( A )7.A.us Bher Chim Dthem ( B )8.A.young Bold Ctall Dthin ( B )9.A.stories Bsecrets Crules Dideas ( D )10.A.week Bmonth Cyear Dday ( A )11.A.lose Bhave Ckeep Dlike ( C )12.A.chance Bchange Cdifference Dproblem ( B )13.A.stand up B

      5、grow up Cgrow old Dkeep fit ( D )14.A.because Bso Cthough Dbut ( B )15.A.in Bafter Cduring Dbefore 二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) A(2017南京中考) Here is an experiment(实验) to see how ants can organize some clever teamwork. 1First you need some ants.You may have to wait until the summer to find them on paths around your home. 2When you have found an ant,put a thin slice of fruit in front of it.It may eat some of it or carry bits away. 3Check the fruit after an hour.Have other ants been attracted to it?If s

      6、o,what are they doing? 4When there are lots of ants,move the fruit to a new position,a little to the side.What do the ants do? Whats going on? You can see one of the best examples of insect teamwork by watching ants.If one ant finds food,it leads others there to eat it,too.They follow each other by making long trails.The ants go back and forth collecting food,to take back to their nest(穴)When you move the fruit,the ants will still find it.But,instead of making a new direct route(路线) to the food,

      7、they will follow each other through their old trail route. ( C )16. What will happen if one ant finds food? AThe ant will eat all the food. BThe ant will watch other ants. CThe ant will lead others to the food. DThe ant will wait until others come. ( B )17.Which is the correct order to do this experiment? aMove the fruit to a new position. bFind an ant. cCheck the fruit an hour later. dPut a thin slice of fruit in front of the ant. Aabcd Bbdc a Cdbca Dcadb ( D )18.What can we learn from this exp

      8、eriment? AThe experiment is done successfully in the lab. BAnts do the experiment to show their team spirit. CCareful watching does little help in this experiment. DWe can find out some facts by doing small experiments. B(2017广东中考) International Poetry Competition World Poetry Day is celebrated on March 21.Its purpose is to improve peoples ability to read,write,and teach poems all over the world. This year,the International Poetry Center is holding a poetry competition to celebrate the festival!

      9、 The competition is open to all the poets(诗人) aged 18 and over from all over the world,and they will be divided into two groups: Open Group (open to all the poets aged 18 and over) ESL Group (open to all the poets aged 18 and over who can write in English as a Second Language) The winners of each group will receive 1,000. RULES: All the poems must be unpublished(未出版的) works. Poems will not be returned,so please keep a copy. The poem(s) must be in English and created by the poet himself/herself. Poems can be written on any proper subject.No subject on violence(暴力) or drugs. The competition begins on March 3,2017 and ends on August 28,2017. To enter the competition,please visit the Center Shop to pay 5 for each poem.Once the payment is made,please email the poem(s) to poetrycompcenter.uk.Remember to mark Open or ESL in the top righthand corner of the document(文档

      《八年级上册 过关测试卷》由会员bin****86分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级上册 过关测试卷》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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