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    • 1、2018/12/17,免费精品资源:http:/,1,网络时代,高考英语书面表达精品课件:话题作文16,免费精品资源:http:/,网络在人们的生活、学习、工作中的作用越来越大,网上购物、网上交友、网络游戏、网络学习、电子贺卡、网络媒体已经实实在在地走进了我们的生活。,课标解读,免费精品资源:http:/,2018/12/17,免费精品资源:http:/,3,关于“网络时代”,命题人可能从以下角度来命题:要求考生对网络时代的描述、有关青少年上网问题的调查;要求考生就网络带给人们的实惠和“副作用”发表看法;就“网上交友、网上购物、网络游戏、网络犯罪”等问题发表观点;就“网络给我们带来了什么”发表看法。,命题预测,免费精品资源:http:/,(1)The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.网络在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。 (2)On the one hand, its risky to make friends and shop online.一方面,网上交友和网上购物存在风险

      2、。 (3)On the other hand, being lost in the Internet may affect our study and work.另一方面,沉迷网络会影响学习和工作。 (4)A survey shows that 52% of students are lost in the Internet.一项调查显示,52%的学生沉迷网络。 (5)In my opinion, the Internet does bring us a lot of benefits.我认为,因特网的确给我们带来了实惠。,必备词句,免费精品资源:http:/,(6)It remains a question how we can solve the problems concerning making friends on line.如何解决网上交友所产生的问题依然是个疑问。 (7)The problems that Internet has brought to us do exist, but we have to be rational.因特网给我们所带来的问题的确存在,但是我

      3、们必须要理性看待。 (8)Every coin has two sides, so does the Internet.凡事都有两面性,因特网也是如此。 (9)As for the government, it should take strong measures to punish those who cheat people on line.作为政府,应该采取强有力措施惩罚那些在网上行骗的人。,免费精品资源:http:/,2018/12/17,免费精品资源:http:/,6,基础写作:网络的优缺点 因特网在日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,请以“On the Internet”为题写一篇短文。 写作内容,专题练析,免费精品资源:http:/,基础写作:网络的优缺点 On the Internet The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. We can not only read news from home and abroad, but also get informatio

      4、n, send emails, make phone calls, attend on-line schools, read various books and study English by ourselves. Whats more, people can enjoy music, watch sports matches, play all kinds of games and go shopping on-line. However, its risky to make friends and shop on-line. Whats worse, some students who are addicted to the Internet dont study hard and even quit school.,免费精品资源:http:/,2018/12/17,免费精品资源:http:/,8,读写任务:就“网上交友”发表看法,写作内容 1.以约30个词概括短文要点; 2.然后以约120个词就“网上交友”发表看法,内容包括: (1)你如何看待这件事? (2)你对“网上交友”的

      5、观点; (3)你觉得应该如何解决这些网络问题?,免费精品资源:http:/,The story that a kind girl was cheated by a boy met on line, tells us that there are a lot of cheats on line and we must be cautious.(30 words) I am greatly shocked by this story. Such a kind-hearted girl was cheated and laughed at by the cheat. She wanted to help the boy, but what the boy said was a trap.,免费精品资源:http:/,2018/12/17,免费精品资源:http:/,10,In my opinion, making friends on line is a good way to communicate with people from all over the world. However, every coin has two sides. When people try to make friends on line, they have to be very careful and cautious. Before meeting an on-line friend, they have to ensure that all the information concerning him or her is true. To solve the problems concerning making friends on line, I think, the government should take strong measures to punish those who cheat people on line. As for those Internet users, they should be cautious when making friends on line.(134 words),免费精品资源:http:/,


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