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    • 1、中国医科大学大学英语1(中专起点大专)在线作业 1    单选题 1 The television station apologized for the interference, which was () bad weather conditions.A becauseB due toC in thatD regardless of2 Equipment should be tested and maintained for proper operation on a regular().A baseB groundC basisD field3 Im afraid Ive got to be running along. See you later. ().A Very well.B My pleasure.C See you.D Never mind.4 Didnt you see the man () ?A I nodded just nowB whom I nodded just nowC I nodded to him just nowD I nodde

      2、d to just now5 The windows of the room () once a week.A has been cleanedB is cleanedC are cleanedD are cleaning6 (). Im terribly busy these days.A How do you do?B How old are you?C How are things with you, Jimmy?D Where are you from?7 With the work (), she felt greatly relieved.A doingB being doneC doneD been done8 I am sorry I have the wrong number.()A You are so careless.B You are so considerate.C It doesnt matter.D What is wrong?9 Its too late to prepare for tonights dinner. ().A Thats all ri

      3、ght.B Why not go and have dinner in a restaurant?C Its so great.D I dont think so.10 Your attitude, not your aptitude, will () your altitude.A underlineB imagineC determineD reward11 It would be great if you can play cards with us tomorrow. ().A Id love to. Where shall we meet?B I am not OK with that.C Who do we play with?D That is a piece of cake.12 Excuse me, () where Main Street is?     Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.A tell meB can you tellC you sh

      4、ould tell meD can you tell me13 Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? ().A No, I already have plans.B Im ill, so I shouldnt go out.C No, I really dont like being with you.D Id love to, but I am busy tonight.14 Theyve () several scenes in which I appeared.A cut throughB cut outC cut inD cut back15 Will it () long to get there? No. It's not far at all.A take meB come meC stay meD go me16 Shall I give you a ride as you look so tired? Thank you. ().A Its your duty.B Dont ment

      5、ion itC Do as you likeD It couldnt be better17 May I speak to Alice?Sorry, but she is out.()A Good bye.B Who are you?C Take care.D May I leave a message to her?18 We know that we stand on others shoulder and () we make progress.A inch by inchB hand in handC face to faceD side by side19 Professor Thomas, this is Miss Rita Smith. ().A My pleasureB Thats OKC Very niceD Nice to meet you20 () it is true remains a question.A IfB WhetherC WhereD How21 Of course, the best way to learn English varies ()

      6、person to person.A ofB aboutC throughD from22 Why dont we go to see a film now? ().A What are you talking about?B I am tied up.C What a delightful ideaD I dont want to go with you.23 () we see you again next year?A AreB DoC WillD Did24 Its high time the children () to school.A goB will goC are goingD went25 He () to school by bike everyday.A goB wentC goesD will go26 Without your support, we () .A would not succeedB would not have succeededC would not succeededD would have succeeded27 Good morni

      7、ng, Bob. How are you doing? ().A Hello.B Good evening.C Not too bad. And you?D How do you do?28 Im very pleased to know you. ().A ThanksB The pleasure is mineC Not at allD welcome29 Antarctic () we know very little is covered with thick ice all the year round.A whichB about whichC thatD where30 I () waste time when I was studying.A was used toB used toC will use toD use to31 May I introduce myself? Im Steward. ().A Pleased to meet youB What a pleasureC I dont knowD Thanks a lot32 Congratulations

      8、 on passing the college entrance examination. ().A Good jobB Thank youC Very wellD Not too bad33 He is a man of great experience, () much can be learned.A whoB thatC from whichD from whom34 Worldwide, approximately 100 million sharks are killed each year, 98% () for their fins.A exclusivelyB espectivelyC properlyD incredibly35 The boy () a cigarette in the bathroom by his mother.A caught smokingB was caught smokingC caught to smokeD was caught to smoke36 Rather than (), the wounded preferred to

      9、die.A surrenderingB to surrenderingC surrenderD to surrender37 Im wondering if you could give me some advice about my project. ().A Id rather sit here if you dont mind.B I think it might be a good idea to do some research first.C Certainly, why not?D Yes, I like these two places.38 Have a sweet dream, Honey! ().A Thank you all the same.B Yes, I will.C The same to you.D My pleasure.39 Hows your family? ().A How do you do?B Fine, thanks.C Thank you all the same.D Nice to meet you.40 Pardon me. I wonder if you could tell me how to ge


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